baby talk (smut)(evan peters)

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Possible series? 😏

The thought had been eating you up for months, constantly imaging the thoughts coming true one day, it made you smile a lot during the day but you didn't know if your husband evan felt the same way yet.

You were in your shared bed waiting on evan coming back from the kitchen getting you a glass of water after recent activities you participated in, and again the thoughts came back you tried to shake them out your head for now but no use.

Evan coming back with your glass of water with a smile, "What's up with you" he asked noticing you were in a world of your own placing the glass in your hand you took a sip of the water before speaking, "nothing just thinking that's all" you sighed placing the glass on your nightstand.

"About?" He questioned futher slipping into the bed next to you pulling your body closer to him till your head laid on his chest, "it's silly evan honestly" you tried to shrug it off scared incase your husband didn't feel the same, pulling the covers futher up to cover your naked body, "you know you can tell me y/n I'm your husband" evan chuckled placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"I've been thinking alot about if we you know started a family" you whispered you felt evan tense you when you spoke those words evan never thought about having kids yet but he knew if the day would come it would be you he would want to have kids to.

"I haven't really thought about it before" evan sighed his hand running up and down your arm his mind drifting as he thought about what it would be like if you had a family of your own, "I'm not saying that we have to right now but you know maybe in a few years" you said turning your body so your chin rested on his chest taking in his features from the way his eyes showed you he was deep in thought, to the freckle on his nose.

"It would be nice having a kid around and I wouldn't want to have a baby with anyone else" evan smiled a smile invading his face as you kissed his lips, moaning softly into the kiss moving so your body straddled his, your hands on his chest, lips never leaving each others.

"Let's get started then shall we" evan smirked against your lips, flipping you over so he was now on top of you, a laugh erupted your lips at the sudden action your legs wrapping around his waist pulling him in Evan's lips moved from your lips to your neck finding your sweet spot effortlessly.

A soft moan left your lips your hands tugging on his hair earning a groan from Evan, his hand travelled from the valley of your breasts, your abdomen then back up before sliding out of his boxers both of you now completely bare, Evan's lips back on your own, a gasp leaving your lips as evan slowly pushed himself into you.

His thrust were slow and passionate unlike what they were half an hour ago, his hand on the back of your thigh guiding your leg to wrap more securely around his waist, evan pulled away from your lips taking in your every feature, the way your eyes would roll back with every thrust, how you mouth let out one of his favourite sounds to hear, your fingernails digging into his skin, he could stay like this forever.

The room was filled by only the sounds of your moans and Evan's grunts, his hips still going a slow pace love making but this time it felt different than any other time, like on your wedding night it was somewhat romantic, beginning a new chapter of your life finally growing a little family of your own.

"I love you so much" evan stated in tune with the rhythm of his hips, you couldn't help but smile up at him, his brown eyes filled with love and adoration for you his wife, "I love you too evan" you panted out running your hands through his brown locks again, evan dipped his head back down capturing your lips in his once again.

"I'm close" you whimperd that knot in the pit of your stomach building to snap, evan kept his thrust hitting your spot perfectly, till your orgasm washed over you triggering Evan's own orgasm spilling his seed into you with a low groan.

Riding out your orgasms you began to feel a little overstimulated your legs a tad shaky, your hair was tousled around, both of your skin sweaty, evan clasping on top of you panting, your hands running through his hair with a smile, "you think maybe we might be lucky?" Evan asked collecting himself, still planted inside you, your fingers still playing with his hair.

"Maybe but it might take some time evan" you giggled, evan pulled out of you making you whimper at the loss only to pull you closer to him resting his head on your chest, "We'll be great parents soon" evan mumbled sleepily his body relaxing as you traced your finger along his arm, "Yeah we will" you smiled thinking about being a family again.

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