chapter 6-childish fight

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You finish your chores early  and decide to look for the Sully gang, you really enjoy hanging out with them especially Neteyam, you hope that you will be able to get a little closer to him.You know for a fact that he doesn't have as many chores as you due to him still only being a guest to the Metkayina clan however you don't seem to find him anywhere and when you finally do he makes up an excuse and quickly hurries off."Oh sounds like someone is calling me" he says nervously,"What, I don't hear-" before you can finish your sentence he is already gone.This happens at least three times before you realise that he is ignoring you but you have no clue why.Has he found you annoying?maybe yesterday's sparring match?have you said something to upset him?you mind begins to spiral out of control.Can he really not stand the thought of being by your side that he has to keep making excuses just to get away from you?.Your truly hurt.

You eventually give up and find your path crosses with Tsireya on the way back home.You eventually tell her what is wrong after continual question after question.Tsireya tries to calm your mind but its all for nothing as even Lo'ak doesn't know what is wrong with his brother, he never mentioned anything.Lo'ak decides that he might as well go find him and ask him what his problem is.This girl obviously likes him and he obviously likes her back too so why ignore her?As he tried to find him he finds Kiri, Ao'nung and his whole gang , who seem to be picking on Kiri.As he nears closer to the whole group he sees Ao'nung grab Kiri's arm roughly, mocking her and her small tail.

"back off fish lips" Lo'ak spews out."Oh look another five fingered freak" he says smugly, eyeing  Lo'ak down.The whole group begin to mock Lo'ak for his small tail, pushing him side to side causing him to slightly stumble.kiri of course tries to stop the whole conundrum yet no one seems to listen to her. Neteyam then appears on the scene marching over to the whole group, suppressed anger written all over his face.Neteyam quickly pulls Ao'nung forcing him to face him."you heard what she said, Leave them alone" he says fearlessly.Ao'nung's 'lacky' interrupts "Oh big brother comi-"Ao'nung quickly stops him from speaking."back off ,now" he raises his finger at him in a sort of way to emphasise what he has just said.This is where you join in, you look at the situation in front of you slightly confused but seemingly understand the gist of the current situation.You are beyond angry at you twin, these are not only your guests but your friends ,how could he treat them like this?.

Neteyam urges Lo'ak to move on and walk away and he  stands near Kiri he notices you , he quickly looks away in response, remembering yesterday's events.He then notices Lo'ak is not standing beside him anymore instead walking up to Ao'nung again."I know this hand looks weird"wiggling his pinky."Alien" he adds on. This causes Ao'nung to look at him smugly , smirking at him."but it can do something pretty cool, look, if you ball it up really tight" he paused before looking at him and punching him multiple times.This causes Ao'nung to fall to the ground and his friends gather around him.Due to Lo'ak's stupidity , everyone begins to tackle, fight and pull tails.Neteyam scratches his head in thought, should he go fight or not?.He eventually does , tackling one of Ao'nung's friends ,dragging him to the ground to punch the poor boy repeatedly.Both you and Kiri laugh at the whole situation how ever as the leader's eldest daughter you decide to end the fight once and for all-it has gone on long enough."Enough!" you scream, giving each and everyone of them a death-stare.Each member including Kiri stare at you,"Enough is enough, all of you leave now!"You then stomp over to Ao'nung dragging him away from the whole scene.

Once you two are far enough away you begin giving him a lecture, shouting at him for his stupidity, he's the eldest son is he not?how could he act so stupid?.Ao'nung just rolls his eyes as you before walking off into the family pod, preparing for his parents scolding. Unfortunately you also seem to get in trouble for 'not stopping the fight sooner',you hate that you get in trouble for your twins short comings-it's not fair.

As you stomp out of your pod you notice Neteyam walking out of his and still visibly injured,You aren't sure if he even wants to see you right now but it is your job to help your Na'vi out so that's what your going to do.You run up to Neteyam grabbing his arms gently, careful not to touch any of his bruises and you drag him to a smaller pod dedicated to keeping all your medical supplies.You decide not to say anything and see if he'll talk to you first.You first grab a small wet rag and begin gently wiping away any spilled blood. You try you best to be gentle but you can see him tense up at the movement.secondly you begin applying paste to his bruised areas and finally adding ointment to his bruise lip.When you finish you begin packing up, placing everything back to where they were.As you do this you decide that you might as well speak first since it seems like he has no plans on doing so. You look down dejectedly,"Look I don't know why you're ignoring me, maybe because of something I said? but I promise that whatever I've done I'm truly sorry."You begin to ramble again trying your hardest not to let the tears fall.You couldn't bear to let him see you so upset.If you were truly honest Neteyam is probably your first real friend-Yes you've had friends but they only talk to you because you are the leaders daughter not because they actually want to be your friend.Once you finish talking you begin to make your way out of the pod but before you walk out of the doorway Neteyam drags your hand and pulls you flush against him."No I'm sorry, It wasn't my intention to make you upset" he whispered into your hair, wrapping his arms around your torso.He paused for a moment before saying"I was just afraid of my feeling,It won't happen again, okay?"You look up at him before asking,"So, you're not angry at me?".He shook his head.You smack his head gently."Don't do it again, or I swear" You say into the crook of his head."Wouldn't dream of his" he smiles at you.

'she feels warm' he thinks to himself.



1172 words

I noticed I normally write my paragraphs quite bulky so I've tried to split them up so its a bit easier to read:)Anyways Neteyam being to embarrassed to look at you is probably the cutest thing ever and I can definitely see him doing that.Also not really happy with this chapter ill try make a more fluffy one next chapter.

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