Alternative Ending-Left all alone

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Once you are brought back to your senses, everything seems to happen in slow motion as your find that a human man holds a cocky smile on his face while pointing a gun towards your lover.You're eyes widen at the sight.

It's all about to become a reality.

You turn towards Neteyam as quickly as you can, it hopes you can stop the bullet."Neteyam!"You scream as loud as you possibly can yet it doesn't change the ultimate outcome.The bullet rips through Neteyam's chest before he drops into the water along side Lo'ak and Spider.Deep red blood spews out into the water, leaking from Neteyam's chest.Swiftly you jump after him,"My Love!" You scream after him.

You wrap your arms around Neteyam body before pushing your hand over him wound, trying to stop the blood for pouring even more."It's okay I got you" you say re-assuringly yet deep down you don't feel any hope.

Everyone swims towards a huge rock is the water before everyone helps to pull his body onto the rock gently, making sure to securely hold his head.Lo'ak screams,"Dad it's Neteyam, he's been shot!"Your heart thrums against your chest, hearing Lo'ak words.Neteyam's eyes scrunch up in pain, he coughs lightly."Hurts so bad" he whispers.Your eyebrows scrunch at his words, unsure at what to do.

Your whole life you have been training to heal people, to become a great Tsa'hik yet here you are staring down at your lovers pained look and unable to do anything to help him.He's always been there for you so why is it that you are unable to help him back?.

Jake Sully and Neytiri land on the rock,"Ma Neteyam" Neytiri falls to her knees."Stop the bleeding!" Jake Sully tells Lo'ak to which he complies.

Neteyam's closes his eyes for a brief second before they travel to yours.Slowly his moves his hand to yours, holding it tightly in his hands."Listen to me Y/n, there isn't much time left" Neteyam sighs out.Your eyes widen at his words,"No, No, No there is still time" you say almost trying to convince yourself."Please listen" he sighs once more.

"You know I love you right? I see you.I always have and I always will" Neteyam looks into your eyes."But I need you to live your life without me now" Neteyam's eyes fill up with sorrow.Tears gush out of your eyes"Neteyam I love you too but you can't ask this of me" you choke back on your sobs.Neteyam's hands go to reach up to your cheeks, wiping your tears."It's okay my love" Neteyam chokes out.

Neteyam's eyes travel towards his parents and siblings before he begins choking uncontrollably-It's time."I want to go home" as he said this Neteyam's pupils dilate before his breathing stops all together.You no longer feel soft heart beat thrumming in his chest.It feels almost as if all his warmth is being sucked out of his body.Why did it have to go this way?.

Neytiri screams"No Neteyam" screams and crush erupt from his family.You sit there holding his hand in yours, unmoving.Your heart feels as though it is being broken in two."Neteyam... Don't leave me" you whisper sadly.

 *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*

The village hasn't been the same since the war, many families have lost everything.You have lost everything too.You lost your lover, your family's trust, your title as the future Tsa'hik and a future you were so dearly excited about.You wanted to be-able to grow up with Neteyam, maybe have a few children and become a great Tsa'hik along side your mate,Neteyam but now it's all just a dream.

You  walk around your village alone, wandering the streets looking for anyone who may need healing or help.However you no longer feel any joy as you once did when you would normally still the streets.It's been a week since Neteyam's death and his funeral is happening today.

It seems as though no one is in need of help so you walk home solemnly.You eventually reach home and walk through the doorway, completely ignoring your parents.It's not as though they care too much anyways.The first thing you notice as you walk into your bedroom is the straw flower Neteyam made for you the first time he hung out with you.Then you notice Neteyam's necklace you had made for him as a gift, you wore both his necklace he gave you and the Necklace you had made for him in memory of him.A small tear drop escapes from your eyes before Ao'nung interrupts.

"How are you doing Y/n?" He asks cautiously.You sigh before saying,"I'm okay" you whisper.Ao'nung doesn't bother saying anything more and instead pulls you into a hug,"It will all be alright" he whispers.

After the small hug session, Ao'nung leads you out of the marui and leads you towards the funeral site.The Sully family and both your parents are already at the site, each of their expressions hold a sorrowful look.You stand beside your younger sister who is trying to hold her tears back from spilling.You snake your hands around Tsireya's hand to which you holds yours tightly.

Soon after Jake Sully and Neytiri emerge from the water with Neteyam's body wrapped up in a few ropes which hold is body tightly in shape.You can't bare to look at the sight of him, he looks so lifeless, nothing like the Neteyam you once knew.

Your parents start the ceremony quickly before Neteyam's parents submerge into the water and pull Neteyam along side them.By now tears are streaming down your face.Swiftly you pull yourself under the water to get one last look at your lover before you will never get the change again.

Neteyam is slowly dragged to the sea bed before his parents say their last good bye and allow him to be submerged by it, if you were honest it would be a beautiful sight if it weren't for the fact that this was Neteyam funeral.You choke back on sobs, you can no longer bare to look at the sight and pull up from the water and look towards the sky instead hoping this will stop the tears from streaming down your face.

This was it, Neteyam is truly gone now.

 *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*

It's been a week since the funeral and you spend most of your time alone in your room, from time to time you visit the beach especially the spot you and Neteyam frequented.You sit alone on a large rock and support yourself with your arms wrapped around your body to keep you warm.After a few moments you see a small bird, it chirps softly before it jumps closer to you."Neteyam look how cute it is!" You exclaim before you quickly quiet down, realisation takes over you-Neteyam isn't here to hear you right now.

You begin to sob again, burring you head into your knees,"Neteyam" you whisper almost chanting out , in hopes he will suddenly appear by your side to comfort you like he always does.Tsireya appears by your side instead, pulling you into her arms,"My dear sister" you whispers while soothing at hand over your back."Maybe we should go to the spirit tree, you can say one last goodbye to him" you try's telling you.Briefly you think about the idea before you stand up along side you sister."okay let's do this" you say before you both jump on your Ilu's and swim towards the spirit tree.

It doesn't take much time before you both reach the spirit tree.Tsireya leads you under the water before you urges you to connect your queue to the tree to which you comply quickly, hoping you can see Neteyam.Your pupil dilate before you close you eyes softly.

When you open your eyes once more you are met with the sight of the beach you were at moments before, how is it possible?.You eyes wander around you,"Hello?" You question before you are met with your lover running up to you."My love, I thought we were going to wait for each other at the path" you speaks.Your eyes widen before you quickly jump into Neteyam's arms.He stumbles back slightly before he chuckles,"I see you missed me " Neteyam laughs out.Your eyes water slightly at his words,"Woah I didn't know you missed me this much" you whisper before he brings his thumbs to your eyes, wiping them gently.

Neteyam pulls you into his arms,"Have I ever told you how prettt you look?" He asks adoringly, you look up at him before he quickly places a kiss to your forehead and nose,"So pretty" he mumbles out."I'll always be there for you" he tells you before everything fades and you are now back in the ocean next to the spirit tree.

How you wish everything was back to normal.


1518 words
Just a reminder this isn't part of the story line,just an alternative chapter for fun
Hope you enjoy!

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