Appreciation (Kai anderson smut)

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A/n: I'm not too sure if I like this

The light in the basement barely light the room, eerie the room felt and the atmosphere within the room. You stood in front of your divine ruler Kai Anderson as he examined you like a wild animal watching their prey. You felt nervous Kai asked to speak to you privately only thing was you wouldn't know if it was good or bad.

You knew you followed his every instructions without hesitation, you were devoted to him he was god like to you and many of his loyal followers. But you would bend over backwards for kai and he knew this and used it to his advantage. "Y/n I've seen how loyal you have been to me so don't think it's going unnoticed, you truly go above and beyond for the movement" kai said with a expressionless composure.

You bit your lip in nervousness you wouldn't know what was going to happen next, he took steps closer to you taking your chin between his fingertips. Nodding your head you listened carefully to kai like always. "So in appreciation to your unconditional loyalty and gratitude, I want to reward you" Kai gestured you to take his hand guiding you to the couch in the middle of the basement.

The mood in the room shifted Kai's grip on your hand was soft unlike any other time when it would hurt. His eyes showed a little emotion unlike the deadness they always held. You both sat on the couch before you could say anything Kai crashed his rough lips on your soft ones. You felt the air getting knocked out your lungs the kiss fulfilled with hunger and lust.

You felt like putty in his cruel hands, his grip on your neck holding you in place, his lips showed dominance as they attacked your own. A moan left your lips, your body laid on on the sofa Kai straddling you, his hands roaming under your t-shirt exploring every curve of your body. You shivered in anticipation under his touch. Feeling a rush of wetness soak your panties, Never did your thought you would ever have Kai like this, you only dreamed of this moment for so long.

Kai pulled your t-shirt off your body throwing it near the tv in front of you both. You sat up only to be pushed back down by his grip on your neck. A moan left your lips as his grip tightened. "Such a dirty little slut" he smirked darkly you felt a rush of weakness soak through your panties hearing him degrading you. Kai then proceeded to remove your underwear not bothering to remove the skirt that was hiked up over your ass now.

Kai was quick to remove all his clothes, you felt embarrassed you never been like this with Kai before, it felt like the first time all over again. "Come on don't be shy, you were quite loud with my hand around your neck" he remarked cockily. You slowly spread your legs allowing Kai to slot himself between them.

Kai wasted no time entering your wet heat without warning. You let out a cry "FUCK", your hands gripped the armrest of the couch. His thrusts were fast already not giving you time to adjust. Even though you never slept with Kai before you knew he wasn't the kind to be soft and gentle not that you minded him being rough.

"Fuck your pussy feels so good" Kai hissed through gritted teeth.

Your body jolted violently, Kai's hips slamming against yours. Your loud moans filled the basement, Kai's hard grip on your hip you were sure he would leave bruises there as well as his grip on your throat. You mind clouded you never been fucked like this before by anyone you couldn't get enough of it.

Kai suddenly pulled out of you, a disappointed groan left your lips looking up at him. "What's wrong?" You asked breathlessly moving your hair away from your face. "Turn around" kai instructed you did as you were told your arms and chin resting on the armrest of Kai's sofa, wiggling your ass in-front of your divine ruler.

Kai re-positioned himself with your entrance, giving your ass a smack before ramming himself into you. "Fuck Kai" you cried out. His hand kept colliding with your ass leaving red hand prints on the flesh. The feeling felt so good, "fuck your so tight" Kai grunted his thrusts showing you no mercy.

You soon felt dangerously close to the edge, "I'm so close" you warned Kai pulled you by the throat so your back was flush against him. Your hand holding onto the headrest of the sofa to steady yourself as Kai thrusted up into you. "Don't cum yet" he instructed you moaned out in disappointment but tried your best to follow his instructions.

Kai's grip on your throat tightened his free hand trailed down your body to your clit, circling the bundle of nerves "Kai please let me cum please" you choked out your legs trembling, you felt Kai begin to twitch inside of you "cum for me" he whispered into your ear. You didn't need to be told twice letting go over Kai's cock with a loud moan.

Your legs trembling more as your orgasm ripped through you like nothing before, Kai continues to thrust into you keeping his harsh pace. Tears picked your eyes with overstimulation till Kai's hips stilled, spilling his seed into you with a low moan. Your legs still trembled feeling full.

Kai pulled out once he was done you tried to push yourself off the sofa but your legs didn't allow you. Kai dressed himself whilst you tried to collect yourself pulling your skirt down. "Get cleaned up we have a meeting in twenty minutes" was the last thing Kai had said to you.

You got cleaned up and redressed just in time for the rest of the cult coming in the basement. Kai gave his lecture never taking his eyes off you, blushing at the eye contact you wondered when the next time you would be alone with Kai. Clinging on to his every last word you really were his most loyal follower.

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