Chapter Eight

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(Klaus' POV)

Violet tied the rope Sunny got to the net and we climbed down to the bottom of the elevator shaft, using the spyglass as a flashlight.

We jumped to the bottom to see no cage.

My face dropped. "Y/n" I whispered, picking up a single newspaper that was left on the ground.

Violet walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Klaus," tears were forming in her eyes. "We'll find them."

A/n: I am now switching from here to the car ride to The Village of Fowl Devotees because I felt the next scenes after the recent one were random.

(Duncan's POV)

Torture. Pure torture.
Me, Isadora, and Y/n were all stuffed together in a small red herring statue.

We had been her for what felt like years although it was only a day.

It was getting quite difficult to breath especially being crammed together and breathing heavily.

We all sat silently because we didn't know what Count Olaf would do to us if we spoke.

The only thing I knew about pur location is that we were on top of a car and we were headed to some village.

I looked over at my sister who was staring at her commonplace book flipping the pages every now and then.

I glanced at Y/n, she looked miserable. Her eyes were closed but she had dark bags underneath. She always thinking about the Baudelaires and she never sleeps. I felt sorry for her but it was to cramped to even put a hand on her shoulder.

I sighed and went back to carving things in the metal on the side of the statue when the statue was shooken and taken off of the car.

Isadora let out a little scream as the statue almost fell then quickly put her book away.

We felt the shaking as the henchpeople walked with us on their shoulders until they put us right side up and opened the statue.

They quickly grabbed the three of us so we wouldn't escape and brought us to the fountain in the middle of a dusty village.

"What are you going to do with us?" Y/n asked her voice shaky and dry.

"We are going to put you inside this fountain." The hook-handed man said pointing to the fountain.

He grabbed the beak of the bird statue on top of the fountain to open the doors to a slightly larger space than the fish.

The henchpeople stuffed us inside and slammed the door shut.

"They really like putting us in animals." I laughed semi-joking.

Isadora faked a smile and Y/n stared at me blankly.

"Ha." She said.

We sat in the fountain silently Isadora back to her commonplace book and Y/n closing her eyes.

We sat there until we heard a voice.

"The Council of Elders are so scary they make me woozy." A man said. "Im excited you're staying with me. I've never been a guardian. If you need anything just let me know."

Me, Isadora, and Y/n glanced at eachother.

"Thanks Hector. We really need your help." A familiar female voice replied.


"The Baudelaires are here!" Isadora whispered.

"That's why we are in this town fountain and not Olafs trunk." I replied. "Because he needs to capture the Baudelaires too."

"The chief of police is our friends' kidnapper's girlfriend." Klaus said most likely talking about Esmé.

"And his awful henchmen are here too." Violet added.

"Are you saying this just to make my day more scary?" Hector asked in a panicky voice.

"He sounds worse than Josephine." Y/n muttered.

"Are you going to faint again?" Violet said with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"No, I'm getting ready to run." Hector replied. "We should all run in random directions and not stop until we're miles away."

We gave eachother a confused look.

"We came here to find our friends." Klaus said.

A soft smile came on Y/n's face.

"We think they are nearby." Violet told Hector.

Closer than you think.

"We only have the letters VFD as a clue." Klaus added. "We don't even know what that means."

"Village of Fowl Devotees." Hector answered. "That's what VFD stands for."

"I thought it was Volunteer Fire Department?" Isadora asked.

I shrugged.

"Fowl means birds." Hector added.

"Murder!" Klaus exclaimed. "Sorry, thats the word I was looking for earlier, murder is a group of crows."

"Theres not oly murder in this town but theirs a secret." Violet said.

"It's connected with Olaf." Klaus explained.

"And our missing friends." Violet added.

"I have no idea what your saying right now but you can explain it on the way to my house. It's a mile away as the crows fly." Hector said with a chuckle.

"You mean 'as the crow flies' the distance  between two points." Klaus corrected.

"No literally, I mean as the crows fly." Hector responded.

We heard a bunch of cawing from the crows.

"Awesome!" Klaus exclaimed. "Awesome means aspiring awe."

"Every morning the crows roost in the town square and every evening they migrate to the Nevermore Tree in the backyard of your new home." Hector explained. "Come on tell me your story on the way."

The voices trailed off until they were gone.

Isadora sighed, "well at least we know that they are looking for us." Isadora said semi-hopeful.

"And they are sorta safe with their new wacky guardian." Y/n said.

"Hector said that the Nevermore tree is in his backyard, the crows fly there everyday." I started. "Maybe we could attach a note to the crows and they could bring it to the Baudelaires."

"How are we going to get a note attached to a bird?" Y/n asked.

"Give me a boost." I said and stood on Isadora knee. I peered out of the beak and felt around.


"The beak is wet from dew we can wait until a crow to land on the beak and then wet the note and attach it the the leg of the bird." I explained.

"Ok but what if it get intercepted?" Isadora asked.

"You could write a couplet!" Y/n said. "The poem could have a secret way of telling the location."

Isadora nodded and pulled out her commonplace book and scribbled something down.

"Ok hows this,
For sapphires we are held in here
Only you can end our fear
Until dawn comes we cannot speak
No words can come from this sad beak
The first thing you read contains a clue
An initial way to speak to you
Inside these letters the eye will see
Nearby are your friends, and the V.F.D"

Isadora read the couplet and then explained how it showed our location and how the Baudelaires could decode it, using the letters F.O.U.N.T.A.I.N to spell fountain from the first letter of each line.

We tore the couplet into four and waited for sunrise.

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I'm back!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the update delay.
Enjoy the next one!

Meant To Be Yours (Reader x Klaus) DISCONTINUED (for now)Where stories live. Discover now