high by the skatepark (tate Langdon)

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You were having a ruff day at school the popular girls picking on you as per usual, all because you were different you didn't like all the top hits on the radio, you liked older gloomy music and dressed in baggy jeans and hoodies, you just wanted to go home, you wanted the day to be over.

You stood by your locker alongside your best friend and neighbour tate who was just like you, the outsider just you and him against everyone, "what you doing after school?" Tate asked leaning againt the locker beside you as you rummaged through your own to grab your books for your last class you have with tate, "nothing that i know of unless your dragging me out somewhere" you chuckled knowing fine well tate will infact drag you out the house.

"We're going to the skate park" he simply said you shot him a confused look knowing tate hates public places, "why?" You asked closing your locker, "because I've got spliff and it's a Wednesday no one will be there" he shrugged you let out a soft smile tate knew you too well when your stressed a joint would tate your mind off it "Well tater tot sounds like a plan" you replied walking with him to class.

After school you and tate walked to meet his dealer in a run down alleyway, you hated this part of the city since it was infamous for the crime that happens here, "Hey man" tate said to the dealer pretending to go in for a handshake but really he was handing the money and getting the drugs, with that you both left the dealer.

"Skate park now?" Tate asked walking alongside you, "Yeah let's go" you said, once you got to the skatepark you both sat on one of the biggest ramps tate rolling the joints you were assigned to have the music on the boombox you grabbed on your way here.

"What do you want I've got the pixies, mazzy star, nirvana" you listed before tate immediately said "nirvana" making you laugh, playing the in utero album your favourite from the album playing the first song 'serve the servants' you sang along to the chorus as tate handed you the spliff humming along to the song.

"Serve the servants oh no" you mumbled to yourself feeling the buzz of the weed in your head making you feel relaxed, "you high already?" Tate asked with a chuckle "no" you said taking another drag of the spliff laying on the ground as nirvana played.

"You definitely are" tate teased taking a drag of the joint his eyes felt heavy he couldn't help but have a lazy smile on his lips, "who's stoned now?" You remarked giggling like a child, "your mean" tate huffed in-between giggles.

"This is pretty good stuff" you noted taking another drag feeling the munchies kick in, "did you bring snacks?" Tate asked knowing your the only one of the two that came prepared since tate always forgets what he needs, "you know me to well look in the bag" you nodded your head gesturing to your bag tate grabbed your bag opening it to see its contents.

"Oh my god y/n I could kiss you right now you brought cookies" he beamed like a child on Christmas day, "I knew you would want them so i brought them so we don't have to go to the store again high" you giggled still laying on the ground the joint slowly burned down as nirvana kept playing.

You didn't bother with what tate said but in reality you had a crush on your best friend. You didn't know where it had came from it just happened for you. He didn't know thankfully but it ate you up knowing he'll probably never feel the same.

"Your such a life saver I seriously could really kiss you right now" he repeated not realising he had, "then why don't you" you joked kinda your eyes locked the mood instantly changed from joking and banter to complete seriousness.

You didn't realise how close you both were till tate closed the very small gap between you both his lips on yours, you instantly froze unsure what to do but your lips collided with his either way.

You finally properly responded to his kiss your lips moved in sync his he swiped his tongue on your bottom lip seeking entry which you granted. Your tongues moving in sync for the first time ever.

It was something you never thought would happen but it is happening. Pulling away from the kiss you couldn't help but giggle like a child tate looked at you confused but chuckled at you nervously, "is it the weed that's making you laugh or was the kiss that bad" he asked his eyes half shut his hand scratching the back of his neck.

"It's the weed the kiss was perfect I'm just giggling because I never thought that would happen" you explained hiding your face in embarrassment. Tate's hand cupped your chin bring your face to his, "well it did and I don't regret it" he smiled placing a chaste kiss on your lips making you melt like putty in his hands.

"Come on let's go home" tate said helping you up on your feet.

The walk was silent you could feel the weed slowly come out your system. You wondered if tate really meant what he said or not but decided not to push on it, you finally made it to your house you didn't know what to say neither did tate you both just looked at each other eyes speaking a thousand words but your mouth wasn't.

Tate couldn't help himself anymore he cupped your face in his hands one more time. Pressing his lips to yours your hand went to his cheek holding him close to you. You couldn't help but let out a small moan into his mouth before pulling away. A smirk plastered across tates face.

"Your so beautiful" he sighed his thumb grazing over your cheekbone, "your not so bad yourself Langdon" you teased before pulling yourself away clearing your throat. "I should go inside now I'll see you tomorrow morning" you said blushing lightly, "see you tomorrow" tate said waiting till you were right inside your house like always before walking to his house next door.

You ran up to your bedroom your mind rushing with what had happened tate kissed you not once but TWICE you couldn't believe it. You never thought tate saw you as anything more than a friend but you were proved wrong only thing was you didn't know what this means for your friendship.

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