kitkats (kit walker)

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Request: Walker x Reader where the reader always leaves little cute notes for him with a KitKat taped to the bottom of it. (KitKats we’re a thing during his time right?).

You woken up bright and early like usual before kit got up for work, slipping out of bed your feet dragging your body into the kitchen making some coffee, once you made a fresh cup of coffee taking a sip of the bitter caffeine filled drink you were ready for the day.

Taking some eggs from the refrigerator and bacon you started getting breakfast prepared, as you waited on the cooker heating up you got to scrambling the eggs adding some salt and pepper, placing the eggs on the stove you then added the bacon in the pan onto other hot hob.

As if clockwork you were greeted by kit rubbing the tired sleep in his eyes, "morning honey" he smiled placing a kiss on your lips his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him, "can you wake the kids up for breakfast" you said against his lips kit nodded pulling away and got the kids up for school.

"Morning mommy" Julia yawned wiping the sleep away from her eyes sitting by the table, "morning sweetheart" you smiled plating up the food for kit and the kids, Thomas sat down greeting you with a "good morning" as you handed him a plate of food.

You all sat and ate breakfast, kit said he'd take the kids to school today like he does everyday since the school was five minutes away from his work, once the kids were finished they're breakfast as well as kit you grabbed the plates from the table putting them in the sink.

"Alright guys go get dressed for school" kit instructed lifting himself from the chair and into the bedroom to get ready for work, meanwhile you decided to pack the kids and kits lunches making their favourite sandwiches turkey and lettuce for Julia, ham lettuce and tomatoe for Thomas and kit.

You also added a piece of fruit to the kids lunch bag as well as a sweet treat with a note on each one a short one for the kids since they are still not great at reading longer things and one for kit taping the sweet treat at the bottom packing it into their bags.

"You ready for school guys?" You called out zipping each one of their boxes Thomas was the first one to walk out ready followed by Julia with their bags strapped on their backs, "honey have you seen my shoes?" Kit called out you could hear him rummaged through everything trying to find them, "they're at the bottom of the dresser kit" you called back chuckling, "got em" kit called back.

A few moments later kit came out dress in his work gear, "ready kids" he asked grabbing his car keys and his lunch the kids had they're lunch bags in hand nodding to their dad, "Let's hit the road then" he smiled leaving a kiss on your lips saying goodbye.

(Kit's pov)
Dropping the kids off at school I made it to work on time helping people with their car problems filling the gas in their tanks, fixing tires ect, it was finally lunch sitting at my desk I opened the lunch y/n made me with a smile seeing a note and a kitkat tapped to it with a smile I let out a soft chuckle at the fact she gave me a kitkat since it was her nickname for me, I took the note out opening it before reading the note.

Have a great day at work kitkat I love you so much and I'm proud to call you my husband and be a step mom to Thomas and Julia you three change my world for the better and I love you all so much you'll never know

Love y/n

God I love that woman so much she showed me so much light after grace and alma and I couldn't thank her enough, putting the note on the side of my desk having my lunch and back to work.

Later on in the night I got home from work with a spring in my step glad I'm back home with my wife and kids, "I got your note" I whispered into y/ns ear wrapping my arms around her waist while she cooked dinner, "I mean every word" she said looking up at me with her bright shining smile, "I love you mrs walker" I said placing my lips on hers, "I love you too Mr walker" she mumbled against my lips.

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