Chapter Nine

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(Y/n's Pov)
After a day we had heard so much.

The Baudelaires had to clean the entire town, Count Olaf had been sent to jail but he wasn't actually Olaf, Olaf had captured someone else and disguised him as Count Olaf, the person disguised as Count Olaf had been murdered.

The worst part was that the Baudelaires got accused for murdering "Count Olaf" and got sent to jail.

We still sent out all the couplet pieces hoping they would make it to the Baudelaires somehow.

(Timeskip to one day later)
(Isadora's POV)

We were sitting around when we heard voices outside of the fountain. Baudelaire voices

"The Quagmires and Y/n must be trapped inside this fountain" We heard Violet say.

"Perhaps there's a hidden mechanism that opens  a secret entrance." Klaus replied.

"There has to be a clue inside the poems." Violet said.

"There's something thay bothered me about them, 'this sad beak' is an odd choice of wording even for a poet." Klaus explained. "I've seen Isadora's poems and she doesn't usually use phrases like that."

"We thought she ment the crows but what if she ment the beak of the fountain?" Violet suggested. "We need to get a closer look."

We looked at eachother. Would we finally be saved?

"Just a little higher" Violet grunted.

"Why beak and not crow or bird?" Klaus asked also struggling. "Poets choose their words carefully, it has to mean something."

"I don't mean to rush but I don't think we can hold Sunny up much longer." Violet said.

That explains the struggling they are holding Sunny to let her grab the beak.

Then we heard a gasp and a thud.

"Wah" Sunny cooed.

"Sunny!" Violet exclaimed, another thud as Sunny fell into Violets arms.

We heard the gears spin as the fountain opened to reveal our friends.

"Duncan!" Violet shouted with delight.

"Y/n!" Klaus called in excitement.

"Isa!" Sunny exclaimed which translated to "Isadora".

Duncan ran up to Violet and kissed her cheek before engulfing her in a hug.

Y/n ran up to Klaus and threw her arm arounf his neck and hugged him tightly.

I ran up to Sunny and knelt on the dirt ground. She gave me a tiny hug.

"Are you okay?" Klaus asked Y/n after we all pulled away from eachother.

"Much better now." I replied.

"How did you guys get here?" Violet asked.

"Count Olaf smuggled us out of the auction inside of a red herring." I told them.

"We found it inside of the saloon, it was empty but we knew you were close." Violet said.

We all smiled at eachother together at last.

"You didn’t happen to see anything written inside did you?" My stupid brother asked Violet.

"We didn’t have time to examine it closely." Violet replied blushing alot signifying that she had in fact seen that my idiotic triplet, Duncan had carved D.Q. + V.B. in the metal of the red herring statue.

Duncan gave a soft sigh of relief thinking that she had not seen it. It's obvious he's never had a girlfriend before.

"Count Olaf hid us in the fountain so we'd be out of the way." Y/n said.

"It was Isadora's idea to use the couplets as a code." Duncan told them.

"And Duncan and Y/n figured out how to smuggle them out." I added.

"It was damp from the dew and there were always crows on the fountain, so we waited until one landed then wrapped a wet couplet around its leg." Y/n explained.

"The paper dried overnight and fell from the tree." Klaus finished.

"How’d you know we were here?" Violet asked.

"We didn’t we just knew you'd find us." I answered.

"That's what friends are for." Duncan said smiling at Violet.

"Mob!" Sunny exclaimed.

We looked over at the townfolk carring torches and pitchforks.

"This way." Klaus said.

Klaus grabbed Y/n's hand and Violet grabbed Duncan's. I held Sunny. We all ran into an alley and Sunny jumped into the front seat of a rusty firetruck.

Me, Duncan, Y/n, Violet, and Klaus hopped onto the back of the truck as Sunnt started driving.

"Your sister can drive?" Duncan asked.

"Apparently." Violet answered. "Sunny keep your eye on that balloon!"

"And the road!" Klaus said with a shaky voice.

Sunny continued to drive until we caught up with a hot air balloon.

"Hector!" Violet called.

"Baudelaires!" Hector called back. "Can you make it up here?"

We all turned to look at the mob.

"I don't think so." Klaus said.

"Hector keep going we'll catch up later." Violet called.

"Oh Baudelaires I will miss you, I'm sorry for everything that happened." Hector responded. "I hope we'll meet soon."

"Thank you Hector." Klaus said. "For being our guardian."

"You're welcome." He called. "This is goodbye I guess."

"Goodbye Hector." Violet said a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Goodbye." Klaus sighed.

Sunny started the car back up and we drove away into the night.

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This chapter was kinda short but I think it was good. I did do some editing to some Y/n x Klaus scenes in past chapters to make them less romantic. Don't come at me it's for character build up.

Enjoy the next chapter!

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