Chapter 21-sickness

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Neteyam's P.O.V

The morning was long gone and I still hadn't heard or seen Y/n just yet but I hope that when the celebration time is around I'll see her. Throughout the day I saw many Na'vi preparing decorations, food and activities- Each one of them had a stressed look on their face.As I walk down towards the beach I see an elderly Na'vi carrying a huge box in his arms, each step he took he would slightly wobble.Worried that he might hurt himself I decided to ask if he needs any help."Sir, would you like some help with that?"I ask him gently.The elder looks at me and then back at his box."Thank you child"As soon as he says that I lift the box from is arms into mine.Before I walk off the elder grabs the side of my cheek and pinches it slightly "What a lovely young man you are, any woman would be lucky to have you" I blush lightly at his words before I thank him and walk off.I wonder if Y/n feels lucky to have me.

As I walk towards the village I see My brother and his 'girlfriend' together again, I don't bother to walk up to them and instead let them be but as I walk past I over hear Tsireya talking about Y/n.I decided to eavesdrop."Y/n had a terrible dream last night after that she got extremely sick, she can't seem to stop coughing and her temperature is way to high, im worried about her"Tsireya's looks down sorrow filled her eyes"She really wanted to attend the festival too..."Lo'ak consoles Tsireya.My mind drifts of to Y/n, she didn't seem sick at all yesterday nor did she eat anything strange so I wonder how she got sick all of a sudden.Before I can ponder more a loud horn can be heard"The festival as began!" many people shout and scream in joy.

I stay with my family during the feast and discuss about the festival so far.Tuk especially seemed to be enjoying herself. Ao'nung,Tsireya, Ronal and Tonowari are all sat together while my family sit directly opposite them.Both my parents and theirs discuss on their own.Throughout the whole meal my mind keeps drifting to Y/n, she must be so upset that she couldn't be here today.Once the meal ends everyone is ushered towards a ginormous empty mat on the floor, presumably for the dance rituals but instead of staying to watch I sneakily make my way out through the crowd and walk towards Y/n's pod.Her whole family is away at the party so no one would find out i'm going to meet her.


You are able to hear the horn from your bedroom but don't bother to send up to go look outside.Everything in your body aches and you head has a burning sensation.You think back to this morning.After your nightmare you tried your absolute best to go back to sleep yet your head wouldn't stop burning and then many coughing fits came along.Your annoyed you were un able to attend the festival this year- it was your most favoured one out of all the celebrations.You wrap yourself tighter inside you blanket and try to go to sleep.

Mean while Neteyam has already reached your pod and first tries you bedroom window but notices that it is shut tight so instead he walks around to the front doorway.He cautiously walks through the door way and makes his way towards your bedroom.Before he walks in he takes a look at your form, his heart clenches at the sight."Oh my love, its okay now"he says softly.He makes his way towards you and crouches down to your level.stroking your head gently"Come here my girl" He says before you slowly pull yourself into his arms"Neteyam..." you croak out.Your eyes drift up at his face and then his neck- he's wearing the necklace you got him.Your hand moves gently towards his necklace."You wore it"A huge smile appears on your face.Neteyam smiles down at you"Of course its a gift from my favourite girl" he goes down to give you a huge hug, placing his head in between the crook of your neck."Come on let's get you back into bed"he pulls the blanket over your body carefully.You whine at him but eventually oblige.

After Neteyam tucks you in he walks out the room for a little while, he sits down in the main room with a pot above the fire.He begins cutting up various vegetables; places them plus the spices all together into the water. He's very careful about how much spice he puts in as to not make it too spicy for you.Once he is finished he pours a small portion into a bowl and brings it to your room.Slowly he places everything onto the floor in front of you and ushers you to sit up."My love I made you some soup, this will help you"He says while moving your hair behind your ear.He places a small kiss to your temple before feeding you the soup, making sure to blow on it so make sure it isn't too hot for you.After you finish you decided to rest your head on his lap for a few moments"Hey Neteyam... how is the festival so far?"You ask him, a hint of sadness in your voice.Neteyam stroke your hair as he says"Hmm... it was amazing, i'm sorry you couldn't attend"He sighs "I know you really wanted to do the dancing ritual as well"As he says this a idea pops into his head.

Neteyam stand up and pulls you up too by your hand, as he does so he pulls you close to him.One of his hands go to grab your hand while his other hand move towards your waist."I know you didn't get to dance this time round so why don't we do it now?"he smiles down at you.You eyes widen at his words before a huge smile appears on your face.He begins swaying you around the room gently while you follow in suit, you head rests on his chest as he does so.To you everything felt so special much more better than the actual ritual, your heart warms at the fact that he did all of this for you.You two danced in the room for a few more minutes before Neteyam slowed down and pulled you into a soft hug and places a kiss to your forehead."Thank you Neteyam"You smile at him.

After a while you begin to grow tired, you go to rest your head onto his lap once more.Eyes begin to droop and tiredness and fatigue catch up to you.Soft snores can be heard from you."I love you my y/n, get better soon my love"Neteyam says softly.



1113 words

Not proof read but hope you enjoy!

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