Chapter Seven

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(Isadora's POV)

I woke up in a dark cage with Duncan and Y/n. I quickly shook them awake.

"Where are we?" Y/n asked.

"It looks like an elevator shaft." Duncan replied.

There were random newspapers all over the ground. I picked one up. "The Baudelaires safe with Esmé and Jerome Squalor" I read the headline.

"They don't look safe." Y/n said peering over my shoulder and pointing to the picture. In it was Violet, Klaus, Sunny, a woman -I was guessing Esmé- and Count Olaf in a new disguise.

We sat there for a moment and thought about our friends when we heard screaming.

We looked around to see that a big basket was coming down towards us.

Once the basket landed we saw that it was the Baudelaires!

The got out of the basket to come up and greet us.

(Y/n's POV)

"Klaus!" I exclaimed and ran to him.

He placed two hands on the bars and I put mine on top of his. "I missed you." He said.

"I did too." I replied grinning.

I looked over at Violet who was attempting to hug Duncan through the bars and Isadora who was kneeling down on the floor talking to Sunny.

After Violet and Duncan failed to hug Isadora asked the Baudelaires if they could pick the lock.

Violet looked at the lock then sighed. "This lock can't be opened without the proper tools, we're going to have to go"

"You're leaving?" Duncan said sadly.

"Yes but we'll be back." She grabbed his hand through the cage. "I promise."

"How are we going to get back up?" Klaus asked.

Violet thought for a second then asked me for the spyglass.

I handed to her and she messed with some of the switches. It lit up like a flash light although we already knew that it did that.

She continued to fiddle with it until the white light turned into a deep orange color.

"Can you hand me one of those newspapers?" Violet asked Isadora.

Isadora grabbed a newspaper page and handed it to Violet.

Violet took it and held it above the light. "Heat rises." She whispered.

"We'll see you soon." Violet told us bunching up a giant blanket and stuffing the spyglass inside to make it rise.

We watched the Baudelaires leave until the tiny orange speck was gone.

We stood in silence until we heard Count Olaf come in.

He unlocked the cage and grabbed the three of us and stuffed us into a cramped red herring statue.

(Sunny's POV)

We safely made it up the elevator shaft and closed it just in time for Esmé to come up the stairs dragging a passed out Jerome.

"Ah Baudelaires, there you are!" She said.

"What happened to Jerome?" Violet asked.

"Oh he just decided to fall asleep during our lunch." She replied.

I noticed my brother and sister glance at each other with confusion.

"Esmé, can we talk to you?" Klaus asked.

Meant To Be Yours (Reader x Klaus) DISCONTINUED (for now)Where stories live. Discover now