chapter 15-Mates?

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"Hey,Y/n can I ask you something?"

Your eyes drift towards his as you look at him curiously.He looks incredibly nervous in this moment of time, his eyes seem to be looking anywhere but your eyes.What could he exactly be so nervous to talk to you about?."Is something wrong?" you ask him slowly, not entirely sure what to make of the situation.You move your hand towards Neteyam's cheek in attempt to calm him down but this only seems to make him more nervous."You know you can tell me anything right?" You tell him sweetly.Neteyam's hands travel towards your hand, gripping them tightly.He paused for a moment before asking"Have you ever thought about maybe... being my mate?",Your eyes widen at the question before you could answer he spews out"I mean, its fine if you don't, I was just wondering-".A loud laugh erupts from you causing Neteyam to jitter a little bit."Oh my Neteyam, of course I do, why would you think otherwise? after all you are my whole world."You smile brightly at him causing his cheeks to redden by the second.He had no idea you felt this deeply about him."I think the world of you too" he softly speaks,"Im happy you feel that way Y/n" he says before pulling you in for a soft kiss.After pulling away you tell him that it would be best to wait for your parents approval first ."Do you think they would accept me?"Neteyam asks.You ponder for a bit before saying "Maybe at first she would be disappointed maybe even furious but I know that after a bit of time she would accept you".Neteyam smiles at this

As you both continue to walk on you end up at a small cliff overlooking your village.You both sit far away from the edge but close enough to overlook your home.You both sit down next to each other, as Neteyam moves his hand to you shoulder to pull you in he brushes his hand against your waist by accident causing you to flinch slightly.He looks at you questionably before asking"Are you ticklish?".When you respond with a not very convincing "No", a small smile spread across his face.Neteyam begins tickling you causing you to try push him away."NonoNO-"He continues to tickle you despite your contradictions.Neteyam has a huge smile across his face as he tickles you continuously while you on the other hand has tears threatening to spill.Eventually he does stop however he is not on top of you.He thinks you look pretty with your cheeks dusted pink and small tear drops on the corner of your eyes.You gently smack his head before giving him a small peck on the lips " don't ever do that again" you dramatically turn away from him after sitting up straight.He pulls you down towards his lap so that you now have your head resting on his legs and you just look up at him with your arms crossed."You can tickle me back if you want"He laughs out.You end up telling him" it's not the same it has to be a surprise attack" to which he laughs again " suit yourself".

Neteyam moves his hand so that it is now smoothing the top of your hair down."By the way how are the lessons getting on?, I heard your teacher was sick",You smile up at him- slightly surprised he remembered something like that.You begin telling him all about your first lesson while Neteyam listens intently with a small happy smile on his face.He loves the way your eyes sparkles slightly, the way you always have this goofy smile on your face and he especially loves just how much you care for your people.He truly believes you are perfect in every way imaginable.When you finish speaking he asks loads of questions, asking about how you found teaching, was it difficult.When ever you talked about your interests he would always ask questions to get you to talk about it more because he loved listen to your voice- he found it calming.

After a long conversation about random topics there is a short pause in the conversation before he asks you "I was wondering if you could teach me some more sign language tomorrow, id love to be come more fluent".You quickly sit up genuinely excited that he was interested in learning more.You hold his hand gently"Of Course Neteyam!".A huge smile appears on his face."Thank you Y/n" he hold your face gently before placing a small kiss to your forehead.



737 words

sorry this chapter is a bit shorter since im trying to work on the Ao'nung fanfic but hope you like it anyways.

uhm also I kinda want to start a avatarVarious! X reader fanfic, I feel like every time I write a chapter I think of new idea and plots that unfortunately don't fit with the current charter.Ill probably start writing that after I finish this story

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