circumstances (colin zable)

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You knew from the get go that being a detective would be a life risking job at times but you were always careful everywhere you went, you were street smart since you needed to be, you were more clued up than people would think that's why you made it to the position you were in at your job.

Working on a case with your fellow partner from work and outside of work Colin zable, you had started seeing each other over a year ago after things got a bit heated between you both at a works night out, then from there on you became close going on dates when you both had a day or night off, bringing coffee and bagels to one another coming to work.

Your co-workers thought you were so cute together and colin's mother absolutely adored you, but only thing was you and Colin never made it official putting a label on you both which left you confused on why you both hadn't.

But you let it slide focusing on the case with Colin, the reason why you and Colin were put on this specific case was when it came to a mysterious murder you and him were on the ball leaving no stone unturned dedicated to giving justice to the victim and their family.

You were looking at files, interrogating suspects the lot but you couldn't think of who could be responsible for the crime, until you checked your files over again Colin sat on the chair across from your desk analysing your files with you, "I got it, I fucking got it" you beamed jumping up from your chair making Colin flinch at your sudden reaction.

"What is it?" He asked watching as you just smiled brightly, "we have our guy remember him we interrogated the guy from downtown Richard Thomson he said that the victim was with him a week before they died well turns out he left out this part and we completely missed it" you beamed showing Colin the file you missed containing information that the victim was selling drugs for the suspect and never paid them their cash back leaving them the new main suspect.

"Y/n your a genius now we need to get the warrant to search the guys place and arrest him" Colin said both of your grabbing your coats to get a warrant issued as soon as possible.

Once the warrant was issued you and Colin drove all the way out to the suspects house with backup on stand by, but what you never expected was your main suspect to be waiting for you both armed.

You knocked the door of your suspect Richard's house waiting on him answering, he opened the door slightly peaking his head through the door, "can I help you?" He asked immediately recognising you both, "Richard Thomson your under arrest for murder" you smirked seeing the guilty look on his face when those words left your lips.

Richard ran into the house making you and Colin chase after him till you both found him with a gun in hand aiming for one of you, you didn't expect him to actually pull the trigger the bullet flying to you, all you did was close your eyes waiting on the pain but it never came, instead all you heard was a screeching yell coming from Colin and another shot of a gun barrel making you snap your eyes open seeing him on the floor with a gunshot wound on his abdomen.

"Shit Colin" you yelled kneeling down to him making sure he was alive, "grab the gun y/n he's down" he hissed in pain you looked at Richard who was on the floor also the gun a few centimetres away from him also a gunshot wound on his leg, you quickly grabbed the gun giving it to Colin before cuffing Richard till back up came with ambulance.

About five minutes later back up came along with the chief officer and ambulance taking Richard away and the ambulance taking Colin to the hospital, "will he be okay?" You asked tears slipping out your eyes that bullet was meant to hit you not him, you were in such turmoil that you didn't even hear your boss trying to talk with you and calm you down.

"Y/n he will be fine they need to remove it and once he recovers he'll be back to the old Colin in no time" the Chief said with a hand on your shoulder and a soft sympathetic smile, but his attempt to calm you down never worked you were so worried watching the ambulance place Colin on those stretchers, "go with him we'll take it from here" Chief said you just nodded unable to talk making your way into the ambulance by colins side.

You sat there as the ambulance did what they had to do before Colin got to the hospital, all the thoughts screaming at you, if you were more careful like always Colin wouldn't have got shot at, he saved your life almost losing his own if it was a few inches higher, one of the paramedics asked you questions but you couldn't hear them with being in such shock.

"Sorry" you said wiping the tears snapping back into reality, "is there family of detective zable you can call yo inform them, he'll need surgery as soon as possible" they told you, with a nod you grabbed your cellphone looking for Colin's mothers number awaiting for her to answer.

"Y/n dear hello is everything alright" Ms zable asked hearing you cry down the phone, "no Ms zable it's Colin we were arresting a suspect and Colin got shot we're in the ambulance right now he needs surgery I'm so sorry Ms zable" you cried feeling terrible.

"Oh what no I'll be right there" she said now in a frantic state which was absolutely understandable, you couldn't remember getting to the hospital now in the waiting room with colin's mother in a world of your own till your felt Ms zable's hand on yours giving it a squeeze, "you alright dear obviously your not" she said you glanced her way with red, puffy, glassy eyes you were exhausted with what happened in the last few hours you didn't realise the amount of time that went by in silence.

"It's all my fault if I were more careful he wouldn't have got shot, what am I saying the bullet was aimed at me not Colin he took that bullet when it should have been me" you burst into a ball of tears once again colin's mother cradling you in her arms her hand running up and down your back to calm you down, "I know honey it's killing you that happened but Colin will be okay after all he's like his mother a strong cookie he'll be fine in no time" she smiled you couldn't help but smile back with a light giggle.

"There we are a smile now keep that smile because I know that's the first thing Colin would want to see when he's out of surgery is your smile" you couldn't help but blush at colin's mothers statement, "Thank you Ms zable" you whispered giving her another hug.

Another few hours had passed before you were allowed to see Colin you and colin's mother went into the room Colin was assigned in, your heart sunk seeing him in such a state hooked up to machines, he was awake after a few hours of rest from the operation, a smile on his face when he saw you and his mother enter the room, "Hey honey" his mother smiled sitting by his side.

"Hey mom" he weakly smiled you took a seat beside his mother Colin watched as you sat down, "how you holding up" you asked shrugging out of your jacket, "Alright they gave me a bunch of painkillers so that's kind of helping but apart from that I feel funny I guess" he chuckled but hissed as it hurt his wound, "the funny feeling would be the morphine they gave you" you giggled.

After another half an hour it was getting late colin's mother had to get home forgetting to lock the door since she left in such panic, you now beside Colin trying not to cry again, "Hey don't cry" Colin said his hand reaching out for your own which you gave him, "why not Colin its my fault your here what if that bullet was a few inches higher then what I can't afford to lose you colin" you began crying for the umpteenth time today you were genuinely surprised your eyes hadn't ran out of tears.

"But it didn't and don't ever say it was your fault because it wasn't its our jobs y/n and I know for a fact I'd rather have you live without me than me without you" he said you couldn't help but laugh at him not making sense, "Colin I think they gave you too much morphine because that doesn't make sense" you smiled "you know what I mean I love you y/n since the day you started this job I knew you were the one for me" Colin said for the first time.

"You really mean that" you asked with a smile invading your face, "I really do I was scared to say it to you incase it was too soon or you never felt the same but after today I learnt that you only got one life make the most of it" Colin said holding your hand a little tighter hoping you say those three words back "I love you too Colin zable" you cried out before pressing your lips on to his.

You couldn't have been happier Colin loves you despite the circumstance of the event he told you, it made you feel like you were on cloud nine having Colin as yours from now on

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