Chapter Two

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(Y/n's POV)
*flashback ends*

My eyes opened as I lookes around. I was laying on the table of the Lucky Smells Lumbermilll sleeping chamber, Violet was next to me. I shook her awake.

"What's wrong?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Klaus isn't back yet" I told her.

She looked at his bed as the door opened. Klaus walked in.

"Klaus!" Violet whisper-shouted. We ran up to him.

He stared at us blankly.

"Where are your glasses?" I asked.

"Are they still being fixed?" Violet asked.

He stared at us then walked past us.

"Klaus, what was in the building with the eye?" Violet questioned

He got into his bed.

"Klaus?" Violet watched him as he fell asleep.

"Let's go to bed, he's probably just tired." I told Violet, placing my hand on her shoulder for comfort.

She nodded and crawled into her bed with Sunny who was already sleeping.

I climbed the ladder above Violet and quickly fell asleep too.


"Y/n wake up!" I woke up to Violet shaking me awake.

"What?" I asked.

"Klaus is gone and so is Sunny!" She told me.

I climbed out of the bed and we ran into the working area.

I spotted Klaus and we ran up to him.

He was holding logs and throwing them into the log cutter.

Sunny was crying from the loud noise.

Violet took Sunny out of his arms and craddled her softly. "Klaus what are you doing?"

"Klaus you are scarring me and you are scarring Sunny." I told him.

He continued to throw logs into the machine.

"Klaus," I walked up to him and held his hand so he would look at me.

"Yes sir?" He asked.

"Sir?" I looked at him confused. "No Klaus it's me  Y/n."

"Yes sir?" He repeated.

I sighed and took the log out of his other hand and threw it into the original log pile then held his other hand. "Klaus, I don't know if you can hear me, but I know this isn't you."

He continued to stare at me blankly.

"If you can hear me I want to say I miss you, in an inordinate amount." I told him, still holding both of his hands tightly.

"Inordinate?" A voice from behind called. "What does that mean?"

I turned around, letting go of Klaus' hands to see Phil cheerfully smiling like always.

"It can mean many things. Immoderate, irregular. But in this case I think I means you missed me a lot." Klaus said placing a hand on my shoulder.

I turned to look at him. He wasn't staring blankly and was actually talking and blinking.

"Klaus, you're back!" I exclaimed pulling him in to a hug.

"Where was I?" Klaus asked hugging me back.

Meant To Be Yours (Reader x Klaus) DISCONTINUED (for now)Where stories live. Discover now