{Ark 1} Chapter 2: Wasn't it supposed to be only a test???

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Author: Greetings everyone, and welcome back! Starting things up, we will be focusing on our precious cinnamon roll, y/n, mental state as well as possible concepts of how things may actually work in the MHA Universe. So without further haste, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

("Insert") = Translation

"Text" = Voice in head

Text = Memory

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

[Quirk Name] = Active quirk

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


[6 Apirl, 9:17 | Location: ????]

(Y/n POV)




Y/n: (*in awe and a bit intimidated*) Well this is very daunting, that's for sure.

Right before my very eye stood one of the most revered and esteemed high schools in the entirety of Japan.

Right before my very eye stood one of the most revered and esteemed high schools in the entirety of Japan

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U.A. High School...

A pristine institution with a staggering 0.2% acceptance rate, and here I was, standing like a complete statue as potential students walked past me as if I didn't exist.

Y/n: This is too overwhelming. I-I c-an't..I...

Doubts began to creep into my mind, whispering that I didn't deserve to be here, that I was out of my mind. As I was about to lose touch with reality, someone suddenly threw their arms around my neck, snapping me out of my thoughts.

???: Hey, Y/n, can you hear me? Everything going to be ok.

I looked to my right to see a familiar face.

I looked to my right to see a familiar face

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