{Ark 0} Chapter 12: Light in the darkness

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Author: Greetings, everyone, and welcome to the revised chapter for 'The Abused Becomes a Hero'. So here is the thing, I'm revisiting these old chapters and making necessary changes to each of them. I must say, not much will be changed in the old version, but will be significantly better than the previous iteration. So with that out of the way, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.


The quirk I'll be using all comes from the page "Quirk Works" by the user "Quirk Wizard" on Tumblr. The link is here: https://quirkwizard.tumblr.com/

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

("Insert") = Translation

"Text" = Voice in head

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

[Quirk Name] = Active quirk

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


(No one POV)

The scene opens up to a dimly lit room, with the only source of light being the tiny bulb hanging from the ceiling. Currently lying on the uncomfortable bed, propped up against the wall was our protagonist. His chest kept on rising and falling, the only indication that he was alive. His once vibrant clothes have been reduced to tattered rags that hang off his body, an indication of slight malnutrition.

As the camera shifts slightly closer, the marks of his suffering become more visible. Scars and bruises littered his body, a result of the countless experiments and tests performed on him by that deranged doctor. The fact he was still sane was a testament to his mental fortitude. But it was his eyes that told the most harrowing story. The once bright, lively, shine they once held has now been replaced by this dull emptiness, devoid of any hope.

Despite his best efforts, he still was constantly battling against his inner demons that currently plague his mind. The nightmares that he had once thought were long gone, had now resurfaced, each one more vivid than the last. He could feel the weight of these memories dragging him down, drowning him to the point of giving up.

(Y/n POV)

I let out a deep sigh as he sat on this uncomfortable bed while thinking about how many days had passed since they took me captive. The room was dark, save for the single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. The air was thick, with the stench of sweat and iron lingering in the air.

Y/n: It's been two no maybe three... no four or five? weeks have passed... let's just say more than a month has passed and I'm still here.

I said to myself, barely above a whisper, but still echoing off the walls of my cell.

Y/n: They experimented on me, injecting various drugs, constantly fighting ever more difficult enemies, and worst of all, forcibly merging preexisting quirks together.


The voice started again, taunting me in my own mind. It was one of the many voices that had plagued my mind, all because of him, the one who kidnapped me. He has been using his quirk to mentally torture me. Trying to break and... almost succeeding.

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