stuck on the puzzle (part three) (jmp)

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Your husband came back drunk Stumbling around embarrassingly, you cringed as he staggered around the hotel room preying he won't awaken faith.

"Derek keep the noise down please you'll wake faith up" you scolded sitting up from the bed to make sure your daughter was still asleep.

"Oh right yes your kid" he coldly chuckled making you furrow your brows "you mean our child" you corrected untruthfully, "no I mean your child I see it now" he raised his voice at you making you flinch.

"What on God's name are you blabbering on about" you asked getting out of  bed your silk night dress swaying above your knees, "I saw the way you looked at the owner of the hotel y/n" he stated making you laugh.

"What has he got to do with faith" you asked your guts churning knowing he clicked on.

"You know come to think of it y/n when you first got pregnant everyone told me you had been running around with some guy with a pencil mustache new money that's why he left, I thought they were saying that because they didn't want me to marry you" your husband said looking into your eyes.

"But now meeting the owner he matches the description and faith looks a lot like him don't you think?" Derek pointed out 'fuck' you thought now sitting on the bed in shame.

"Derek I can explain everything James is the love of my life and he left before he even know I was pregnant and you were there I had to protect my daughter" you sobbed quietly.

Derek shook his head in anger, "I knew it she looks nothing like me y/n" he yelled, you stood there tear stained face, "I'm sorry Derek but what was my choice I didn't want people calling faith those names she doesn't deserve that" you sobbed wiping the tears from your eyes.

"What because her mother is a whore who lies to people to marry them and raise a child that's not theirs? Is that it well I must say y/n you should be on the silver screen with the performance you put on its truly outstanding" he yelled startling faith making her cry.

"Derek please keep your voice down your upsetting faith" you whimperd attending to your daughter crying her little eyes out, "you know y/n I loved you but now it's over everybody was right about you, your nothing but a whore" he hissed.

you couldn't stay here anymore you picked your daughter who had woken up crying trying to find James.

Your tear stained face frantically searching for James, finding a red head maid instead, "Hello dear are you alright?" She asked noticing your distress.

"Have you seen Mr march I need to speak with him" you said in between sobs, "he's in his office room 64 do knock before you enter he doesn't like people intruding" she informed.

You thanked the maid making your way there, your heart sunk with what happened he found out, you didn't want to hurt him like this, but the truth was out now.

Your knuckles knocking off the wood of the door room 64, "come in" James's voice called on the other side of the door, Turing the handle you entered the room your silk robe covering you, your daughter soft whimpers and sobs as she Cuddles on to you.

James eyes fixed on the door seeing you enter the room in your sleep attire and your daughter raises his concerns, "y/n what are you doing up at this hour?" He asked getting off his chair making his way over to you.

His hands on your shoulders as you began crying again, "it's Derek he found out about faith I don't know he must have took one look at you then her and put two and two together" you whimperd James engulfed you further into his arms.

Holding you and faith like you were a fragile ornament, like you both would slip away, "Oh dear he didn't harm you did he?" He asked his eyes scanning your body for visible marks as you shook your head.

"No just shouted at me I don't blame him" you said sinking into James's embrace, "why don't you take my room for the night I'll sleep here" James offered "I can't do that to you James I could take another room" you protested cradling your daughter in your arms.

"No I insist let me show you where it is" James gave you a sympathetic smile guiding you to his room.

The room was more elaborate than the room you and Derek had, what you expected for it to be since he is the owner after all.

"Thank you for this James I really appreciate it" you smiled entering the room placing your daughter on the bed, soothing her to sleep, "there, there princess sleepy time" you whispered stroking her hair as her tired eyes closed.

James was about to leave the room, when you turned your head to face him, "could you stay please I'm not really tired and I don't want to be alone" you whispered not to wake your now sleeping two year old.

"If you wish" he whispered back seating on the sofa in his room, observing you as you snuck out of your daughters tiny grasp, to take a seat next to James.

"How you feeling?" James asked his dark eyes on you, letting out a sigh shrugging your shoulders, "I'd thought I'd be alright knowing he'd find out one way or another" you said leaning back on the sofa.

"Bet your glad though" you smiled at James who was smiling back, "I'd be lying if I said no but I'm not glad with the way he upset you and my daughter" he replied getting off the sofa to get a drink.

"Here have a whisky calm your nerves" he offered handing the glass of liquor to you, "Thank you" you mouthed taking the glass letting the bitterness taste fill your taste buds.

"I'm just glad it's over we'll be divorcing I'll change faith's last name and we can be a family" you smiled as James kneeled infront of you holding your hand with his free one.

"Splendid dear, you know I never thought I'd ever be a father not now anyway I missed so much in the two years of faiths life but I want to make it up to you both, and now having you here I think faith was meant to bring us back together" James voice more softer his eyes boring into yours.

After all those years you finally have the man you love back in your life, a family just you James and faith, in your own little world.

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