Chapter Four

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(Violet's POV)

I awoke to find Klaus missing. I shook Y/n awake and grabbed Sunny and we ran out to the mill.

We peeked around a stack of planks to see Klaus tying Charles up to a log.

"Now!" Olaf shouted. "You lucky brat, would you like to send that log into that saw."

"Yes sir" Klaus said.

I could tell he was back under his trance.

"Klaus don't do it!" I exclaimed.

Olaf turned to face me and Y/n.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't..." Olaf paused to try and remember our names. "The other three, you're just in time to see the accident!"

"It's not an accident" Y/n said. "You're doing this on purpose."

"You can shout as much as you want, your boyfriends not here right now!" Olaf told us making Y/n blush and scoff at the same time.

I sat Sunny on the ground and me and Y/n ran up to Olaf but we were caught by the Hook-handed man.

Olaf laughed. "Poor little orphans, haven't you learned that wherever you go, I will be waiting. Wherever you hide, I will hunt you down. I'm smarter, I'm pluckier. I'm stronger." He ordered Klaus to start the saw then cackled. "I'm unstoppable!"

"Why do you hate us so much?" I asked.

"Because it's fun." He replied simply.

"Just wait until Sir find out that his partner has been turned into human boards." Hooky said to Olaf, "I bet he won't wait to fire-"

Hooky stopped talking and Charles started screaming.

The secret word! I thought.

I looked over at Y/n she was thinking the same thing.

"Fire! The secret word is fire!" Y/n exclaimed. "Klaus turn off the machine!"

Klaus didn't turn it off.

"Nice try." Olaf laughed. "You didn't really thing we'd use the same word on your bratty boyfriend that we used on the mill workers."

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"You will never find the word to save Klaus," he walked towards us. "And you certainly won't find it in time to save Charles."

I somehow snuck out of the Hook-handed man's grasp when they turned to look at Charles and ran over to the intercom booth shutting the door behind me. I pressed the button and shouted.

"FIRE! FIRE!" I continued to do so until the Hook-handed man grabbed me and pulled me out of the booth. But I did say it enough to wake everyone in the mill.

The Hook-handed man dragged me back to Olaf.

"What have you done?" Olaf shouted. "Close the door!"

The Hook-handed man ran to the door to stop the mob of angry mill workers.

I noticed Sunny crawling over the Charles and she started chewing on the ropes to free him.

"Lucky, would you like to cut the log faster." Olaf said.

"Lucky, would you like to reverse the direction of the log" Y/n said.

Klaus did the actions they told them to do.

"Lucky, push that lever forward!" Count Olaf ordered.

"Lucky, pull the lever backward!" Y/n told him.

Meant To Be Yours (Reader x Klaus) DISCONTINUED (for now)Where stories live. Discover now