Teaching the first grade(evan perers)

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Request: Evan peters x first year teacher who teaches first grade. Could it start out where she trashed college. It then transition to him helping her set up her classroom, and then once the years starts where she is overwhelmed being a first year teacher so he does all this sweet stuff and comforts her? Thanks!

For as long as you could remember you wanted to be a teacher helping children be educated and progress in their lives. Help them be something spark their curiosity about what they wanted to be. So when you made it to college you knew that you wanted to study education mostly for younger children such as first graders.

But college life outside of classes got the best of you struggling to keep up with classes sure you managed to pass most of your classes. But being late to most of them and finding things hard. You made loads of friends even met people who didn't go to college such as Evan peters who then progressed to become your boyfriend later on.

Even though you failed some classes you were determined to full-fill your dreams in becoming a teacher. Asking to take extra time in your work to get the grades you needed to seek further in your education. In which all paid off well.
After a few years of studying you finally made it in your dreams. Getting a job as a first grade teacher you were nervous about how it would play out but Evan stood by your side throughout the process. Helping you set up your classroom. "Where do you want this?" He asked holding a box filled with things to decorate your classroom. "On one of the desks at the back please" you answered stapling some things on the wall to give the glum looking room some character for the children.

You and Evan spent the day moving desks so the tables would be in groups of four. You had a whole idea set up, a vision of how to make the class fun for the children yet still educational. "I'm so nervous for Monday" you said finishing the last piece of wall decoration. "You'll do amazingly, I mean when I was in first grade I didn't have superheroes and barbie dolls in my classroom, you'll be the best teacher ever" Evan reassures you his hands on your shoulders placing a chaste kiss on your cheeks.

You felt anxious and overwhelmed by the whole situation, sure this is what you wanted but now that it's officially happening the reality was setting in. It wasn't going to be easy by any means being responsible for a class of 20-25 children. "I hope you" you sighed finishing off the last pieces of your classroom.
Monday soon rolled around fast, the first school year. You woken up early barely able to even sleep due to your nerves. Picking out some dress pants and a white shirt you quickly got changed and applied some light makeup straightening your hair. Evan was still asleep light snores echoed through the room.

You went into the kitchen to make some coffee and eat your overnight oats for breakfast. You were to busy looking Through emails before you had to leave you didn't see Evan sluggishly walking into the kitchen. "Morning babe" he yawned running his tired eyes.

"Good morning" anxiety seeped through your tone Evan took notice wrapping his arms around your waist. "You'll do amazingly those kids are going to have the best teacher ever" he praised placing a kiss on your cheek. "You really think so?" You asked your hands on top of his on your waist. "I know so you'll take to it like a fish in water".

You were in your classroom getting everything prepared for your class coming in. You felt more nervous than before, hands trembling wiping over each desk. The clock showed 7:49am, ten minutes before your class officially starts you prepared all the last minute details such as pencils and paper for drawings.

8:00am rolled around you stood outside your classroom waiting on the children to arrive. Seeing all the children lined up outside the classroom smiles on their faces guided by the older grade as their buddy for a few weeks while they all settle into the school.

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