Chapter Fourteen

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(Y/n's POV)

The next day was strange.

Violet looked sad. I guessed it was because she missed Duncan.

Klaus wouldn't make eye contact with me. Maybe he liked Isadora and missed her as well.

We spent the morning and afternoon rehearsing over and over again until we were far from exhausted.

When the time came Madame Lulu rang a small bell causing Olaf to grin.

"Showtime!" He cackled.

We all went to the backstage area and waited as one of us had to go out and perform.

After Hugo, Collette, and Kevin, it was Violet and Klaus' turn.

I watched secretly from the curtain blocking the doorway. They were struggling so much. The few people in the audience were laughing like crazy.

Finally they finished and it was my turn.

"Good luck." Klaus whispered when I walked past him.

I smiled and walked onto a platform. I took three sharp knives from a bag and started to juggle.

I noticed Klaus' mesmerized gaze but I continued to stay focused.

Once I finished I rushed off stage and Olaf closed the show.

"That was really good Y/n." Violet said.

"Yeah." Klaus smiled. "You- it looked amazing."

I smiled at the two Baudelaires as Sunny ran up to us from scaring the audience.

"Bravo!" She said which meant. "You did a great job Y/n!"

"Thank you!" I replied.

Olaf walked in and screamed something about there not being enough people in the audience.

Madame Lulu told him about the broken roller coaster and a pack of lions that were causing no audience.

They continued to talk when Olaf said he was going to get Lulu a gift.

He left and we all left behind him.

Hugo, Collette and Kevin went to the Freak Caravan and the Henchpeople went to a different tent.

We snuck into Lulu's tent when we saw Esmé take Lulu to the side to talk to her.

Violet parted from Klaus so they could walk freely.

We thought about how to explain the fortune telling when Violet pulled out her fake ribbon from the hospital and tied up her hair.

Me and Klaus silently gazed around the room knowing Violet had to think in silence.

Soon Violet started to speak. "The cooling air could be carbon dioxide converting to gas in a dry ice machine. That would explain the temperature change and smoke."

Sunny walked over to a machine and turned a crank. Smoke came out of the machine.

"Cold." Sunny babbled feeling it.

"I've heard of illusions using the projector and a prismatic lens. If this crystal ball it the lens." Violet pointed to a crystal ball in the middle of the table.

"Then the projector must be underneath." Klaus said lifting the crystal ball.

"Exactly," Violet agreed.

We lifted the tablecloth to reveal a projecter underneath the table.

"The images come through the crystal ball to look like spirits. Madame Lulu's using technology to make people believe it's magic." Violet explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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