Chapter Five

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(Klaus' POV)

We sat in Mr. Poes car as he drove through the gates that read Prufrock Preparatory School.

I sat in between Violet and Y/n. Sunny sat on my sisters lap. I looked over at Violet, she was looking out the window. I looked over at Y/n, she was looking straight ahead.

She noticed me look at her and she turned her head towards me and gave me a smile.

I returned it politely then looked ahead as Mr. Poe stopped his car.

The five of us exited the car and walked into the school.

We picked up our uniforms and then walked to the lobby.


"Ok children, this came to the bank I think it's junk mail, but I'm not sure why the return address is my secretary" He handed a wrapped box to me. "So long children."

Mr. Poe left.

I unwrapped the box to find the spyglass,one half being our old worn one and one half being a brand new one.

"The statue woman said she's get it back, do you think we'll see her again?" I asked.

"Klaus... We're on our own." Y/n replied softly, taking my hand.

We walked to the bench and sat down. I sat next to Y/n still holding her hand.


Almost a day went by and we were still sitting on the bench.

"I feel like we've been sitting on this bench for days." Violet said breaking the silence.

"We've been waiting so long Sunny is starting to look more like a toddler than a baby." I said

"Beh?" Sunny replied which meant. "Growth spurt?"

"We've been tormented by treachery and villainy." Violet said.

"And now a new school." Y/n added.

"Well this school hasn't tormented us yet." I replied looking over at her.

Suddenly a girl dressed from head to toe in pink tapped up to us in tap shoes came running up to us. "Hello, cakesniffers!" She said.

"Hello um.." Violet replied.

We all stood up.

"Uh are you an idiot?" She mocked. "Everyone knows I'm Carmelita Spats!"

"Oh.. well I'm Violet Baudelaire and these are my siblings Klaus and Sunny. And this is our friend Y/n." Violet replied.

"What does cakesniffer mean?" I asked.

"It means your stupid cakesniffers, but I'm the most special girl in the whole school!" Carmelita replied a little too flattery.  "I'm supposed to give you a tour! Follow me!"

She skipped away and we followed her.

"Come on cakesniffers!" She called to us.

"I don't think it's a compliment." Y/n whispered to me.

I groaned to hide the blush on my face from her whispering to me.


We were on the athletic field and Carmelita was blabbing about how she was in charge of the students.

I read the motto underneath the scoreboard.

"Memento Mori." I read.

"What does memento mori mean?" Violet asked.

"Remember you will die." Me and Y/n said.

After our tour we went to Vice Principal Nero's office. He told us because we are orphans we aren't allowed to have a dorm do we got sent to a shack.

The shack was small and had fungus dripping from the ceiling. There were 6 hay bales and crabs crawling around. The door was a wooded plank secured to the tin with rusty hinges.

We eventually fell asleep after hours of tossing and turning on the hard and pointy hay.

We woke up the next day and went to our classes. Violet was in Mr. Remora's class and me and Y/n were in Mrs. Bass' class. Sunny was in the office working a Nero's administrative assistant.

Me and Y/n parted with Violet when we got to our classes.

We walked into our class and me and Y/n immediately went and took the two seats in the back.

When our teacher walked into the classroom she introduced me and Y/n as "orphans".

The whole class turned and gave us dirty or disguisted looks. Everyone expect for one girl in front of us who actually smiled at us. We returned the smile then paid attention to the teacher.

After an hour of boring measurements, we left class. We met up with Violet and then went to go pick up Sunny.

Once we got into the cafeteria, Carmelita started a horrible chant with the entire cafeteria. "Cake-sniffing orphans in the orphan shack." They shouted.

"Leave them alone Carmelita!" A boy interrupted her. "If anyone is a cake-sniffer, it's you!"

"Come sit with us." The girl from me and Y/n's class also came up to us.

The four of us sat down with the boy and girl.

"I'm Isadora Quagmire and this is my brother Duncan." The girl said.

They told us they were also orphans and their parents and their other brother, Quigley, died in a fire. Him, Isadora, and Duncan are triplets.

The whole lunch went by and I found out Isadora is a poet and Duncan is a journalist.

We talked a lot and got to know each other well (I'm pretty sure I also say Duncan and Violet flirting.)

As we left the cafeteria we were all sent to the field for a pep rally.

We all sat down together. Isadora sat next to Violet. Duncan sat on the other side of Violet and I sat next to him. Y/n sat next to me. Sunny sat in Violets lap.

"Now everyone, because our gym teacher mysteriously went missing we have a new gym teacher." Vice Principal Nero said. "Everyone meet... Coach Genghis!"

A man ran onto the stage, it barely took me 5 seconds to realize it was once again, Count Olaf.

Y/n grabbed my hand as soon as she saw him I gently squeezed it back.

"That man isn't Coach Genghis, that's Count Olaf!" Violet shouted.

After arguing for a while we lost and Count Olaf talked about S.O.R.E "now if all the orphans in the room would stand up."

Y/n and I stood up her hands still grasping mine. Violet, Sunny, Isadora, and Duncan also stood. I also noticed the librarian stand up.

"Hmm I'll pick you," he pointed to Violet. "You," he pointed to me. "And the little baby secretary I've heard all about."

That night me and my siblings went out to the athletic field where Count Olaf had us run I'm circles.

By the time he let us stop the sun was already completely up.

Me, Violet, and Sunny walked back tiredly to our shack to change into new uniforms because ours were soaked in sweat.

Then we woke up Y/n and all went to class.

Every single night we did the same thing and we got no sleep. It was torture.

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