Chapter Thirteen

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(Klaus' POV)

We sat in the trunk of Count Olaf's car, not because we were being captured by him.

Because we were running from him.

"How much longer?" Violet whispered.

"I wish I knew," I replied.

Suddenly the car stopped and we heard voices outside of the car. We heard the voices fade off until they were no longer there.

We cautiously exited the car.

"A carnival?" Y/n asked confused about the location.

"Look!" Violet pointed to a tent that had the V.F.D. symbol on it.

We ran up to it and crouched near an opening and heard Olaf talking to someone inside.

"I need you to tell me if there was a survivor of the Baudelaire fire!" Olaf shouted.

"Mm..." A woman said. "The spirits are tired."

"What!" Olaf exclaimed.

"You will get your answer tomorrow." She said.

"Darling she probably isn't a real fortune teller." Esmé sighed.

The fortune teller went on to tell each of the henchpeople something about them to get Olaf to believe her.

We crawled away and went back to Olaf's car as they continued to talk.

"Fortune tellers aren't real," I told them.

"Then how'd she know all that stuff?" Violet asked.

"She must know something we don't," Y/n replied.

"We need to find a way into the carnival without being caught," Violet said.

"Disguise?" Sunny asked which meant, "we should disguise ourselves as carnival people so we can be employed to the carnival."

"Good idea," Y/n said opening the trunk to get disguises.


We disguised ourselves and walked back to the tent.

Me and Violet disguised ourselves as a two-headed person using a big shirt.

Sunny disguised herself as a wolf baby using facepaint.

Y/n disguised herself as a juggler and she wore a pink wig.

"Hello?" Olaf said calling out to us.

"Show yourselves!" Esmé called.

We stepped into a dim light.

"We were wondering if you would employ us as carnival freaks?" Violet said in an accent.

"Come in" Olaf said leading us into the tent.

"What's...freakish about you." Esmé asked.

"Well I am two headed." I said also adding an accent. "My name is Elliot and my other head is Beverly."

"This is Chabo the wolf baby." Violet said.

"And I'm Susan, I juggle." Y/n said.

"So how is it to be two headed?" Olaf asked me and Violet.

"It's very difficult," Violet answered.

"How about eating?" Esmé asked.

"Well eating is also very difficult." I replied.

Olaf cackled then brought a ear of corn and gave it to us. "Eat."

Me and Violet started to eat the corn. We struggled as Olaf and his trope laughed and Y/n and Sunny watched us in sorrow.

After we finally finished Olaf turned to Sunny. "And what about you?"

"You should feed her corn!" The hook-handed man said.

Olaf handed Sunny an ear of corn. She snatched it out of his hands ate in five seconds then growled at the end.

"Chabo would work well for.. growling at people in the audience." Esmé said disgusted.

"Ok now what about you?" He said turning to

"I can juggle anything." She said.

"Anything?" He asked.

"Anything." She replied.

"How about corn!" The fortune teller said.

"Oh Madame Lulu, I have a better idea than that." He sighed.

"And what is that?" Madame Lulu asked.

"Knives." He cackled.

He pulled three knives out of his back pocket and handed them to Y/n.

I looked at her as she accepted them. She didn't look scared at all. She looked brave.

She held the three sharp knives, took a breath than started juggling.

It was amazing. I watched her in total amazement. She smiled as she caught my eye. Her E/c eyes sparkled. I didn't smile back, my mouth hanging wide open in shock..

Y/n finally finished and everyone clapped other than Olaf. He stared at her in disgust.

"She should really do that boss." The hook-handed man said.

"Yeah whatever." He sighed. "Go to the freak house."

We left the tent the went to a caravan with a big sign outside marking our destination.

When we walked in we were greeted by three people who introduced themselves as, Hugo, Collette, and Kevin.

Hugo was a hunchback.

Collette was a contortionist.

Kevin was Ambidextrous.

We were given two hammocks to sleep in.

Me and Violet shared one so we wouldn't give away our identities.

Y/n and Sunny shared the other.

We all said goodnight to eachother then went to go bed.

I sat awake with one thought on my mind. It was an odd thought. It was how incredible Y/n looked with the knives. I shut my eyes and imagined how she looked. Beautiful. That's when I realized.

I like Y/n.

803 words.

;) ;) ;)

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