the stain on your neck (jeff pfister)

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The weight of the night dawned on you. A tired yawn escaped your lips pulling the covers closer to your body. You waited for your boyfriend to come home from work he was lated than usual. You simply thought maybe he was caught up on something with mutt.

A clash was heard from downstairs followed but a "fuck" you knew the voice all too well. Jeff finally came home. You climbed out of bed shrugging on your dressing gown and went to investigate what was going on.

Your bare feet patting on the hardwood floor seeing the blonde with a Bob cut stumbling around. "Jeff what are you doing?" You asked with heavy eyes. Jeff's head snapped towards you cringing at the fact he had woken you up. "N-nothing babe go back to bed" you noticed his voice was slurred.

"Have you been drinking?" You asked taking more step down stairs. You could see his face more. His pupils dilated you knew he hadn't only been drinking. "Only a few with mutt after work" he shrugged sniffing wiping his nose to hide any evidence but you could notice the redness on the corners of his nostrils.

"You took something haven't you?" You asked your hand cupped his chin making him face you. "No" he flat out lied you weren't stupid you could tell by the way his eyes were and the way he was acting this wasn't just alcohol. "Don't lie to me Jeff and WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ON YOUR NECK" you asked loudly now only noticing the red lipstick stain on his neck.

"You've been cheating on me" you felt the wind been knocked out your lungs there was no way he could deny this. "What? No of course I haven't" he said shocked that you would even accuse him of such a thing. You were the first proper girlfriend he had that he never had to pay for a fuck he loved you to even consider such a thing.

"Then what the fuck is that on your neck Jeff don't you dare try and play me for a fool" you warned anger seeping through your voice letting his chin go. "Baby mutt found this red lipstick and put it on we were so drunk he kissed my neck I swear" he explained you scoffed at his excuse.

"You really expect me to believe mutt did that instead of some chick Jeff WOW just wow" you laughed coldly throwing your hands in the air in disbelief. You walked into the kitchen anywhere away from him.

"IM TELLING YOU THE TRUTH EVEN ASK HIM" Jeff yelled from the hallway following you. You stopped dead in your tracks turning back to him. "And you think he's going to tell me Jeff he's obviously going to stick up for you" you sighed.

"And I know you took coke Jeff look at you and you play me for a fucking fool. I gave you nothing but love and this is how you repay me huh" you said tears brimming your eyes. Jeff took a step closer to you but you backed away from him.

His heartbroke that you wouldn't belive him but it was true the red lipstick was from mutt. Jeff pulled out his phone hearing it buzz seeing mutt had sent him photos from tonight. "Baby look see I'm not lying" Jeff said holding his phone to you. You took the device in your hands studying the picture.

Jeff and mutt sitting in a booth at a bar mutt's lips on his neck with red lipstick on holding the gold tube in his hands. Jeff pulling a Goofy face to the phone. You felt guilty Jeff was telling the truth and you didn't believe him but you say the little white lines on the table making your theory true. "I'm so sorry Jeff I should have believed you" you said wiping the tears away.

"No I'm sorry I know that having this on my neck would make you think the absolute worst but I love you I would never dream of sleeping with another person if I have you" he said pulling you in for a hug. You felt silly but at least you got closer.

"And I did touch a little coke tonight I'm sorry too" he admitted you chuckled shaking your head at him. "I knew it but I'm not caring about that right now just don't do it again it's not good for you Jeff and tell mutt your mine now I don't like sharing" you smiled making Jeff chuckle looking down at you still in his arms.

"I'll tell him but he won't be very pleased" Jeff teased kissing your forehead. "Come on we'll talk about this in the morning" you yawned you and jeff going to bed.

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