best friends cousin part 2 smut (warren lipka)

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It had been years since you last saw Warren the next time you went to Rick's place was two weeks after you seen Warren he was gone. He moved in with his dad till he got his own place but that never happened you found out about the robbery he committed just when you turned 18 two months after you last seen him.

You hadn't thought about him in a long while finally gotten over you little crush. You spent month after his arrest with Rick trying to help him through his cousins arrest but after it you hadn't heard anything about Warren.

It's now 2012 You were now twenty five and attending Rick's birthday party you wore a tight black fitted dress that hugged your curves perfectly showing just enough cleavage. You hadn't had a night out in a while since you were busy with work. You decide to do babysitting as a career you took your course in social care but dropped out since it had brought up bad memories.

Your makeup on heels on your feet you were ready to go, you called Rick telling him you were on way to his since you'd be leaving your car there and getting a cab with them to the venue. Rick still lived with his mom so you were excited to see them again since you've been working to make extra few bucks.

You finally made it to Rick's parking your car in the driveway, you entered the house being greeted by Zak who was now sixteen, "What's up y/n" he smiled "hey bud" you smiled bringing him in for a hug he now knew you weren't really cousins but still didn't change how he saw you as his big cousin. Zak entered his room trying to find his shoes that he'd been searching for a while.

You went to the kitchen seeing Rick's mom and dad In there talking, "hello auntie Lisa's gorgeous girl" Lisa beamed bringing you in for her infamous hugs "Hey aunt Lisa, hi uncle tommy" you smiled Rick's dad brought you in for a hug too. You knew Rick's parents were on good terms but not back together either way you still treated Rick's dad the same as always since he was a huge part of your childhood.

"Where's the birthday boy" you asked placing the gift bag you brought with you on the counter. "He's out the balcony sweetheart" Lisa said you nodded going to the balcony. You saw Rick there just staring into the nothingness. "Rick you okay?" You asked furrowing your brows he was always excited on his birthday.

"Just thinking that's all" he sighed the tears threatening to spill from his eyes, "about?" You asked you had a feeling but you didn't want to just say it. "Just it's gets harder without my grandparents you know" he sighed again wiping his eyes you pulled your chair closer to him wrapping an arm around him.

"I know honey it doesn't get any easier when my granma passed and without the kids but I know for a fact they wouldn't want you to be crying on your day they would want you to be happy having the time of your life your twenty five now Rick" you said pulling your best friend closer to you.

"You right y/n thanks your the best" he said resting his head on yours, "now come on birthday boy let's get our skates on" you joked taking his hand as he laughed, "you sound so fucking old".

"What only two weeks older than you" you joked.

At the venue you were now a good few drinks in dancing away with Rick talking to your friends and his family enjoying yourself. You Decided it was time for another drink making your way to the bar ordering yourself a pink gin and lemonade. You didn't notice anyone there till a familiar voice behind you spoke.

"Well isn't it zaks favourite" you turned around to see the man you used to have a major crush on Warren. "Oh my god Warren" you smiled bringing him in for a hug if you were sober you probably wouldn't have since you were a naturally shy person. "Look at you all grown up" he smiled pulling away from the hug taking a sip of his beer.

"Can say the same for you how have you been when did you get out?" You asked as the bartender handed you your drink. "I've been alright I got out a good few months ago got my own place down the road from Lisa's and I'm back at college turning my life around how about you?".

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