Chapter 1-new arrivals

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Your eyes drift towards your twiddling fingers as you skilfully weave together a new fruit basket for you to use for your daily chores.This basket has only just began but you know in advance how long you are going to spend on it which causes you to furrow your brows in annoyance.A soft sigh leaves past your lips as you begin to drift your eyes toward the small window by your left side, a soft cool breeze causes your eyes to flutter slightly. Looking down toward your Na'vi people , they begin to crowd at the front of the bay near the ocean, looking confused and rather intrigued.As you sit up straight to get a better look outside you notice a group of Na'vi in the far distance riding what seems to be Ikran. You've head a lot of stories about Ikran and secretly have always wanted to ride one when you were younger-One of your many dreams you had as a young child.As the Olo'eyktan's eldest daughter -second twin of the oldest son-it is your duty to make sure that everything is orderly while your parents are not around.You swiftly make your way towards the growing crowd; push your way through the crown before eyeing the situation."Mawey, Na'viya! Mawey!'',"calm people calm!" you shout.Soon after your twin brother Ao'nung pushes through the crowd, his eyes quickly shift to a more squinted appearance, he seems to have doubts about the intentions of these new Na'vi folks.

Your eyes begin to drift between each member of what looks like a nice looking family.You first look at a young looking child who is clinging tightly to her fathers side-poor child you think, next you look upwards at the father who has a very stern look on his face-eyebrows permanently furrowed in nervousness.Beside the father you notice the mother who has a scarred look on her face. lastly you look towards all three of the siblings, one female girl(around the same age as you),one younger looking brother and one older looking brothers your eyes drift towards the oldest you realise his eyes are already on yours.Confused you don't contemplate it too much instead look toward you twin who has decided to make his way towards the whole family with a huge smirk plastered on his face along with his 'gang' members, just from the look on his face you can tell already what disaster is about to occur."what is that?,is that meant to be a tail?" many laughter erupt from his friend group, although it is true their families skin is a much more warm tone of blue and their eyes glow a yellow-amber colour; their tails and arms are not well adapted to the terrain it is no reason to bully them. You notice the younger brother's attention quickly sift towards your younger sister with an adored look on his face; completely ignoring your brother's comment, his eyebrows quickly rise while his pupil's slightly increasing in size.He clearly has some sort of attraction to your younger sister-Tsireya. Tsireya gently scolds her brother for being unwelcoming towards the new comers.As you giggle at the scolding you realise that your parents still have not arrived, your thoughts are soon dispersed as you see your father flying his brightly coloured skimwing towards the crowd.

As both your parents make their way to the front of the crowd to see what exactly is going on they are met with unfamiliar faces.Their father begins by saying "I see you" and moving his hand towards his forehead as a sign of respect for both my parents , this encourages the rest of his family to follow in suit."I see you Jake sully".we seek uturu" their father raises both his arms indicating refuge for the of whole his family. " sanctuary for my family" he finally says which causes my mother to repeat 'uturu' in disbelief, she swiftly looks towards my father in shock.while my father says "we are reef people, you are forest people , your skills will mean nothing here" ronal makes her way towards their family, slowly circling them."we will learn your ways, alright?", Tonowari-my father still doesn't seem convinced by the idea entirely, looking downwards to debate the best course of action.Now that I think off it their bodies are not well adapted to the sea way of life, I have many doubts about their comfortability here.My mother makes her way towards the teenage girl before grabbing her tail harshly and stating "their arms are thin!"; as the girl pulls away from my mother's grasp in shock , my mother then grabs both her thin arms , pulling them upwards for the crowd to see and declares"their arms are weak, they will be slow in the water".She then states "they are not even true Na'vi people!",this cause the girl to fight back and say"yes we are!"-looking towards the crown worry-ness upon her face.This caused the crowd to gasp.My mother was still not finished she then walks towards the younger brother and grab his left arm , holding it high in the air for everyone to watch and behold; he doesn't bother to retaliate , instead opting to look down towards the sand however his older brother seems to have an completely opposite reaction by instead looking almost offended by my mother's actions but doesn't say anything.You did notice that it seems like only Jake Sully ,the girl and the younger brother brother have five fingers while the rest have a normal amount of fingers(four)"they have demon blood!".You cringe at your mother's brash-fulness but none the less you understand the intentions behind her actions- to protect her people, some day you will have to do the same.

The whole conundrum causes Jake Sully to yell "look, look!, I was born with the sky people and now I am Na'vi we can adapt ,we will adapt, okay!".He looks towards his family in reassurance.The mother swiftly jumps into the conversation by stating "My mate is Toruk Makto,he brought our clans to victory against the sky people"-She looks up proudly."this you call victory? hiding among strangers ?", Neytiri looks down to the floor due to her response."It turns out Eywa has turned your back on you, chosen one" both woman begin to hiss at each other . in an attempt to calm down the situation and his mate he says "I apologise for my mate she flown a long way and she's exghusted ".Jake sully eyes his mate signalling her to calm down,To which she reluctantly agrees to.

"Toruk Makto is a great warrior for his na'vi people but we are Metkayina are not at war,we cannot let you bring your war here" My father looks at Jake sully sorrowfully who is now holding his youngest daughter in his arms.My father has always been a thoughtful person, always trying to bring the best for everyone."I'm done with war,I just want to keep my family safe" Jake Sully says truthfully."uturu" has been asked says the older woman while looking down.My father turns his back to the Sully family for a second to silently debate with my mother who still seems reluctant to allow these new comers to stay in our home, however you eventually agrees with my father and slightly bows her head as a sign of acceptance."Toruk Maktro and his family will stay with us, treat them as our brothers and sisters but they do not know the sea so they will be like babies taking their first steps teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless" My father says all this sternly ,almost as a warning to the Sully family-'do not betray our trust'."what do we say ? " says Jake Sully ,everyone says thank you in response.My father says "all three of my children will show you to your pod and teach you our ways " Ao'nung and you both say "But father-", before you two can finish your sentence, you father says "Enough y/n and Ao'nung , now go ! " You look just as disappointed as Ao'nung and look grumply towards the Sully family once more before noticing the older son looking towards you again, you swiftly turn away and lead the whole family towards their family pod "please follow me " you say gently ,beckoning the family to follow in suit.You bow your head a little before walking ahead while ao'nung slumps his back while Tsireya has a small smile on her face.

Once you reach their allocated family pod , you and your siblings wait a bit further away from their pod to give them some sort off privacy.Although you can here bits and peaces about how their family needs to 'fit in' and 'pull their weight'.While you wait you completely ignore your twins complaints and instead think of how your life just got more interesting.



1567 words

hello everyone!I know that this chapter isn't too interesting but I promise it will definitely get much better in the future.Just a heads up there will be many chapters and interactions between neteyam and y/n just before the 'war chapter' as the Sully family actually spend 2-3 months in the metkayina clan before any actual war happens and for neteyam death chapter there will be two outcomes for you guys too chose one for the actual death and the one he doesn't acc die :) so don't come after me guys !!!

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