Chapter One

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(Y/n's POV)

"Bye mom, bye dad!" I exclaimed rushing out of the Baudelaire Mansion to catch up with my friends.

Me and my parents had been living with the Baudelaires for the past few days after a tragic fire that happened in our house. Luckily we all made it out of the house in time and no one was hurt. The Beatrice and Bertrand Baudelaire kindly let us live in their home until we found a new living space.

"You ready?" Violet asked me. She is oldest Baudelaire child out of the three.

"Yup." I replied.

Violet came up to me and took Sunny out of my hands. Sunny is the youngest Baudelaire child. She is also a baby so she needs people to carry her around because she isn't able to walk yet.

"Let's go!" Klaus said. He is the middle Baudelaire child and the only boy. He's also my best friend. We are the same age, 12.

We boarded the trolley and went to the back, where we were outside. That was my favorite seat on because there isnt much room and I can sit in silence thinking about art.

We drove for a while when Violet told the conductor to stop at Briny Beach. As we got off the conductor asked us why we were going to tell beach and not the fair.

"It's a perfect day to go to the beach." Violet explained.

"But it's gray and cloudy." He said.

"That's what makes it perfect." I told him.

"Ok!" He drove off.

We turned around and headed to the uncrowded sandy beach. On days when it's rainy no one goes to the beach so we have it all to ourselves.

"I wonder why our parents didn't come with us." Klaus said grabbing his book.

"They have their reasons." Violet replied setting her invention down.

I lay on blanket and drew in the sand while Sunny chewed on rock, Violet added to her invention, and Klaus read.

It stayed silent with a few occurrences of pages flipping and tools clinking. After a while we were all interrupted with loud coughing. We all looked up to see Mr. Poe walking towards us.

Violet picked up Sunny taking the rock out of her mouth and tossing is into the sand. Klaus closed his book and brushed away my drawings. We all stood and walked towards Mr. Poe.

"How do you do?" Violet asked.

"How do you do?" Klaus asked.

"How do you do?" I asked.

"Ah boo?" Sunny asked, which also meant, "How do you do?"

"I'm just fine children." Mr. Poe replied "I have some upsetting news for you children, your parents...have perished in a bad fire."

We stood in silence.

"The fire also destroyed the Baudelaire Mansion like the Y/ln Mansion." Mr. Poe informed us.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Perished means killed." Mr. Poe schooled us.

"We know what perished means" Klaus replied.

We stood there for little longer then Mr. Poe told us to follow him to his car. He informed us that we'd spend a few days with his and his family until he finds us home.

"Now your parents will said to keep you, y/n with the Baudelaires. So wherever the Baudelaires go you will also go."

I nodded with a bit of  a smile.


We arrived to Mr. Poe's house after looking at the ruins of our house. Everything was destroyed except for the half of a spyglass Sunny found in Bertrands desk drawer.

We sat down to eat dinner as Mr. Poe's two sons fought over the food.

Mrs. Poe placed the food in front of us than sat down.

I didn't even eat, I sat and stared at my plate thinking about the memories I had with my parents. I didn't pay attention to the conversations that were happening. I did notice that Klaus, Violet, and Sunny weren't saying anything either.

What caught my attention was Mrs. Poe holding up a newspaper talking about our house burning down.

"Maybe not in front of the children." Mr. Poe told her.

They argued until Klaus interrupted and asked to go to bed.


The next day Mr. Poe woke us up very early to take up to a new guardians home.

He stopped in front of a beautiful house it had flowers growing all around.

"Why hello there!" A woman said.

"Hello!" Violet replied "I'm Violet Baudelaire, and these are my siblings Klaus and Sunny. And this is our friend Y/n L/n."

"Well it's very nice to meet you four!" She exclaimed. "I'm Justice Strauss!"

"Are you Count Olaf's wife?" Klaus asked.

"Oh my no!" She pointed to a house "His house is over there."

The house was falling apart, all the grass was dead and there were planks on the window.

We hesitantly walked over to the house and rang the doorbell.

"Hello, hello, hello, children." A man said as he opened the door.

He was dressed in dark clothes covered with dirt. His hair was greasy and messy. He also had  a tattoo of an eye on his left ankle.

"I am Count Olaf!" He told us.

We walked in slowly.

Mr. Poe introduced himself to Count Olaf. They talked for a moment then Olaf pushed Mr. Poe out of his house.

Olaf closed the door then walked up to us. He took out a long list.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked us.

"It looks like a list." I answered.

"Wrong!" He spat. "It's a list of chores, you must complete."

He gave us a tour of our new home and then brought us to our bedroom. It was a small area with a low ceiling. In the middle of the room sat a small wire bed with a dirty mattress.

"I'll let you unpack." He said leaving.

Violet sat on the bed with Sunny in her lap. Klaus sat next to her and I sat next to him.

"This is horrible," Klaus complained.

I agreed but didn't say anything. It was our new home. There was nothing we could do about it. At least we had a roof over our heads. It was better than nothing.

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