man in the long black coat (kai Anderson)

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You had been sneaking around behind your boyfriends back to meetings with the cult you were devoted to even more so your leader kai Anderson. Always at night when the crickets chirp in the night sky. Your boyfriend none the wiser.

The soft cotton dress flowed on your frame seeing your divine ruler standing outside waiting on you his long black coat kept him him as you rushed to the house you became familiar with over those past few months. What you didn't know was that when you rushed away from your neighbourhood your boyfriend saw you running with another man.

You had met kai at an old dance hall on the outskirts of town. Something compelling you towards him. You didn't know what it was he had a face like a mask concealing many thoughts and emotions only a stern look on his face. Yet you asked him if he wanted to dance little did you know he had been watching you to let you join the cult.


You sat on the chair of a dance hall on the outskirts of the town of Michigan. Sipping on your drink scanning the room. Your friends all too drunk to bother with anyone else.

Suddenly a pair of eyes caught yours. They were a deep brown held no words or emotion. Yet they were all so captivating like they were compelling you to him. He was extremely attractive bright blue freshly dyed hair. Usually that wouldn't your type yet there was something about this man that made you want him despite you already having a boyfriend.

He's also the reason why you were out. You both been constantly arguing back and forth and you needed to blow off some steam. So you got your friends out and decided to have fun and drink your troubles away.

Your eyes locking with this mysterious man his face held no expression like a mask. Keeping his guard up at all times. It made you want him more even though you only just clapped eyes on each other. You wanted to see that mask fall and break those walls he's obviously built around himself.

You sipped on your drink a smirk on your lips as this man watched you closely noticing the way your rudy red lips wrapped around the straw so seductively. You don't know were this Sudden confidence came from but you walked up to him with a bright smile batting your eyelashes at him.

He looked you down not once breaking his demeanor. "Hey" you simply started with he replied with a simple "hi" with furrowed brows pretending like he wasn't just having some sort of eye fuck with you. "Wanna dance?" You then asked waiting on his answer. "Sure" he said you took his hand guiding him to the pile of sweaty body's grinding on each other.

You started dancing with this complete stranger. Not giving a damn that you had a boyfriend at home probably blowing your phone up. "What's your name?" You asked grinding your ass against the man. "Kai, kai Anderson" he said his hands on your hips you were intoxicating to him but he had to keep to his own task.

"I'm y/n y/l/n" you smiled turning your head to him. You danced for a bit before you needed some air. Kai followed behind you. The thought of how attractive he was outside as the moonlight highlighted his features. Before you knew it you spent the night at his place that's when you discovered that he had been watching you for a while and you joined the cult.


Ever since that day you grew to fall for kai. Obeying his every order you were there hand and foot, his most devoted and most loyal follower. Last night changed everything for you to make a decision that would hurt the people you were supposed to love.

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