beautiful boy(kai Anderson)

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A/n: I had this idea to make a kai Fluff and its actually too adorable at the end 😭

The wind blowing around the Michigan Park as you pulled your coat tighter around your frame your jaw slightly jitters watching your four year old son play, "Kingsley come on we need to go home it's freezing buddy" you called walking over to your small child before he ended up catching a cold.

You held your sons hand walking him to your car, "let go home to daddy little guy" you smiled strapping Kingsley into his carseat, your son was in a world of his own as you heated up the car before driving home to your husband.

You dreaded coming home to your husband he wasn't the same like he used to be when you were first married he was loving, kind, he would touch a hair on anyone's head but now he's mean, selfish, dangerous and addicted to adderall you wish he would change for Kingsley but no you were left to pick the pieces up.

Kai is a good father not the best but he knew how to look out for his family, maybe a bit too much he was the heli parent the type to keep everything and anything away from your son whilst you wanted to let your explore the world around him, have fun get his senses going with the outer world.

"Do you want Dino nuggies for dinner sweetface" you asked looked up at the rear view mirror to see your sons approval, "yes momma" he giggled kicking his legs in glee, "okay I'll make them once we get home".

Once you got home there was no one in or so you thought when you heard commotion from down stairs in the basement, "Hey buddy why don't you watch something on your ipad till mommy sees daddy" you said grabbing your sons ipad and headphones "okay mama" Kingsley smiled.

You placed the headphones on your sons head putting on some cartoon he likes that will keep him entertained till you let kai know that you were home, you never liked when kai held the meetings when Kingsley was home you didn't want him to be exposed to that stuff ever but kai was reluctant otherwise Kingsley was his messiah you hated it he was his son not a messiah.

You made your way down the basement seeing all the cult members listening to kai's words till he stopped his eyes on yours "y/n your home" he said he didn't expect you to be home till he realised he told you he'd be an hour and it had been two that went by "Yeah erm Kingsley is watching his ipad" you said unsure what to say.

"That's it for today everyone" kai said you knew that was your queue to go back upstairs to Kingsley you didn't want him to see his fathers cult, you went back upstairs before anyone else taking Kingsley to the kitchen to help you make dinner.

"Mama can we watch a movie tonight with daddy?" Your four year old asked you let out a smile and nodded "of course we can after you have your bath then we can watch cars your favourite" you said watching your son jump with glee.

You heard the front door close and kai entering the kitchen wrapping his arms around your waist, he always showed affection towards you ever since you were pregnant with Kingsley you loved it to say the least but you couldnt deal with the cult, "what you making?" Kai asked.

"Dinno nuggies for Kingsley and a pizza for us also Kingsley wants to watch a movie with us tonight so he can come in our room tonight" you said turning around to face kai, "y/n you know he needs to sleep in his own room he's just gotten used to it" kai said with a stern face.

"It's just for tonight you know you hated it when he's not with us kai" you pout kai shook his head in protest, "actually it was great we had privacy" he smirked his hand now resting on your ass, Kingsley now off to play with his toys.

"Well it's just for one night kai" you chuckled moving away from him to check on your son, kai following behind, "daddy come play with me" Kingsley beamed playing with his toy cars, "sure buddy" kai said going to play with Kingsley.

You observed your husband and son interact it always mesmerised you how loving kai was to your son, never shouted infront of him, was very patient with him, everything he wasn't to anyone else you loved that about kai, he showed his son love wanting to make his childhood as normal as possible.

As the night rolled on you and kai bathed Kingsley got his favourite pyjamas on which were his spiderman ones that his auntie winter bought him for their pyjama party a few months back, now all of you ready for bed Kingsley sat in the middle of the bed between you and kai as the opening credits of Disney cars played.

Kingsley was snuggled up to his father who had an arm wrapped around you both holding you close, kai hated to admit he liked physical touch from people but at night when it was the three of you he always had his arm around you both keeping you close as a family, you always loved it when he did this since it was the only time he did.

Kingsley had his hand out for you to trace your finger over it something he always did to help him sleep at night whilst the other hand on kais ear playing it it ( side note idk why but my little sister always did this to help her sleep and it really fucking hurt) not even halfway into the movie Kingsley was sound asleep little light snores leaving his lips, his fingers still playing with kais ear making sure his dad doesn't go anywhere.

"Aww look at him he's too cute" you whispered to kai who was already observing his son with a proud smile, "we really did get lucky with him didn't we" he sighed his eyes now on you with such love and admiration, something that you saw more since Kingsley was born, kai got a lot softer since becoming a father well to you, your son and his sister but he was the same kai to everyone else you didn't care about that though.

"You know I think we should have another baby someone he can play superheroes with" kai suggested you were taken aback at your husbands words, you didn't think he would want another baby unless it was for the cult, "you really want another baby kai?" You asked needing to hear him say it again, "I'm being serious y/n what do you say one or two more" he said you couldn't help but smile your eyes filled with love for the man infront of you.

You glanced down at Kingsley making your smile even brighter, "okay we'll try for another baby" you agreed laying your head on the pillow, if it were up to kai you would probably be pregnant with your third child by now he wanted as many kids as possible with you but you wanted a small family two maybe three kids most.

"I love you" you yawned the weight of the night washing over you, "I love you too" kai yawned back turning the tv off before falling asleep with you and your son in his arms making him feel like the luckily man on earth

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