Chapter Eleven

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(Isadora's POV)

After Olaf and Hal had a short conversation, Hal kicked Olaf out of the Library of Records.

"He is not a real doctor." Hal told us. "Did you see his card?"

"Yes we know he's Count Olaf." Violet replied.

"Who's that?" Hal asked.

"It's a very long story but to sum it up he's a villain who wants to kidnap us and steal our fortunes." Y/n replied.

"That's why we hid from him." Duncan said.

"I see, well he did seem a little dangerous." Hal agreed. "I will try my hardest to keep you children safe."

"Thank you Hal." I said.

"Attention Heimlich Hospital! The well known murderer children have been found with three other accomplices!" Olaf's fake voice boomed over the loudspeaker. "If you've seen them and recognize them from the newspaper please report immediately."

"Well I know I can trust you children to not be murders." Hal said. "I'll file you under 'M' for 'my friends.'"

The file shoot made another noise as a file came out, this time a film.

"There are very important places for things under Snicket." Hal said. "I'll go file this."

He walked off.

(Time skip Y/n's POV)

We wondered around the hospital for a while looking for a place to hide.

"Everywhere we go there are cameras watching us." Klaus sighed.

I looked over to a door leading out to the half of the building that wasn't built.

"Not everywhere." I said.

We walked over to the door and I opened it.

There were metal structures outlining each room and wood planks connecting.

We balanced in the planks and walked over to a larger platform where we could sit and rest.

"We need to get into the Library of Records and get that file." Isadora said.

"How?" Violet asked.

"Sneak!" Sunny said.

"We can't break in!" Klaus exclaimed. "Hal trusts us, we don't want to break the trust."

"He could help us later." I nodded.

"It's the best way to get answers." Duncan sighed.

We finally agreed to sneak in when Hal came outside.

"Hello children." He said carefully balancing on the planks.

He almost fell but Violet ran up and helped him.

"I brought you some soup." He was holding a tray with 7 bowls of soup.

"Thank you so much Hal." I replied.

After a while of eating, laughing, talking, and sharing stories like a family, I became more and more guilty.

Hal soon fell asleep.

Violet gave us all a look and we nodded.

We took Violet hair ribbon and looped on washers we found on the platform. We tied the ribbon to be a loop.

I slowly creept up to Hal and quickly switched the keys with the ribbon.

"What?" Hal asked stirring awake. "Oh, I must of dosed off."

"Yes you did we wanted to wake you so you could go to a proper sleeping area." Duncan told him.

"Well thank you." Hal stood up. "I'll file you under 'P' for 'people I trust.'"

He walked away as more guilt shoot me in the stomach.

"Let's go." Klaus said.

We scrambled to the Library of Records and quickly unlocked it.

After figuring out where the file was we quickly put it in to play on the screen.

Jacques Snicket appeared on the screen.

"Are we rolling?" Snicket asked the camera man.

"Yes sir." The man replied. "Whats your news."

"Well it appears that there may be a survivor of the fire." Snicket answered.

Hope shoot some guilt away. Which fire? Mine? The Baudelaires? The Quagmires?

My thoughts were interrupted when a person came in and blocked the screen.

"Oh I love watching movies." It was Esmé. "Now who wants popcorn?"

"Run!" Duncan exclaimed.

We all ran through the maze of file cabinets and to one of the out chutes. Sunny crawled in and Klaus did after her. Violet gave me a boost with her hands on my feet and Klaus grabbed my hands and pulled me in. I repeated the action for Isadora and she did for Duncan.

"We need the film!" Violet said before she got into the chute.

"No we don't have enough time Violet!" Klaus exclaimed.

"I will be back." Violet said.

"But Violet what if she gets you!" Duncan cried out.

"I will be back." Violet repeated.

She ran away as file cabinets toppled over like dominoes blocking the cabinet door.

"VIOLET!!" Duncan exclaimed as Violet rushed back.

"I'll catch back up to you." She replied.

Violet then leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Duncan's lips then took off after giving him the file.

"No!" Duncan slid out from the gap and chased after her. Isadora slid out and ran after him shout at him to stop.

We watched as Violet and the Quagmires escape from the falling file cabinets then throw open the door to become face to face with Count Olaf. He grabbed them and pulled them away.

I looked over at Klaus who wasn't watching the scene instead he was sitting and clutching his knees up to his chest. Sunny was kneeling at his legs with her hand on his knee looking at her sad brother.

"Klaus?" I whispered.

I crawled up closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. I sat there in silence to find out he was crying.

"Klaus what is it?"

"It's my fault." He cried.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't grab the file and then Violet went to go get it, now her and two of out friends are captured." He told me.

"Klaus it's not your fault you did your best." I said.

He looked up at me. "But I'm the only boy in my family I'm supposed to look out for Violet and Sunny."

"Violet says the same thing and she is the best older sister I know, and you are the best brother." I replied.

He smiled at me and I pulled him into a hug. Sunny joined in.

"Thank you," He whispered.

"Always" I replied.

1003 words.

Dunclet happened!!!

Enjoy the next chapter!!!

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