{Ark 0} Chapter 9: Pain and Discovery

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Hey everyone, the author here, and welcome. So here is the thing, I'm revisiting these old chapters and making necessary changes to each of them. I must say, not much will be changed in the old version but will be significantly better than the previous iteration. So with that out of the way, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

("Insert") = Translation

"Text" = Voice in head

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

[Quirk Name] = Active quirk

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


(Narrators POV)

The scene opens up to a dark and foreboding place, its main intention being to instill fear and dread in those held captive here. The walls are made of concrete, painted a dull gray, with harsh fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling, casting eerie lighting over the area. High-tech equipment and machinery line the walls, blinking or humming, adding to the ominous atmosphere. Tubes and wire run along the ceiling, transporting both data and electricity around the facility 

The scene shifts to another part of the facility: a sterile laboratory filled with high-tech equipment and machinery. One side of the room features a one-way glass, with what appears to be an observation room on the other side, filled with various tech devices. In the center of the room, a person is strapped to a metal table, their arms and legs restrained by thick metal cuffs. This person is our protagonist, Y/N, who is slowly regaining consciousness.

(Y/n POV)

As I slowly regained consciousness, I felt a throbbing pain in my head while my vision was blurry due to the harsh light from a bove. I tried to sit up/move but couldn't due to feeling something restricting my arms and legs. Panic set in, as I tried looking at my surroundings only to see that everything was still somewhat blurry. As my vision became more clear, I now got a good look at my surroundings.

I could see that I was strapped down to a metal table where various wires were attached to my body. The walls looked like they were made of concrete, while painted this bright white color. The air smelled of antiseptic and various chemicals used in hospitals. Next to my head was one of those life gauge monitors, it currently showing various readings of my vitals. The room itself was giving off this soft hum sound, a byproduct that was coming from the machinery here.

My heartbeat increased as I just realized: I was kidnapped. Fear gripped me as I began to trash against the restraints, but they wouldn't budge. I tried to use a quirk, but nothing happened. Not a moment later, the door to the room opened up. Looking in the direction of the sound filled with dread at the sight of who had entered the room.

???: Uh, good. You're finally awake.

Y/n: Dr Ch-ika-o Ta-na-k-a {Dr Chikao Tanaka}

Y/n: Dr Ch-ika-o Ta-na-k-a {Dr Chikao Tanaka}

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