Broken angel (jmp)

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From the very beginning you had that slight doubt in the back of your mind, did he still love her?, I'm a just a replacement?, will he go running back to the countess?. All the thoughts ran through your mind, you loved James, worshipped him like a loving partner but you didn't think he loved you that way.

You knew all about the long history between james and the countess how he would chase after her, begging for her back like a dog. You never really knew what he saw in you to make you his, you didn't think you were anywhere close to as beautiful the countess is.  You just didn't understand.

Now laying on the bed of James room on the floor that never allowed anyone it was still the same from the 1930s, waiting him coming back from a dinner with the countess. You hated that he still did those you never knew what he would do, he tells you it's purely for the hotel but it was understandable why you were sceptical of it. The fear eating at you but there was nothing you could do but just sit and wait.

Another hour later James entered the room, dressed smartly as per usual, a grin on his face. You felt uneasy as to why he was all cheery tonight. "Ah, dearest how was your night?" he chimed pouring himself a glass of his fine whisky. "It was okay, how was your night with the countess?" You said with jealously laced in your words.

"Do I detect some jealousy in your voice dear?" James asked sipping on his whisky not really minding the bitter taste. Shaking your head trying to dismiss your blunt tone. "Dear I know you don't like the fact I have monthly dinners with my ex wife but it's purely for the hotel" James reassured taking a step closer the crystal glass with brown liquid still in his hand, but you still held that glint of doubt in your eyes.

With a heavy sigh you nodded "okay if you say so", James felt a pang of hurt hearing your words. "It's true dear the countess is ancient history." James placed the glass on whisky down with a furrow brow, stepping closer to you till he seated himself beside you on the bed. His cold fingers brushing a strand of hair away from your face.

"But you my dear are present and future You mean more to me than the countess ever has, I truly mean that" James voice soft and velvety sending shivers down your spine.

"You sure?" You asked looking into his eyes, they held nothing but love and admiration and a hint of hurt for the woman in front of him. His hand cupped your cheeks with thumb grazing your the tear that rolled down your cheek removing the salty liquid. "Don't cry dear I'm positive you are the most important thing in my existence" James whispers even with tears stained cheeks and red puffy eyes you still looked beautiful to James, like a broken angel right now.

You smiled leaning into his touch more, your hand atop of his. "You really mean that?" You asked with a voice above whisper. "Of course in fact I'm going to show you that you're the most dearest thing to me" James says with a soft smirk tugging on his pencil moustache lips. The cold air from his body gently pushed you into the bed so you were on your back, James straddles you looking down at your glassy eyes that leaked the tears.

"You truly are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" he whispers softly placing his ice cold lips over your tear stained cheeks kissing the salty tears away.

Your felt your heart swell with that simple action. James kissed your lips you could taste the salty tear that once rolled down your cheek on his lips but you didn't mind.

James kissed your lips with passion that made your worries disappear in a flash. Your warm, soft hand cupped his cold cheek as your velvet soft lips returned the kiss. James had you pinned between him and mattress his lips still on yours, every emotion that he felt he put into the kiss. His cold hand on your hip pulling you closer to him.

James's lips trailed from your lips to your neck effortlessly finding that spot to make you melt like putty in his ghostly cruel hands. A small sigh left your lips as his hands traced the curve of your body stopping just below your breast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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