hell on earth (kit walker)

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Warning: mentions of the mistreatments in braircliff

Briarcliff the worst place on earth, hell on earth you call it, a insane asylum for criminals, that's the thing you weren't insane nor a criminal.

You were sent here because your stepfather was murdered and you got the blame, you were going through hell for something you never did.

That's were you made friends with kit walker, he was like you, not insane and not a criminal, you and kit confided in each other for support.

And today that was what you needed, you had gotten into a ruckus with one of the nuns it braircliff,  refusing your "treatment", which was pure torture.

They restrained you like an animal, dragging you to have hydrotherapy, you hated it being in a tub of cold water then scolding hot, or shock treatment was another, either way it was torture.

They say it's to 'help you get better' the way you see it was to take their anger out, by using treatments on the patients.

You always went to kit with your troubles and worries he did with you too, but today was the worst you had ever experienced.

The hydrotherapy was worse then it ever was, the scolding hot water burning your skin, the cold was freezing that it nipped your skin.

You were out of the treatment room weak and exhausted, all you wanted to do was go in your room and be left alone.

But they dragged you into the common room, all eyes on you at your horrible state, you wanted to disappear, you sat on a chair at the back corner, hoping to be left alone.

The tears streaming down your face, you couldn't contain them anymore.

"Y/n" a comforting voice spoke snapping you out the thoughts your mind tortured you with.

"Kit" your voice distressed, broken, your eyes, glassy with the tears streamed down your face like a waterfall

Kit instantly engulfed you into his embrace, his chin resting on the top of your head. As you sobbed into his chest "what did they do y/n".

"Hydrotherapy" you mumbled into his now soaked chest, "they fucking made it ten times worse than usual" you sobbed, your weak body giving into him.

All kit could do was hold you, tell you that he's here for you, he knew that you never deserved that no one did.

"Those basterds" he said shaking his head in anger, holding you tighter but not too much to hurt your skin "you don't deserve that y/n" he whispered into your hair.

"You don't deserve to be in here" kit stated, he wished it was him they did that too and not you, he hated seeing your like this, hurt, distraught, in agony.

He learned to deal with the treatment that he got, and he wanted you to do the same, kit always had that hope that one day they will be out of there, free.

You resented this place, the nuns, the doctors, especially Dr. Arthur arden and his psycho experiments, he forced you to do, you had enough of it all.

You kept on sobbing and weeping into kit's chest, the tears uncontrollable, kit was holding you like his life depends on it, whispering thing in your ear like "everything is going to be alright".

"But it's not kit" you said pulling away from him, he wiped away your tears, your eyes red and puffy struggling to stay open.

"It's not all going to be fine we don't know what treatment we're going to get from the mad hatter up there, or from the nuns, and that fucking song 24/7" you cried out.

That song Dominic playing on repeat, driving you insane, on top of everything else, this place scared you, it was a mystery, even with everything you all already know.

"I know y/n but we'll get through it together me and you, we'll get through it I promise you" kit promised a single tear slipping out his eye, he hated seeing you like this.

"How'd you do it kit?" You asked wiping your tears away, the thought always crossed your mind, kit was resilient with this, not all the time, he did have his breakdowns that were completely understandable.

"What d'ya mean?" He asked confused kneeling infront of you, taking your hands in his.

"Be strong through this hell hole that we don't deserve to be in" you answered, kit sighed looking down at his feet, debating on answering your question.

With a deep sigh kit looked into your eyes "the only reason that keeps me going is you, y/n I need to stay strong for you, and I always have hope that one day we'll get out of here together" kit truthfully said.

You looked into his chocolatey orbs, in shock He is your best friend, but you couldn't deny the attraction you have towards kit, "really" you asked.

"Yes y/n everyday with you gives me hope of getting out this place with you be free" he smiled resting his forehead on yours, you couldn't help but smile.

"Oh kit" you smiled, hearing him say that lifted your spirits even if it was for a moment, it did "do you really think we're getting out of here?" You asked lit placing a hand on your cheek.

"Yes we will" he whispered to you, that was all you needed, to have hope, faith of getting out here and be with kit

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