chapter 12-water fight

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Neteyam's P.O.V

It's dawn when both me and Y/n return home.I wave her off before giving her a quick hug goodbye, She doesn't reject it , instead giving me a tight squeeze with a small smile on her lips."I'll see you tomorrow then"I watch her run off before turning round to walk to my Family pod.No matter how much I try , my small happy smile doesn't seem to want to leave my face.Once I get to the pod doorway I see my baby brother who also seems to have a smile on his face,Most likely because of his 'girlfriend'."What's got you so happy" I smirk at him with my arms crossed, his only response was "I could say the same to you" before he walked inside.My whole family are sat down eating dinner to which I sit with them all, grabbing a small portion of food for Tuk and placing it in front of her.I then grab my own before conversing with my family about today's events.Everyone's spirits seem to have lifted now that Kiri is feeling much better now.Kiri herself seems to have returned to her normal sarcastic self, something that has definently relieved me.Once we all finish our dinner I decide to wash up before going to bed.

Once I lay down with my back flat to the bed mat, I try resting my eyes however each time I do Y/n seems to appear.Her smile is so bright, she always looks so happy even doing basic things such as chores.I've never met someone like her not even back home in the forest.There are times where I miss the forest however Y/n's presence makes it a little easier.Rolling over I look over to Lo'ak who is sound asleep, grumbling about something in his sleep.He was never one to sleep quietly.I close my eyes once more reminiscing about the small moment I've had with y/n, they always get me to sleep much faster.

Y/n's P.O.V

Its around mid-eclipse when I decide to head to bed,My whole family including my siblings seem to have already gone to sleep.Next door to my pod I hear loud snoring- Ao'nung, I think to myself.He was always one to keep others awake at night, his snores were even louder than my fathers.As I try to calm my thoughts from what happened in the cave, I try listening to the gentle sway of the water.It was always much calmer at eclipse.I shut my eyes before my thought are returned to Neteyam, ever since his family has arrived here, my thoughts are filled with him.His gentle laughs and those corning jokes he always make, how his eyes crinkle slightly when he smiles or how when he's in deep though his forehead creases.Everything about was so fascinating.I slowly drift to sleep thinking of today's events.

2nd P.O.V

You get up early to begin your chores and end up seeing Neteyam near the vegetable garden cove picking fruits from some of the higher trees.One arm is holding a large basket full of fruits while his other arm is reaching up towards one of the tree's branches.The wind slightly swaying his locks behind him.All of a sudden you were overcome with nervousness."H-Hey!",Neteyam looks behind he quickly, already realising whose voice it belongs to.He places the basket next to the trees stump before walking over to you.A huge smile was spread across his face"Hey, here for chores?" he asks almost instantly.Seeing his smile was always reassuring, you no longer felt nervous instead delighted to be by his side.You nod at him,"Would you like some help?"Smiling up at him.Often after chores you would both walk down towards the cove and sit by the beach just to be in each others presence, to talk.Today you both did that exactly however instead of sitting by the sand, Neteyam suggested going in the water for a bit to which you agreed.As the days increase so did the temperature, it was much more hotter than when Neteyam first arrived.As you both touch the cool water, you both sigh in satisfaction. Neteytam being as childish as he can be sometimes decided to start a mini water fight with you-You have always loved this side of him.You oblige of course and begin splashing water at him to which he begins throwing larger portions at you.It was a full of fight now.As Neteyam splashes water directly at your face, you end up such you eyes closed; laughing in bliss.As you open your eyes you notice Neteyam suddenly disappeared.You turn around trying to locate him, moments laters a loud shout is heard.Neteyam jumps out of the water behind you and grabs you by the waist pulling you up into the air.You kick your legs with laughter, you were now raised in the air while Neteyam hold you there spinning you around with him."Neteyam!" You scream with laughter-He really was fun to be around.You push him into the water with you stringing along.Neteyam is first to raise out, second is you."cheater!"You point at him while giggling once again.He moves close to you, holding your hand in his"You don't mind really"he leans down while smirking.You lean it too,"You don't know that" your eyes drifting towards his eyes then to his nose and finally to his lips.Neteyam notices and pulls you into him slowly and gently.One of his hands drift to your lower back while his other hold your face.You hands drift to his neck and his hair, gently swaying them in your fingers as he pulls you in deeper.

The kiss only latest a few moments before you pull away slightly for air,His forehead rest on yours before he pulls away too."I win" he smiles at you.



939 words

i'm currently working on the Ao'nung fit hopefully ill finish at least 3 chapters before publishing it, anyways hopefully this chapter is a bit better.

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