Chapter Twelve

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Author's note:
F/n will mean fake name for when ever it comes up.

(Klaus' POV)

Me, Y/n, and Sunny crawled through the vents for what felt like hours when we suddenly heard  familiar voices.

"Where should we do with the orphans?" The henchman of Indeterminate Gender asked.

"Boss said he has a plain evolving a saw." The hook-handed man replied.

Me and Y/n gave eachother worried expressions when we saw Violet, Isadora, and Duncan being wheeled around on hospital beds.

We kept moving through until we saw the Volunteers Fighting Disease singing around the hospital. We opened a vent grate and stepped out into the hallway.

"Oh hello again sisters and brother!" The bearded man smiled.

"We were wondering if we might join you?" Y/n asked.

"Of course you can!" He exclaimed. "Take a balloon!"

He handed me and Y/n balloons and we walked into a room as they sung.

After visiting half of the rooms, we never found Violet and the Quagmires.

"I'm exhausted." I sighed.

"Break?" Sunny asked and pointed to a staff break room.

We entered the room and sat down on the small sofa in the middle of the room.

"We never found our friends." Y/n said.

"Maybe we didn't look in all of the rooms." I replied. "We need to see the other patients in the building."

"How?" Y/n asked. "By the time we visit all at the pace of the Volunteers Fighting Disease it'll be too late."

"What if we don't go at their pace?" I suggested.

"Then someone could catch us and kick us out for not being real doctors." Y/n replied.

"Disguise." Sunny pointed to doctor coats hanging on a coat hook.

"Sunny you're a genius!" I exclaimed rushing up and putting a doctors coat on.

Y/n found me a random fake beard and I put it on. I found a pair of glasses and Y/n wore those.

Sunny was strapped to my stomach underneath my coat.

"I still don't know how we are going to fine Violet and the Quagmires." Y/n sighed.

I poked my head out the door then looked back at Y/n. "Do you trust me?" I asked.

"Always." She replied.

"Let's go." I said taking Y/n's hand.

We walked down the hall and up to the Volunteers Fighting Disease.

"You!" I said then realized I needed to disguise my voice. "Uh I mean"

"Hello brother and sister!" The bearded man smiled. "How can I help you?"

"We lost our patient list and we were wondering if we could borrow yours." Y/n replied with a pitch in her voice.

"Well I need our list, our job is very list worthy." He said. "How about you ask that lovely doctor over there."

He gestured towards a doctor. I quickly recognized him as Count Olaf and got nervous.

"What?" Olaf sighed.

"These too doctors lost their list and need to borrow yours." The bearded man told him.

"Ahh and what are your names, I haven't seen you around." Olaf asked quickly recognizing us as well.

Meant To Be Yours (Reader x Klaus) DISCONTINUED (for now)Where stories live. Discover now