Chapter 2-Baby steps

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While your siblings wait you decide it would be a good idea to discuss what to show and teach the new comers first,"I believe showing them the cove would be the best idea right now, maybe letting them explore a little might bring  their spirit up ".This causes your little sister to look down, pity written all over her face,"mother was hash on them..."she barely whispered out .You knew Tsireya to be a gentle Na'vi ,caring for all those around her despite having no real reason to; it is why everyone always loved her so much.It also meant growing up you and Ao'nung would always have to protect your little sister from any harm or any sadness.You rest your hand on her shoulder in attempt to distract her from the sadness, hoping for Ao'nung's input however it seemed that Ao'nung was too busy burning holes into the sully family's pod-obviously not happy with fathers decision to force him to teach them.

Soon after the Sully siblings walked out together with the oldest sibling walking out in front of them all.As the sully family make their way towards yourself and your two siblings ,you notice Ao'nung staring daggers towards them  which was causing the youngest child to hold onto her older brothers hand, obviously scared; eyebrows furrowed in worry.Elbowing your twin before slightly bowing to them all "Just before we start , I want to apologise for my mothers brash-fullness, she can be very harsh when she is feeling protective and I hope that this doesn't give you second thoughts about our family and clan"-You smile softly at them, hoping it will make them feel better.The oldest brother steps forward and utters that "it is perfectly fine, we all understand".smiling softly back at you.clearing your throat you begin by saying"I hope we can all get along, my name is [y/n],this is Tsireya"-eyes fluttering towards the younger brother's reaction who seems to not be-able to tear his eyes away from your younger sister."and this is my knucklehead of a brother, Ao'nung".He rolls his eyes at you exaggeratedly which causes you to chuckle at his reaction. Neteyam thought he could see the way your eyes would glimmer whenever you smiled brightly like that-he hoped to see it again.The youngest quickly ran up close to you and began to introduce her whole family"I'm Tuktirey but you can call me Tuk" she exclaimed happily,"This is kiri, my big sister, she always sarcastic don't worry tho it doesn't meant she doesn't like you!"."This is Lo'ak,He's the trouble maker in the family and this is Neteyam"She pointed towards the younger brother than sifting towards the older brother next before saying "He's the one who has been giving you goo-goo eyes " she giggles loudly.The last part of the sentence cause both you and Neteyam off guard;His eyes widened at at his younger she crazy? he thought."WHA-, that isn't true ,don't worry she us just messing around " he shouted worriedly.His reaction caused the whole group to snigger, causing his cheeks to heat up; he looked down hoping to calm himself down.

Moments later Ao'nung decides to lead everyone towards the cove in hopes this training will end quickly; on the way he sees his friend Rotxo to which he beckons him over to join .For a majority of the walk towards the cove , they stayed on a path close to the outskirts of the island , to which there were many palm trees with different fruit he has never seen before  hanging from each tree branch.Many he hoped he would get to try one day.As the day began to become brighter he noticed a lot of children diving into the ocean happily,fisherman readying their small fishermen boats ,older woman sitting upon small cliff-tops-Every thing here was so tranquil and pleasant and certainly more peaceful than what his home was previously. Neteyam's eyes drift to his brother-He's been awfully quiet this whole trip which was unusual for him since he is normally the trouble maker,Although Neteyam understood completely as to why he was so quiet-He was too busy taking in y/n's little sisters features.He then looks toward Tuk who is happily skipping while holding y/n's hand, they both truly looked like they were having fun with whatever they seemed to be talking about.Soon after they finally reached the cove,Before Neteyam could say anything he saw y/n usher them all to jump in the water before she and her two other siblings dived in too.Him and Lo'ak followed in suit ,unfortunately not jumping in as gracefully as the others.

When the Sully family first jump in , it is Kiri and Tuk who are first to admire the scenery while Lo'ak and Neteyam are more worried about staying afloat in a upright position. Neteyam's eyes wander his surrounding ,not fully believe that something as beautiful as what he is seeing is actually right in front of him.Millions of vibrant coloured corals surround him , next he notices the dozens of fish that seem to travel in groups; As his eyes begin to travel downwards he sees seaweed cover the bed floor, swaying along with the seas current.Everything was just utterly amazing.Soon after the three siblings begin to move their hands oddly-not knowing it was actually a way to communicate with them under the water-Ao'nung's eyebrows furrow not realising that they don't understand what they are saying however both y/n and Tsireya quickly realise and instead move their hands in a way that they are more likely to understand.Before they can actually follow the three siblings both Sully brother suddenly swim up for air .Confused,Y/n signs towards Ao'nung "what are they doing?".Everyone rises to the surface,"come on guys, slow down!" Tuk whines before Y/n can say anything Ao'nung interrupts by chuckling "you guys are not good divers, maybe at swinging in trees-" Just before he finishes his sentence both you and Tsireya smack his head gently to which he rolls his eyes dramatically. Tsireya states"Just Breathe". Neteyam remarks"We don't speak this finger talk you guys speak".As you swim towards him you place your hand on his shoulder in reassurance,"let's try riding Ilu instead" you smile gently.

Everyone makes their way towards a more shallow part of the cove. Ao'nung sounds his animal call to which many Ilu make their way towards him , surrounding him."These are Ilu, if you want to live here you must learn to ride" he states plainly.Tsireya brings it upon herself to go help Lo'ak so you decide to go help Neteyam"here, I think this will be the perfect one for you"you grab his arm gently ,dragging him towards one of the Ilu."start by climbing on making sure to grab on here"you point towards the small perch for his hands."you then wrap this rope around you arm tightly ,making sure its secure so you don't fall off".The whole time you instruct him , he is able to closely observe you and see how pretty your eyes look with the sun hitting them and how your small smile never seems to falter.Your eyes drift towards his own golden ones"now make the bond".He grabs his braid that's lays on his back, he connects  his queue as instructed and begins to feel the entire presence of the ilu.If he was honest he was  extremely nervous and didn't want to embarrass himself in front of y/n, he has ridden his Ikran many time so hopefully its not so different he hopes.He internally commands the Ilu to move forward underwater however soon after the Ilu took off , Neteyam lost his grip on the Ilu and fell off.Ao'nung was watching the whole situation and began to laugh loudly about it with rotxo who also seemed to find it extremely funny.You'd like to remind him of his first time riding an ilu but these otherwise , instead to go after Neteyam .Once you reach Neteyam the first thing he announces "That was a fluke, ill be able to do it next time!" to which you both laugh in response"not so fast" you laugh out.Throughout the day-Till lunch time-You and Neteyam keep practicing and eventually he was able to ride his Ilu perfectly, almost as if he has been doing it his entire time.The whole of the sully family was able to ride their Ilu's , you couldn't be prouder.

Just before you allow Neteyam to walk back to his family for lunch you grab his hand gently bringing it in-front of your face as a sign of asking for a favour.You look down shyly ,not believing your giving into your childish temptations"could you perhaps let me ride your Ikran with you ?"He looked as you shocked, you took this as him considering to reject you so you involitavly began rambling"I've always loved Ikran as a child and I still dream of it , but of course if you count want to I understand,dont worr-",Neteyam stopped you from all your rambling , smiling down at you fondly"of course, I'd love to, perhaps tomorrow after our training again I can take you".You looked up at him happily, tightening your grip his hand"thank you!,Thank you so much!' you smiled brightly at him.



1559 words

His everyone, hopefully this chapter is a bit better than the last one , since that was more of an quite excited for next chapter as it will be more of just Neteyam and y/n.

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