Next chapter (kit walker smut)

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Married life was great to kit walker, he never used to see himself the type to marry until he met you. He knew from the moment he saw you, you were the one. Now two years into your happy marriage, routine was almost the same. You would sat together for breakfast, kit would go off to work, come home and have dinner then cuddle up on the sofa by the coal fire.

Kit was at work filling a families car up with gas, he couldn't help but smile to himself seeing the couple's toddlers carrying on the backseat. Kit finished filling the tank up with gas, the husband paid kit for the job thanking him. Luckily it was almost the end of his shift, he just couldn't wait to get home and see you.

"Have a nice day" kit smiled waving them off in his usual friendly manner. Walking back into the garage plopping himself down on the chair with a sigh. His mind drifted off, thinking what life would be like for you and him if you both had a couple of kids running around. His heart swelled at the thought.

You both previously spoke about children not planning anything, a mutual agreement that if you were to end up pregnant one day it would be great news, but it wasn't set in stone. For a few weeks now kit had been thinking about starting a family, he knew he was ready for a baby. But he also knew you would be carrying the baby for nine months 'would you be even ready?' Kit thought. Not realising the time kit's shift came to an end grabbing his jacket closing the garage, he set off home. Planning on maybe bringing the baby subject to the table later tonight.

You were at home just finished making dinner for you and kit, the radio playing in the background. Just like clockwork kit entered through the door with his usual room shining smile. "Honey I'm home" he sang making you smile. "Hey how was work?" You asked setting the tea towel down on the counter. Kit made his way over to you wrapping you up in a hug, "it was okay nothing special just glad to be back home with you" he smiled against your lips before pressing them to yours in a chaste kiss.

'Then he kissed me by the crystals' played making you grin at the coincidence. "Ironic" kit chuckled pulling away from your lips. "Then he asked me to be his bride, I'll always be right by his side" you sang along your arms around his neck. Kit just smirked letting you enjoy the song. "Dinners ready" you spoke up once the song ended. "Perfect" he whispered.

After dinner you were cleaning the dishes whilst kit got out his work clothes. The radio back on playing throwbacks 'blueberry hill by fats domino' playing, you hummed along it was one the very song that played when you met kit. "For you were my thrill, on blueberry hill" kit entered back into the kitchen singing along, wrapping his strong arms around your waist from behind still singing along, swaying you both gently to the song.

You smiled leaning your head back on his chest, shoulders deflated in comfort. Kit's chin resting on your shoulder peppering soft kisses along your exposed neck. A content sigh left your lips feeling at home with your husband's arms around your waist. "Let's make a baby" kit whispers into your ear, your eyes shot open. Turning your body to face him, arms still around your waist.

"A baby?" You asked unsure if you heard him right. Sure you would adore having a baby with kit but you always assumed if it happens. "Yeah come on, think about it honey a little mini us running around" kit's voice soft and gentle swaying you both to the love songs on the radio.

You thought about it for a moment sure you felt ready to start a family but didn't think kit was just yet. "Are you sure kit it is a huge responsibility" you question, "I'm more than sure, only if you want to have a baby after all it's your body" kit assures. You smile sweetly at your husband nodding your head. "Okay let's try for a baby" you bit your lip.

Kit smiled pressing his lips to yours gingerly making you melt into his lips. Your arms wrapped around his neck once again bringing him closer to you. From the sweet kiss turned heated and passionate, kit leading you both to your shared bedroom with little to no effort. You giggled nearly tripping over each other entering the bedroom.

"Now are you sure about this kit" you asked one more time taking your dress off along with your undergarments. "I'm more than sure, just the thought of you pregnant does things to me" kit groaned laying you gently on the bed, he took his clothes off before climbing on top of you. His lips back on you, your body reacting to his gentle touches, like putty in his hands.

Kit took his hardened erection between your folds using your arousal as a lubricant, slipping inside of you with a groan, your hands gripped onto his biceps a sigh leaving your own plump lips. Your head felt light at the sudden sensation your walls accustomed to his size. Kit peppers your cheek with loving kisses, his eyes were clouded with nothing but love and affection with the faintest hint of lust.

It was like on your wedding night all over again when he was the first person to ever touch you in such a way. Now a new special moment in your life, kit wanted this moment to be as romantic as possible. He retracted his hips starting in a slow passionate pace. Soft sighs left your lips, your hair tossled around the pillows beneath your head. "I love ya so much suga" kit mumbles his rough hand guided your leg over his waist.

"I love you" you panted out running a hand through his chocolatey hair. "I can't wait for us to have a baby" he says his thrusts a little more faster but still as loving as before. You moaned at the sudden quickening pace of his hips. Your walls fluttered around him greedily around him.

Kit already felt close to the edge trying to contain himself for a little longer. Your hips lifted making kit hit that spot to make you come undone for him. "I'm so close" you moaned out your grip tightened around his toned arms. "Me too baby, I'm gonna to fill you up so fucking good" he whispers burying his head in the crook of your neck.

Your breath catches in the back of your throat as the overwhelming force of your release washes over you. "Oh my god" you loudly moan, back arched, nails sinking into kit's arm triggering his own release. With a low moan kit released inside your velvety walls, not letting a drop go to waste. Your legs shaking with the slight overstimulation.

Once kit was sure he milked every drop of his cum inside you, he pulled out making you whimper at the loss of contact. You felt the mixture of yours and kit's release drooling down your legs, kit chuckling to himself before grabbing a towel to clean you up. Your legs shaking ever so slightly, his hand running along your leg soothing you.

"You need anything, water?, food?" He asked stroking your cheek. "Just some water please" you replied with a lopsided smile. Kit nodded his head getting your water and discarding the towel. You sat on the bed thinking about the possibility that you created a new life just now. A huge milestone in your marriage, a smile creeping on your lips.

"What's got you smiling?" Kit entered the room holding the glass of water, mimicking your smile. "Just thinking" you sighed as kit handed you the glass of water, you took a sip as he crawled into bed beside you. "About?" He questioned further. You placed the cold glass on your nightstand getting yourself more comfortable, head resting on his broad chest. "About the fact we're trying for a baby".

Kit's hand stroking your arm, his other arm that's free resting behind his head, deep in thought. "I know it's crazy to think" he whispered with the same smile on his lips. "You know"- you turned your body so your chin rested on his chest, kit raised his eyebrow at you for you to continue. "It's might take a good few tries till we get pregnant".

"I guess we gotta keep trying then" kit smirks flipping you both over, a laugh erupting from your lips.

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