{Ark 1} Chapter 9: Moving Day

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Hey everyone, the author here, and first off, I want to give my apologies for the delay in updating the story. I took a small break to recharge so I could get back into the right mindset for writing. Now, let me share some important news. This chapter will mark the conclusion of this particular ark, which means that the next release will be shifting our focus to the events currently happening in the RWBY universe. However, please bear in mind that this chapter will take some time to write, so please be patient. Other than that, there is nothing else I have to say other than this, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

"Text" = Voice in head

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

[Quirk Name] = Active quirk

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


(Y/n's POV)

[22 Apirl, 12:32 | Location: Musutafu, Midoriya residence]

[22 Apirl, 12:32 | Location: Musutafu, Midoriya residence]

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Here I stood, outside the front door of my childhood home. The door was wide open, revealing my parents, who were standing in the doorway. Their eyes held a mixture of pride and sadness as they looked at me. I was dressed in my school uniform, minus the blazer, with a backpack strapped to my back, carrying all my remaining essential items that I was taking with me. As I took a moment, my parents enveloped me in a warm, heartfelt hug.

Izuku: Take care of yourself, my son. We're going to miss you.

My mom, her smile shining through her tears, spoke up next.

Ochaco: Remember to call us often and keep us updated on everything.

Y/n: (*releasing from the hug*) I will.

With a final farewell, I left the property and began making my way to Tatooin station, where I would catch a train ride to U.A. The mixture of emotions in my heart made this moment bittersweet, but I knew that this wasn't permanent, and I would see them again whenever I had the time. So, with a deep breath, I continued my walk to the train station.

(Timeskip, 13:32 | Location: U.A High School, Heights Alliance)

A High School, Heights Alliance)

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