Why do you only call me when you're high? (warren lipka)

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It all started around three months ago, you laid in your boyfriends bed watching movies with your boyfriend of a little over a year. It felt nice to relax in each other's presence instead of biting each other's heads off, constantly arguing about the smallest of things.

You laid on warrens chest feeling his chest raise and fall. Warrens mind was elsewhere probably high he felt tense underneath your frame. Puzzled you looked up at him through your lashes offering a smile. "You okay babe?". Warren snapped out his trance looking at you his eyes held all sorts of emotions doubt, uncertainty, regret, heartache. "Yeah I'm fine" he tried to shrug you off.

"Come on warren something is bothering you, talk to me" your voice was reassuring that he can talk to you about anything. Warren pondered in his thoughts he knew what he was going to say would destroy you.

"I'm just thinking about us" he sighed your smile dropped hearing the tone in his voice. "What about us?" You asked feeling anxiety creeping into you. "I don't think it's working anymore we argue all the time" warren stated. The tears rimmed your eyes threatening to spill.

"Yeah but couples have arguments we manage to get through them warren" you pleaded as the salty tears cascaded down your cheeks. "Come on y/n we try to get through them in fact we don't we sweep them under the rug I think it's best if you just go" he sighed.

You felt your break more with each second that passed. You got out of the bed your eyes puffy and red from the crying. "So that it we're over then" you scoffed. "You always bitch at me for getting high and going out with my friends" warren argued.

"That's because when your out getting high you get yourself into deep shit warren, what sort of girlfriend would I be if I didn't care" you pointed out before leaving the house making sure to slam the door behind you.


Warren sat in his car a spliff dangling between his fingers, his mind raced thinking of you like it always did nowadays. He looked at himself in the rear view mirror, he looked exhausted, bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days. But he didn't care he just wanted to see you.

Before warren knew it he had his phone in his hand, his thumb hovering over your number. Giving in he clicked call placing his phone to his ear waiting on your answer.

You laid in bed tossing and turning trying to get to sleep but it was no use. You had been like this for days, weeks even ever since warren broke up with you. You missed him but all he did was call you when he was drunk or high which you didn't have the time for.

Your phone sang it's ringtone, you knew what this meant you looked at your phone seeing it was 1:30AM, letting out a sigh warren's number showing on the screen swiping your thumb to decline the call.

You contemplated on switching your phone off but you needed the alarm on so you could get up in a few hours. You turned back around trying to get back to sleep but your phone kept getting notifications after notifications all from your ex boyfriend.

' hey are you awake?'
'Why no answer?'
'Come on y/n answer'
'Please babe'

You let out a frustrated groan all you wanted to do was sleep but as per usual you couldn't. You started to text on your phone, you had enough of warren texting and calling you late it night like you broke it off with him. You just wanted to move on from him.

'Warren I'm trying to sleep what do you want?'

'I need to see you please y/n'

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