chapter 3-First Flight

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Its Late at night , so dark he can't quite see that well in his family pod,-not that it matters.All he can think about is you.You seem to be plaguing his mind every second of the day, even you are not there around him; his thought always come back to you.He rolls over to his side ,hoping the new position will help him sleep better.His eyes begin to drift asleep, still dreaming of your sweet smile.

its around before noon before you finally make it too the small group of Na'vi.Many chores are given to you as Tonowari's eldest daughter,something Neteyam himself understands perfectly and decides to question it.Once you finally make it towards the group , you stand tall hovering behind watching the scene play out I'm front of you.You notice your twin isn't here and decide it is probably for the bester as he would properly cause a rucas instead of actually helping, you think.You watch with an raised eyebrow as Tsireya's hand makes its way towards Lo'ak's stomach."Breathe from here"she indicates softly.It seems as though Lo'ak tries to follow her lead but due to her presence he cant seem to force -not that he minds, you can tell-"Your heart beat is very fast"Tsireya comments on, causing Lo'ak to stop looking at her in embarrassment and instead look downwards to calm himself down.You smirk at this,Tsireya is too oblivious to the reasoning of Lo'ak's elevated heartbeat.Everyone except Kiri gives you a knowing look ,while instead kiri rolls her sit in between Neteyam and rotxo as there is space and give a small smile to both boys."so breathing technique training today ?,how are you doing Neteyam?", he responds by saying "I think I'm doing good but I feel as though the moment I get in the water , I may not be able to hold my breath for as long as outside of water" he looks down a little put a hand on his shoulder"my advice is just try to think of anything else other than the fact you need to breath, try distract yourself".He thanks you for the advice."hey how about we try use this technique in the actual water?,get some real practice in?"Tsireya agrees with the idea and encourages everyone to follow her to the cove . everyone begins to make they way towards the cove to practice. Both kiri and rotxo begin to feel like third wheels on your guys 'dates' ,specifically you and Neteyam and Tsireya and Lo'ak so they both part ways to do their own thing, waving each other off.

You all reach the cove swiftly and you suggest a challenge with Neteyam and lo'ak, who  also likes the challenge"me and Tsireya will throw a seashell into the water , you must grab it before it reaches the sea ground, simple enough right?" you give them Both quiztive look.Both brother accept the challenge and try their best to grab the shell in time while both brothers secretly try to beat each other .both are un-able to do in within 3 tried however on the 4th try Lo'ak was able to grab it in time to which tsireya grabbed his hand in excitement"you did it" they both laugh together.Neteyamn hopes that if he completes the challenge you will react the same way Tsireya did with Tsireya.While crossing your arms you raise an eyebrow "wanna try another time ?", you smirk at him."Yes!" he sounds awfully determined you think to yourself, his eyebrows are furrowed and concentration."ready, steady,go!",you throw the seashell and hope for the best.As you wait a minute you watch as both Tsireya and Lo'ak begin to travel home to wish them farewell , knowing full and well they won't be going straight home.Soon after the thought , Neteyam emerges happily,"I did it !,look!", You begin to cheer and laugh along with him , placing your hand on back-blade, nearing closer to him with a huge smile spread across your face; cheeks tinted a soft shade of pink."Im proud of you Neteyam",everytime you say his name, his heart flutters everytime strangely enough.

"soo... you ready to ride my Ikran now ?", he smiles down at you while you both sit next to each other on the rocks-pinky fingers slightly touching."are you kidding me?,yes!" you exclaim gleefully, causing you to envelope his hand fully. Neteyam stands up straight and brings his hand in front of you to grab on to, pulling you towards the edge of a flat surface he thought would be good for his Ikran to land on.Once his Ikran arrives he gets on first before helping you on too"remember, they got really fast, so hold on tight" to which he grabs your hand and leads it to his stomach to hold on to."Ready?"He asks gently."yes...", you bring your head to rest on his back and you tighten your arms around him.Soon after the Ikran flys upwards towards the sky,Feeling the cool breeze once the Ikran begins to fly straight at a steady pace , you decide to look downwards. Although daunting as first you realise just how beautiful the world looks so high above like this.You begin to pulls yourself higher so that you are now looking above Neteyam's shoulder."wow"you whisper pulling yourself close to his upper back do you can rest your head dreamily on it"thank you" you mutter next to his ear.He could feel your warm breathe on his neck , causing his cheeks and tips of his ears to warm up at the feeling.After a while , Neteyam begins to instruct his Ikran to fly back down towards the ground, feeling wistful to the fact it ended early you understood why , both you parents would be worried if  you were gone any longer so its is better it end , now than later.You grab both of Neteyam's hands gently,"thank you Neteyam", you smile up at him.Only for him to respond with looking at you contently"Anything for you " he whispers.You guys are so close, you could make out every detail on his face, the small glowing freckles that adorned his face , the exact shape of his blue marking on his face, You could even pick out the exact colour of his eyes,which seemed to glow even brighter as the eclipse began nearing.



This chapter isn't very long sorry ,hope you all enjoy anways,thank you <3,also idk if you guys can see but there is a randomly a huge gap between two of the chapters for no absolute reason :/

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