chapter 8-Trouble

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"I-I lead Lo'ak beyond the reef"he meekly says.Both you and Neteyam swiftly stand up, both faces contorting in anger."Are you kidding me?,What were you thinking?"You shout at Ao'nung-how could he possibly think this was a good idea.Neteyam is next to speak,"Where is my brother, skxawng!"He bawls out, eyebrows furrowed in vexation.All Ao'nung does is look down dismissively. Neteyma grabs Ao'nung by his shoulder and drags him towards his family pod.

Both you and Neteyam rush over to his family.The whole way through you shout at him, not stopping at all to rest.Once you get the the pod doorway you decide to stand outside letting Neteyam work this out.You don't hear much but you do hear Neteyam's raised voice and straight after his father's angry voice.You peek in slightly and see Ao'nung guilty face look down towards the ground.The whole Sully family including you all rush outside shouting for Lo'ak in some hope that he would hear you all.You rush off towards the outskirts of the island Trying your best to see as far as you can but its to no avail.Both you and Neteyam are together as you both shout for him, however nothing seems to work.Its been hours and he's still not back yet.You've instructed some fishermen to swim on their Ilu in hopes they would have a better chance at finding him.You look towards Neteyam who has his head in his hands, worry written all over his face.You begin to see his eyes water slightly and his lips tremble.You walk over to him slowly, sliding next to him.You place your hand on his back,"Lo'ak is very strong , I have no doubt that he is okay,We will find him okay?"You lean down slightly trying to get a look at his eyes but he doesn't budge nor look at you.You move your hands to pulls his hands into yours, gently rubbing your thumb over the top of his hand.A small tear falls down his cheek,You move thumb to now rub away his tear."I'm so worried for my brother I know he's strong , I know he can protect himself but we are not in the jungle anymore..."His head falls to your shoulder.You move you hands to smooth his hair down and pull him in even closer."I should have been there, this is my fault"his voice begins to tremble even more."It isn't your fault,Its Ao'nung's fault"You spew out angrily but none the less you try to keep your cool for Neteyam-He needs you right now.You place your hand on his cheek and pull yourself so that your forehead it touching his.You eyes are closed as you do this."He will be okay" You whisper.He pulls you in for a hug, silently thanking you.

Horns blare loudly.Someone shouts "The boy has returned!"Both you and Neteyam's raise quickly at hearing this,You stand up quickly with Neteyam as both you two run towards where he is.Once you reach towards where Lo'ak is.You see him thank the fisherman who helped him get back,You also thank the fisherman for completing his duty.Soon after you see Jake Sully rush up to his son,"lets get a look at you".He places his hands on his son's shoulder trying to get a better look.Lo'ak eyes your twin brother the whole time.Lo'ak's eyes twitching in resentment.His mother come next,"I pray that I will not pluck the eyeballs out of my youngest son".Raising her hand to imidate plucking his eyes out.To which Lo'ak looks away.Your father looks sternly towards Ao'nung."No my son knows better than to take him outside the reef",Your father pushes Ao'nung down to the ground so he can bow towards the sully family. You bow your head too in respect."The blame is his" Your father states sternly.Jake Sully urges Lo'ak to move along however he has other plans."no, this was not Ao'nungs fault, this was mine".Ao'nung looks confused, so where you-It was defiently your brothers fault, how can he take he blame for this knucklehead?."Aonung tried to talk me out of it, really"Lo'ak tries to emphasise. Once the sully family leave, Your father looks towards Ao'nung,"was this true?".He looks down not wanting to answer his father right now.

After your father was done shouting at Ao'nung he told him to leave,Not having the strength to look at him right now.Your eyes drift down towards the ground-already knowing you will be shouted at next.He looks down at you harshly, crossing his arms at you."You should have been there to stop this",you look down despairingly.This wasn't your fault after all...



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