test the waters (original characters)

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Requested by mattsmithisacutie these are original characters by this user Ian is based on tate Langdon.

Venus sat on her chair, her nails tapping on the surface of her desk in a daydream. Thinking about whatever came to mind essentially she was supposed to be doing her homework but now she managed to get herself into her daydream she couldn't think about homework anymore.

Pulling her out of the daydream Venus heard her bedroom door creaking open. Turning her head to see Ian her best friend standing by the door a sheepish smile on his face. "Hey" he waved the same smile on his face. "Hey ian" venus returned back turning her back to him once again now focusing back to the job she was meant to do before hand.

"Is that homework?" He asked peeking over her shoulder pulling some of the dirty blonde hair letting Ian see better. "Yeah we have homework for history maybe if you went today Ian you would have known that" she scolded playfully. Ian chuckled sitting on the bed beside the desk that venus was sat upon. "Want me to run everything through with you?" Venus asked running a hand through her hair knowing the answer her best friend will give.

Ian smiled and nodding his head. Venus sat her novelty pen on the desk taking her notebook showing Ian what to do. He couldn't help but notice the way venus's eyes fixed on the notebook making sure he never missed a thing out on what was needed to be done, the way her brows would furrow trying to remember what their teacher said to the class earlier today.

"Are you even listening Ian?" She asked not letting his daydreaming like behaviour go unnoticed. Ian shook his head snapping back to reality. "Erm... yeah i was listening" he chuckled scratching the back of his neck. knowing fine well he wasn't venus sighed heavily she knew Ian liked to daydream when he needed to focus on something.

"What did I say then" venus's voice teased making Ian's cheeks flush in embarrassment. "You said... uhm... i don't know". Venus sighed telling Ian to pay close attention to what she was saying repeating what she said previously all over again.

Ian paid closer attention to venus's words, but he just couldn't shake that thought that had been bugging him for a while now. What would her lips be like on his? 'No Ian you can't she's your best friend this is wrong' he told himself mentally. But no matter what he told himself he knew he was in too deep falling for his best friend.

"Please tell me you actually listened this time?" Venus asked going back to her homework. "Yeah, I've to write a report about some point in history that changed the world" Ian summarised venus smiled nodding her head jotting down her work. Ian couldn't help but have an urge to just kiss her.

Ian felt like he was going to go crazy. arguing with himself, trying to contain himself from possibly ruining the friendship they both had built. He thought venus wouldn't be into him the way he was into her. He was afraid of being friendzoned.

About twenty minutes later venus sighed closing her crimson notebook. Cracking her neck and back from the position she sat in for a while. Lifting herself off the uncomfortable chair by the oak wood desk venus plopped herself on the bed. Her eyes closed, arm rested on her head the other hand tapping on her stomach to a tune that randomly got stuck in her head.

Ian laid on the bed beside her, this wasn't an unusual thing for the best friends to do. Venus started humming to the song that was stuck in her head. Ian just stared at venus who had her eyes closed. He was captivated by her and she was none the wiser.

Others saw their friendship as a case of mulder and scully. The obvious attraction between them but they never acted on it. Venus thought Ian wasn't into her like she was him. But she was wrong. Ian couldn't fight the urge anymore his hand cupping her jaw crashing his lips onto her soft pink plump ones.

Venus was caught off guard, her eyes wide open in shock but her lips responded to the kiss nonetheless. Once venus managed to process what was happening her hand held onto the nape of Ian's neck holding him close. Ian shifted his body till he was hovering over her. His hand that once laid on her jaw now roaming freely earning a gasp from venus.

Ian took this as his chance to slip his tongue in her mouth exploring what he never did. Venus then pulled away from the kiss breathless and flustered she never wanted it to end but didn't want it to go too far. "I'm sorry i- I shouldn't have" Ian immediately apologises thinking she regretted it. Venus giggled gaining the breath Ian took from her.

"No it's not that Ian just I didn't expect that, and I don't want it to go too far with us end of the day your my best friend" she smiled hoping he would understand. Ian nodded venus could detect the sorrow and hint of rejection in her best friends expression. "Yeah I understand I'm friendzoned" he sighed getting off the bed. "Ian wait let me finish" venus said making him halt in his tracks.

He turned facing venus once again waiting to hear his heart break and ruin their friendship more. "I do like you a lot more than a friend believe me, it's just I just don't want to ruin anything we have cause it's special and it means a lot to me" venus felt herself begin to tear up. The fear of losing her best friend over a kiss she didn't want to take that chance.

"We won't ruin anything it will stay the same kinda only a few little changes that's all" Ian tried to convince venus. But he knew no matter what happens now their friendship shifted into a different outlook for both of then.

"But what I'd it does Ian there's always that possibility" venus sighed. Ian sat back down beside her holding his pinky  out for her to take. Venus hooked her pinky with Ian's waiting on him to say something. "I promise whatever happens between us will never ruin our friendship" Ian promised.

Venus smiled to herself licking her lips. "And I promise whatever happens we will still be friends" she said. "So we'll take things slow test the waters out" venus suggested. "I'm cool with that" Ian smiled. Pressing their lips back to each other they couldn't wait to see what will come out of this for them.

Evans Peters character one shots Where stories live. Discover now