Chapter 18-Mother

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As the sun begins to dim you and Neteyam both huddle up together just enjoying each others presence.Neteyam's tail secretly wraps around your causing you to giggle slightly.Ronal- your mother is walking by trying to go back home until she stops dead in her tracks.Both her eyes widen at the sight of you and Neteyam together.Anger spreads all across her body.She swiftly stomps over to you both screaming your name as she does so.You flitch at the call of your name.As you turn around slowly your body becomes frozen; a cold sweat dropping down your spine.Your mother harshly grabs your arm and drags you away from Neteyam who is holding a shocked look on his face.

Once you got home your mother went on a rampage, screaming constantly at you while your father watched the whole scene."I knew it ! This whole time you've been lying to your mother do you feel good about yourself ? Huh?" She screams once more.You hung your head in shame, ears drooping slightly at the scolding.Both your siblings watch the whole commotion from outside the room trying their best not to interfere or get caught.Your father doesn't say anything for awhile allowing your mother to finish what she is saying.Each time she speaks you try your best to tell her your perspective yet she doesn't let up for even a second.Everything felt suffocating."What were you going to elope ? Leave your duty as the next clan leader ?", she screams once more."Mother please, we love each other and he is a strong warrior he would make an amazing clan leader!".Your mothers face contorts into disgust."He is but a lowly forest boy, what make you think he could be anything more than a refugee "Her voice increasing getting more condesening with each word she spits out.Your patience was running thin, you begun to shout back at her, trying your best to speak your side yet she doesn't bother to listen.Before you can scream back at her, your father stands up abruptly"Enough!" His voice booms throughout the room. Your spine shivers, a cold sweat running down your forehead."You listen to me daughter, you will stay in your room , all contact with this forest boy will be cut off and you will no longer have the opportunity to go out in the reef until you understand your duties and where your priorities lie" Your eyes widen at his words.You can no longer see Neteyam ? Ever?.

No more words are exchanged and you walk into your room and cry, cry your eyes out until you can no longer.Your curled up on the floor on you bed mat.Eventually both your siblings walk into the room.Tsireya is first to speak"Y/n, all will be alright", Ao'nung then crouches down offering a hug to which you practically jump in his arms.He is always been an ass but there has been times where he truly was a good brother. His hold on you tightens while Tsireya strokes you back and hair gently. Both siblings look at each other clearing upset because of their sisters disparity.You end up falling asleep in your siblings arms clearing tired will all the crying. Both siblings tuck you in bed and go off to their own room.

The next day soon arises and you are still in bed, curled up in the same spot you were previously in the night before.Eyes burning due to all the tears.Before Ao'nung heads out he grabs a plate for you breakfast and places it next to you.He places his hand on your shoulder before saying"im going out, ill be home soon so please do try eat something sister".You don't respond, instead shrugging him off.Ao'nung's eyes drift off to your face, particularly your eyes.It hurts him truly to see you in this condition.Instead of going straight to complete his chores he takes a quick detour to go find Neteyam.

Once he finally reaches he notices the whole gang is together yet Neteyam's face is contorted in worry.Ao'nung clears his throat slightly causing Neteyam to jump slightly before he jumps up quickly grabbing Ao'nung's shoulder"Where is she?Where is Y/n?" despair written all over Neteyam's face.Ao'nung leads Neteyam down the beach telling him about everything that had happened."I've never seen her like this..." Ao'nung whispers sorrowfully.Neteyam was silent the whole time while Ao'nung spoke- he had no idea what to think.

Eclipse falls, Neteyam knows deep down this could get you in more trouble but he needs to see you and see if you are okay.Its around the middle of the eclipse.Once he reaches your room he knocks on your window from outside gently.This caused you to flitch at the noice, what could be making that sound so late in the night?.You raise you head slowly peering through the window.You eyes widen before you."Neteyam?, what are you doing here?" a sheepish smile appears on his face.You usher him into your room through the window before Neteyam pulls you into a tight hug, placing his head in the crock of your neck.He pulls back gently to place a kiss at your cheek before placing another one on your forehead." How's my favorite girl doing?" He whispers causing you to giggle.You drop your head down, laying it on his chest" I don't know what to do Neteyam, my parents are forbidding me to leave this room, I can't even see you anymore" You wanted to scream, how could your parents be so inconsiderate?.Neteyam places a hand on your head to smoothen your hair down and his other arm pulling you in close to him.Neteyam stays with you for the majority of the night before leaving to return back home.He knew that he'd be extremely tired and groggy tomorrow but what other choice did he have?.

He hated seeing you like this but he didn't know what to do.



1031 words

sorry for late post, I'm currently sick and the Uk's weather is really not helping.
Also I love how I've chosen all maths based subjects yet here I am writing a story lmao
-isn't much fluff here next chapter there will deffo be some

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