Chapter 30-Two Is Better Than One[option 1]

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Once you are brought back to your senses, everything seems to happen in slow motion as your find that a human man holds a cocky smile on his face while pointing a gun towards your lover.You're eyes widen at the sight.

It's all about to become a reality.

You think swiftly and shouts at the human."skxqwng!", this catches the humans attention quickly, the human changes his attention from Neteyam to you.You spray the last remaining bullets towards the human before jumping to safety.

As you crash towards the floor, covered behind a metal wall, Pain is all that is felt within your right shoulder.Blood gushes out of it like a river.You close your eyes hoping to calm your nerves.Never in your life have you ever had to experience something as painful as this.

In the distance you hear your lover shouts "Jump now!".Soon after you hear foot steps nearing close to you then more gun shots before all that is heard is silence.You no longer have the strength to look towards who is nearing towards you.A loud clash is heard-Neteyam drops his weapon before dropping to your side."My sweet girl, what are you doing here?" He sighs before pulling you into a tight hug.

Neteyam pulls away before examining you,"Are you hurt anywhere else" Neteyam rips off a small section of his Loincloth before wrapping it around your cut tightly, preventing you from loosing any more blood.Neteyam tightens the cloth before moving some of your stray hairs from your face."Let's keep moving, okay?" Neteyam tells you sweetly, not wanting to stay in such a dangerous place any longer.Neteyam doesn't bother checking if you can walk or not, instead he pulls you into his arms and begins running off while calling to his Ilu.

Soon enough both you and Neteyam are on his Ilu, escaping the dangerous territory,"Y/n, what were you thinking, following us?" Neteyam whispers to you.You chuckle hearlty,"saving your ass" you say before coughing lightly.The longer and longer you wait the more intense the pain becomes.Your rest you head on Neteyam's chest while he takes you back to safely."We are nearly there, just a bit-"You're head begins to pound and you vision fails you, slowly your eyes shut tightly.

 *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*

You wake up in a marui.As your eyes flutter open, the first thing you notice is a warm hand placed upon your right shoulder, right above your cut.As you turn your head to the side you see Neteyam's body crouched on the floor while his head dips down past his shoulders.

The pain you once felt has now died down and you no longer feel as much pain as you did before.Slowly you pulls yourself up, bones aching as you do so.Once you are sat up straight you lay your back on the wall behind you.The sudden movement causes Neteyam to awake from his slumber immediately.His wide eyes look towards yours before they soften,"My Y/n... how you feeling?" He whispers before moving closer to you.One of his hands go towards your cheek stroking it gently while his other go towards your thigh, squeezing it lightly.You melt in his touch,"I'm alright Neteyam" you sigh slightly.

You're mind travel back to the fight beforehand,"What happened, is everyone okay?" You question him worryingly."Don't worry, everyone is okay.We won the battle"Neteyam tells you reassuringly.Both you and Neteyam stay in each other's embrace a while longer before Neteyam tells you "It time you eat my love" he whispers to you before pulling out a bowl of food for you.

Both you and Neteyam eat together in peace while you both lean on each other for support.You're tired eyes drift over Neteyam's body, inspecting every scar and cut he earned from the battle.Deep down you are glad that you are the one who got shot not Neteyam, you aren't sure what you would have done if it was him instead.

"Anyways, How is Tsireya?" You ask him worried for her sake.You have known your little sister for your whole life and you two are fairly close, Tsireya is most likely rattled by the whole battle.Seeing her captured on the ship beforehand, hurts you deep down."Don't worry she is perfectly okay, Lo'ak was taking care of her" Neteyam smiles at the thought.You giggle,"They are getting pretty close" you tell him.Neteyam hums.

Suddenly, you're mother walks into the room eyeing you both before her eyes soften slightly.Neteyam looks between you and your mother nervously before standing up abruptly,"I'll leave " he mutters before walking out quickly.You really wish Neteyam wouldn't leave you alone with your mother right now.

Slowly you mother crouches down beside you and grabs your arms, inspecting your injured arm.You say nothing."You are healing well my child" she says blandly before she pauses.An eery silence is all that is heard before your mother clears her throat."I was wrong" She says quietly.You're eyes widen at her statement, what did she mean?."It seems at though that forest boy truly cares about you, he stayed with you this whole time, not leaving you once." She tells you.Your heart warms at the thought, you had no idea Neteyam stayed by your side this whole time."He is a good match for you"She finishes off.You whip your head to your mother, shock takes over you."Really?" You ask, not fully believing her.She nods at you.A small smile appears on your face."I'm proud of you my child, you did well" she tells you before you pulls you in for a hug.Wrapping your arms around mother, a small tear escapes from your eyes.It felt good, hearing those words from your mother.

   *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*

Neteyam comes back around mid-day to come talk to you because he apparently "missed you".Neteyam knocks on you're window once again, unsure if your parents are okay with him just yet.Knock,Knock,Knock.Suspiciously you peer out the window only to find your lover."Neteyam!" You exclaim happily.You swiftly jump out before hugging him.

As you two walk down the path hand in hand Neteyam jokingly states,"This reminds me of the night before" a cocky smile appearing on his face.You hit his chest lightly at his comment which causes him to laugh out even louder."You know one of these days you will have to go through with the mating ceremony but I guess we have already done half of it " you giggle slightly.

"What are your rituals like anyways?"he curiously asks.You tell him "since we have always done half of it all that is left is a family gathering then another small festival".Both you and Neteyam would wear special outfits.You begin to get excited,eyes glimmering slightly.Neteyam is in awe, how can you look so beautiful?.


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