Beautiful disaster (austin sommers smut)

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Request: about your post where you say you wanna write about austin, charles or alex: i can only think about smut and im dying for a fic with female edging where she is stimulated for a very long time with a vibrator, some pussy slaps and/or whipping, and fingering itself.

The tears streamed down your face, your eyes begging Austin to give in to your needs. But all he did was smirk wickedly at your current state like a beautiful disaster. Your chest raised and fell rapidly, your throat in pain from all the desperate pleas and moans that bubbled within you. "Please Austin I'm begging you please let me cum" you cried out wriggling your hips but Austin removed the vibrator from your swollen clit.

A frustrated whine left your lips for the hundredth time tonight. Every time you were dangerously close to the edge Austin would remove the vibrator from your engorged clit chuckling to himself. Your skin felt hot and red from the pleasure and frustration Austin was giving you, you wanted to cum so desperately you would do anything.

"Austin please let me cum I'm begging you please" you pleaded with him. Austin just looked at you like he was considering it but you knew he wouldn't give in to you that easily especially when he's in his naughty, mischievous mood. With each time Austin brought the vibrator to your clit you were reaching your orgasm quicker than before. "I would let you cum but... I love seeing you beg me with those tears" his eyes examined your body from how flustered your face was to the arousal seeping out your pussy.

He brought his hand to your wet core running his index finger along your folds to your clit circling the throbbing bundle of nerves teasingly. Your legs shaking from what felt like hours of edging a desperate whine leaving your lips quickly overtaken by a loud gasp as his palm slapped your pussy a few times. God did it feel so good you thought bucking your hips to his hand desperate for anything to cum.

Austin removed his hand from you just kneeling on the bed watching you. You brought your hand down to your clit trying to get yourself off. "Ah, ah, ah no touching or else I'll have to tie you up again" he warned a huff left your lips. You put both your hands under you so you couldn't attempt to touch yourself like Austin instructed. "Good girl" he hummed bringing the vibrator back to your clit.

Your eyes scrunching shut, your mouth hung open letting all the whines, moans and whimpers fall freely. You hoped and prayed that Austin would let you cum your hips bucking up Austin held pink toy securely on your throbbing clit. Your legs shaking almost violently from the desperation a audible moan left your lips feeling Austin slip two fingers inside you with his other hand.

His fingers curled inside you hitting that one stop that is bound to make you come undone underneath him. You we're dangerously close to the edge once again, Austin could tell that wicked smirk never leaving his lips. Your body wriggling chasing your high quicker "please Austin please let me cum" you begged you couldn't take it anymore so desperate for your release.

"Cum for me" he hummed turning the vibration up higher and pumping his fingers faster. The second he said those words you let go. Your orgasm ripped throw you like a ton of bricks your back arched, your eyes rolled back a moan almost like a scream escaped you. Coating Austin's fingers with your release your legs still shaking with the overstimulation as Austin continues to pump his fingers into you riding out your blissful release.

"No more Austin I can't take it" you whined pulling away from his touch. Austin pulled the vibrator and his fingers away from your aching pussy. He admired you for a brief moment "you did so well for me" he hummed placing a kiss on your lips. You felt exhausted your eyes threatening to fall shut. "Tired?" He asked moving your hair that stuck on your face from the tears away, you nodded your head a yawn escaped you. "Get some rest I'll clean up" he replied letting you drift off into slumber.

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