you get me so high(warren lipka)

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You hated frat parties with a passion it wasn't the loud music or the alcohol and drug use that people did you dabbled in it too it's the people especially the frat boys, only reason why you were here is because your best friend Warren lipka begged you to go with him since Spencer was studying for an exam the next morning.

"Wanna get high?" He asked pointing to the door leaving us to the backgarden of the frat house, "please can we" you giggled following Warren outside, he pulled out a joint from his pocket lighting the end taking a drag before passing it to you.

Taking a drag feeling the weed hit you a little, your eyes staring ahead watching some frat boys doing dumb shit, "god I hate frat boys" you said passing the spliff back to Warren, "I thought you were into them" he joked nudging your shoulder, you grimced at the thought of you being with a frat boy.

"God no Warren they're worst than children in kindergarden" you said the look of disgust wavering your face, "I'm only joking we all know your into stoners" he teased making you blush, you were into one stoner in particular the one beside you.

"Shut up you" you chuckled now nudging his arm, the friendship you and Warren had was complicated he is your best friend, and when you got a bit too drunk or too high you would hook up, he was the first and only person you slept with he even was your first kiss back in high school.

Now a little bit high from the spliff you and Warren went back inside for a drink, "here" he smiled handing you the red solo cup you thanked him taking a sip, his eyes on you as you drank the liquid.

"What" you asked in a nervous chuckle Warren shook his head "nothing" you rolled your eyes as he shrugged you off, after a few more drink you were tipsy as well as high you and Warren danced at first goofy but then you started to grind against him.

His hands on your hips as you swayed your body with his, not caring who saw, Warren's hot breath againt your neck sending you in world of your own, "wanna go somewhere more private?" He asked you nodded as he took your hand guiding you throw the crowds of body's.

It took about three rooms to find one empty hurrying inside locking the door behind you, only to be pinned tight against the cold wood, making you gasp.

Warren's lips attacking yours hungrily one hand on your waist the other pressed againt the door, "you look so fkn hot tonight" he groaned as you palmed him through his jeans.

He took you to the bed pushing you down on it, you letting out a giggle at his eagerness, "I'm going to fuck you so good" he hummed peeling his polo shirt off, you sat up assisting him on unbuckling his belt, letting his cock spring free, you hand giving him a few tugs.

Warren gathered your hair into a makeshift ponytail as you licked along his shaft, giving kitten licks to the tip, Warren let out a moan as you took him with your mouth, bobbing your head along his length, hollowing your feels, taking all of him.

"Fuck y/n you suck my cock so good" he groaned his hips bucking up making him go deeper in your mouth, you looked up at him the sighed almost making you cum then and there, his face scrunched up with the pleasure you were giving him.

You felt his cock twitching inside your mouth taking him deeper in your mouth essentially deepthroating him, silvers of drool running down your lips coating his cock, "fuck" Warren hissed as he came in your mouth milking out every drop before pulling away.

"Swallow it" he ordered his hand under your chin wiping away the drool mix with his release on your chin, you swallowed the saltiness driving Warren wild, he peeled off your flowy navy dress from your figure leaving you in your matching navy lace underwear.

His fingers dipping into the hem of your panties tugging the fabric off your legs and on to the floor, you sat up discarding your bra on the floor leaving you both completely bare, Warren's lips traveling from your lips, to your neck, your chest, placing wet kisses on the skin of your thighs.

Sucking on your clit his tongue kitten licked your sweet bundle of nerves holding your legs so they couldn't close, your soft sighs, moans and whimpers was all that could be heard "fuck warren" you gasped as he inserted a finger in your velvet walls pumping them in and out.

"Fuck just like that I'm close" you moaned feeling him hit that spot making see stars, Warren sped up the pace of his fingers not missing a best with his tongue sending you over the edge, "fuck fuck fuck" you almost screamed as your release coated Warren's fingers and tongue.

He licked up every drop of your arousal moaning at how you tasted, "so good" he hummed sucking the last of your juices on his fingers, "fuck Warren that was-" You couldn't help but giggle at what happened something you always did.

"I'm not finished" he said crawling up the bed so he was face to face with you, your lips connecting, you could taste yourself on his tongue, you moaned feeling Warren bottom out inside you, still savouring your kiss he started moving slowly against your silk pulsing walls.

"Your so tight baby" he groaned thrusting into you, your nails running through his dark hair tugging on the locks making him thrust faster and harder, "fuck" you moaned as his cock brushed that spot guaranteed to send you over the edge.

"Like that don't stop" you managed to say Warren wrapped your leg around his waist making him go deeper inside you, "I'm close" you sighed your body jolted in rhythm of Warren's thrusts.

"Me too cum with me" he grunted his thrust sped up until they became sloppy tipping you over the edge releasing over his cock "I love you" he moaned as he came with you.

You didn't say anything to out of it from your orgasm to replay to what he said, Warren collapsed ontop of you panting, 'did he just say he loves me it's definitely in a best friend way- but you don't exactly fuck your best friend' you thought collecting yourself.

"You okay?" He asked noticing you were miles away concern over his face, "Yeah I'm fine just what did you say there?" You asked wanting clarification of what he said, "I love you- its nothing something in the moment I know you don't feel the same-" he rambled wirh his head looking the wall not making eye contact with you before you cut him off.

"I do" you said looking into his eyes Warren's eyes now on you, "you do?" Now he was the one needing clarification, "yes Warren I don't get why you think I don't become I do, I've known you my whole life fuck you even took my virginity" you giggled Warren let a smile play on his lips, cupping your cheek kissing your lips.

"Be my girlfriend" he asked his hand still on your cheek his thumb grazing over your cheekbone, you couldn't help but blush and smile "yes Warren I'll be your girlfriend"

"I love you y/n y/l/n" he smiled

"I love you too Warren lipka"

"Finally got your stoner boyfriend now" he joked nudging your shoulder, "shut up" you laughed getting up from the bed.

"OPEN THE DOOR" someone shouted making you and Warren laugh putting your clothes back on and go back to partying

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