Chapter 17-something planned

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"Y/n tomorrow after chores do you think you could meet up with me?,I have something to show you"

Neteyam wakes up very early in the morning when the birds are chirping and the sun is barely at its peak.He quickly rushes out of his family pod and runs off to complete all his daily chores.After completing his chores he rushes to then go complete your chores too.He hopes that this will allow you to relax a but more since today is your special day!.He decided the best course of action would be to complete all his responsibilities plus yours as quick as possible so that he could spend the rest of his time solely dedicated to his surprise for you.Before he goes towards his destination he makes a quick stop at his family pod.He sits down in from of the family fire and takes out all sorts of different ingredients.He prepares all sorts of different foods, sweets and snacks just for you.While he waits for the water he previously placed on the fire to heat up, his mind drifts off to you.

He spends so much time around you he can remember clearing each detail on your face.He knows that when you smile two skill crinkles from at the corner of each eye, he knows the exact shade of blue of your eyes, he knows that you actually only have one dimple not two, he knows that you often try to cover your mouth each time you smile and he knows that you have a small burn mark on the inside of your hand from a accident when you were younger.Everytime he is alone he can't seem to spend a single minute where he isn't thinking about you, not that he minds.

When he does think about you, he likes to think of the small things like how your hand feels against his, how warm it is.He also loves the feeling of caging you in him arms, seeming everytime he tries to squeeze you to death.He just loves you that much.He hopes that when you see his surprise today you will appreciate all the effort he put into it. Excitement already bubbling inside him.

Once he finally finishes he wraps everything neatly and places it into his basket along side some drinks.All of his dessert are shaped into little hearts, he's a bit disappointed that not every single heart shaped dessert is shaped the same size but none the less he knows you will love them equally.

He then collects all the necessary decorations for his plan.As he rushes out of his pod, Lo'ak gives him a questioning look"Bro you good?" Lo'ak asks.Neteyam rapidly rushes out the door once more."Nothing" is all he says causing Lo'ak to shrug it off.

He determinally  makes his way towards the south end of the island to prepare.In his hands is a basket full of essentials such as decorations, food and a floor mat. Once he reaches, he begins taking out all the items and look at them trying to figure out what would look the best.He hangs all the decorations down from the trees, places a mat down on the floor with a neighbouring basket full of all your favourite sweets and food.Neteyam himself made all the food and sweets.As the eldest siblings it was common for him to make little snacks and treats for his siblings.With cooking food so often he began to improve on his cooking abilities especially creating sweets.He doesn't like to admit it but he has a small sweet tooth.

While he places all the decorations his mind flashes back to the day he found out when your birthday was.It was around midday and you still hadn't come back from your duties so he stayed with all his siblings, including Tsireya and Ao'nung.Everyone was sat in a circle while Tuk was sitting happily in Neteyam's lap.Tuk whined out"When is Y/n coming!", this caused Tsireya's eyes to widen in realisation as if she had remembered something."That reminds me, It will be Y/n's birthday soon" Tsireya smiled out.

Ao'nung cleared his throat dramatically,"And mine! thank you very much" Ao'nung said almost shouting.Ao'nung held a proud face.This had caused the group to laugh out at his outburst.Not Neteyam though, he was too busy thinking of what tom give you as a gift.What exactly could you want?.He really wanted to get you something truly amazing, something worthy of you yet nothing came to mind.You weren't exactly someone who asked for things very often nor did you ever hint at anything.Tsireya spoke once more."Y/n isn't exactly someone who enjoys her birthday unlike my brother" she smacks his head gently.Which caused Ao'nung to give her a half-hearted death stare.Neteyam was curious now.He looked towards Tsireya and asked " Why not?".Tsireya pondered for a bit before she responded with." I guess it has something with her not having the time, she's always busy" She slightly pouted at the thought.Upon hearing this Neteyam knew exactly what to get you now.

back to the present, he eventually finishes and looks towards the sky.He realises that you'll be coming any minute now.All of a sudden he became extremely nervous.Recently you have been swamped with chores, duties and lesson, even more than usual.Even he could tell you were beginning to get exhausted.He was hoping this would be something to allow you to rest and cool down without having to worry about anything.He sits down on the mat he previously placed and waits for you patiently.When you arrives, Neteyam practically jumps in the air.He rushes over to you will a small nervous smile placed on his lips.He watches as you face changes to a more shocked one."What is all this?" you ask him genuinely surprised- he seemed to have put a lot of effort in this.He scratches his head nervously."Happy birthday Y/n" he smiles out.

You look around with a huge smile on your face before you turn to him and tackle him into a giant hug.Neteyam graciously accepts and tightens the hug slightly.When the hug ends he pulls away from you slightly and hold both your shoulders, giving you a small kiss on the forehead.He then drags to towards the mat and urges you to sit down.

He explains that he had completed all your chores for today and had made a small picnic set up for you will all your favorite foods.As he says this he motions for you to open up the basket full of all the food.Your eyes widen slightly, he did all this for you ?."I was wondering why all my chores were already done for me"You lean into him and give him a kiss on his lips gently while your hand rested on top of his."Thank you so much, I love everything you've done for me, I love you !" You raise your hand into the air in excitement."I love you too Y/n, so much "

After a sort time you both dig into the food ad desserts, you marvel at it all. You never knew he was such a good cook and hou absolutely adore the heart shape dessert.Neteyam blushes madly when you compliment him over and over again.



I have to be honest I doubt they celebrate birthdays(probably should have done research lol) but anyways Neteyam being head over heels for you.
Allso ik I'm supposed to be resting (sort of) but I just had an idea ( may not be a good one buttt) what if I create a story for Ao'nung and basically it's set slightly in the future to where Tsireya and Lo'ak have a an unborn child and basically Aonung is now the leader of the clan but does not have a mate just yet
The reader is part of the fire clan( which I think the next movie will be based on I think) and like a second war has began and you end up fighting against your own clan .
But that is the basic gist of the story
Idk I feel like this could be a good plot , but idk?????
I want to create a story that is much more different from avatar the way of water and is hopefully more interesting because I'm tired of reading the same plot for ever x reader story

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