Chapter Ten

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(Violet's POV)
Sunny continued to drive until we had lost the mob then stopped so we could get into the front seats.

Klaus and Y/n sat in the front next to Sunny and me, Duncan, and Isadora sat in the back.

Sunny started the truck back up.

We were all silent. We had just left Hector. We had just left our last hope of a guardian. We will never be able to live without being known as criminals.

I looked out the window to see the beautiful sunset my parents were casting in the sky. A few tears rolled down my face.

Soon the truck slowed down and stopped outside of a building labled,
Last Chance General Store

"Outga," Sunny blabbered meaning "we are out of gas."

"Hopefully this general store will have some." Klaus said.

We all hopped out of the truck and walked into the store.

"Hello," I called. "Do you have any gas refills?"

"Yeah look down that aisle." The man pointed to an aisle. We all turned out heads to see. "It's not over there, its down there."

"Thank you." Isadora sighed.

We all walked down the aisle until we reached the gas tanks.

Klaus and Duncan carried one and me and Y/n carried one as Isadora held Sunny.

We started walking to the front desk to check out when we saw him.

"Does this feel like a bad dream?" Olaf asked. "A nightmare."

We dropped the gas tanks and ran the other direction. The tanks shattered and gas poured everywhere.

"Hey what's going on?" The man at the counted called.

Olaf chased close behind us almost slipping on the gas. We ran through a bead curtain and out the back door as Olaf got caught in the curtain.

"Where do we go?" Duncan asked.

"Look," Y/n nodded to a van.

The van was big and blue and had music notes painted on the side. It also had three familiar letters.

"VFD," Klaus whispered.

"Let's go get a better look." I said.

We all snuck up to the van when the van door flew open.

"Hello brothers and sisters!" Said a man.

He had ginger hair and beard and he was holding a guitar.

"Come on in!" He exclaimed.

The six of us crawled into the crowded van. There were probably about 15 other people in there if not more. They all stared at us with wide eyes and toothy smiles.

"Hiya." The bearded man smiled.

"Are you VFD?" Isadora asked.

"We certainly are." He replied.

They continued to stare at us.

"Can you tell us we what VFD stands for?" Duncan asked.

"We certainly can!" He exclaimed. "Weee aree..."

"Volunteers fighting disease and we're cheerful
all day long! If someone said that we were sad
that person would be wrong!" They sang.
"Tra la la fiddle dee dee hope you get well soon
Hohoho hee hee hee have a heart shaped ballon!"

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