second best (colin zable)

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Request: Maybe one where the protagonist is in love with Colin, but Colin -at first- is only interested in Mare. And, faced with Mare's refusal to go out with Colin, he invites the protagonist on a date and maybe from there be able to develop the story a bit. That she doesn't know that he was inviting her because of Mare's refusal or something like that. I don't know if I'm making myself clear

You sat in the office of the station observing the man you loved falling for another woman mare, it broke you inside knowing you can't say anything because you know that Colin zable isn't into you only friends but you were learning to live with that from now on.

You watched the way his smile shone bright whenever mare entered a room or spoke to him you wished you were the one he would smile like that to, but you weren't.

You had your airpods in listening to your playlist trying to take your mind off Colin, it worked for thirty seconds max till you saw someone seating infront of you at your desk, lifting your head up to see none other than Colin sitting infront of you with a polite smile, you took your airpods out giving Colin your undivided attention.

"What you listening to?" He asked trying to make conversation with you, "Ryan Adams gimme something good" you answered Colin nodded at your response noticing the hint of annoyance in your tone, "you okay you seem annoyed" he then went to ask you just shook your head in protest, "I'm fine just tired that's all couldn't sleep" you lied hoping Colin bought your lie.

"Alright erm boss wants to talk to you" Colin said leaving you alone mentally face slapping yourself at your tone with Colin you didn't mean it of course you didn't but you couldn't help but be fulfilled with jealousy seeing Colin falling for his partner mare.

Weeks went on since you spoke to Colin you laid on your bed since it was your day off reading a book your friend suggested to you at her bookclub, you phone rang you took the device in your hands seeing Colin was calling you making your heart skip a beat, "hello" you voice echoed down the phone.

"Y/n what are you doing tonight?" Colin asked you could sense his nervousness throught the phone you imagined him probably biting his nails with his nerves, "erm nothing that I'm aware of why?" You were surprised that he called you never mind asked what you had planned for tonight making you more curious of what Colin would say next.

"Well I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to dinner with me at that new fancy restaurant you know like a erm date o-only if you want to that's what I mean" he stuttered you couldn't help but blush knowing Colin couldn't see he was finally asking you out on a date, "Yeah sure" you said grinning like the Cheshire cat, "great I'll pick you up at seven" you could almost hear Colins smile through the phone at your acceptance.

"Okay see you then colin" you said biting your lip to suppress your excitement, ending the phone call running straight to your closet finding a dress that suits the occasion pulling out a simple black dress that was casual yet showed your curves perfectly, deciding it was nice enough to dress it up a little more but first you hopped into the shower.

Once you got out of the shower you dried your hair tieing it up with a hair tie, you flicked through your playlist playing all different songs getting you in the happy mood for your date with Colin, you felt the butterfly's in your stomach as you applied your makeup going for a light base with winged eyeliner and a nude lip.

Before you even knew it time flew by and it was seven o'clock, you did one last check in the mirror deciding you looked good you grabbed your keys seeing Colin outside his car waiting on you, you locked your front door skipping to Colin with a shy smile on your face.

"Wow you look beautiful" was the first thing Colin told you when you finally were face to face with him, making you blush whispering a small "Thank you" to him Colin opened the passenger side of his car for you like a gentleman you slipped into his vehicle.

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