Chapter 24-"Yes"

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"Neteyam that's a big step, are you sure that is really what you want?" You ask him nervously.Neteyam's eyes drift towards your now nervous ones."Of course this is what I want, you are the only one I want" you grabs your arms gently."What if we mate and one day you begin to grow tired of me, you can't just get up and chose a new mate. Is this something you really want? "You begin to grow insecure, worried that one day Neteyam will change his mind about you.

"The moment I saw you , I already knew who I wanted as my mate" He move his hand so that he is now holding yours"I will chose you in a every life, in every universe and in every world, don't ever forget that" He places a small kiss to your forehead."What do you say Y/n? Will you be my mate?" His eyes glimmer with hope.

Your eyes widen at his statement, did he really mean all that?.Even your spirit sister told you to fight for your love so why hesitate?."Yes, I'll be your mate if you'll take me to be yours " you smile up at him.Neteyam suddenly grabs you and spins you in the air"Of course I will" his smile grows wider by the minute.

"I'll come to get you at the same time as usual okay ?" You nods at him before pulling him into a quick hug before rushing off to your pod.You aren't trying to get in trouble especially not today.

Upon your arrival you notice a luxury of different foods and deserts places on the dinner table.Although your mouth was practically watering at the sight, you wondered what special occasion there could be.You walk towards the dinner table but before you can take a seat your mother walks up behind you."Hello daughter" She as an  smile places upon her face, very unusual for her.You greet your mother back before she says"Bakteyo will be having dinner with us tonight, I expect you to be on your best behavior" Your eyes widen at her statement-You really didn't want to see his face at the moment.

In that moment Bakteyo walks through the front doorway with a cocky smile placed upon his face, his eyes drift towards your now utterly shocked ones.He winks at you before walking straight up to you" How have you been my dear Y/n" he puts on a face sweet voice in front of your parents.You scoff at him.

Everyone is ushered to the dinner table, Bakteyo follows behind you quickly and sits right next to you, making sure not to leave any space between the two of you.Unconsciously you lean away from him.You have dinner with family but you don't really bother talking much, just sort of day dreaming.You have a pretty sure that tonight you will mate tonight and you are nothing but excited
You are quickly taken out of your thoughts when you hear an obnoxious laugh coming from beside you.You decide to ignore him completely, not giving him the time of day.After all all your mind is fogged with the thought of Neteyam.

This seems to anger Bakteyo because the next this he does is reach his hand towards you thigh, this quickly grabs your attention but instead of making a scene you grab his hand roughly and push it off yourself.You think to yourself that if you were to make a scene, your parents would definitely never leave you alone and if you are going to meet Neteyam, you will need the alone time.Although you chose the more safer option you want nothing more than to expose this 'rat' to your parents, that will definitely teach him a lesson.

You scarf down the food (in a disgusting matter) to get Bakteyo to Leave you alone."I'm very tired I'm going to bed goodnight everyone" you put on a fake smile and rush into your bedroom.

You don't go to bed instead fiddling with your necklace, anticipating Neteyam's arrival.It was an hour after dinner and Neteyam had finally arrived.Neteyam arrives and knocks on your window gently like he has been doing for the past 2 weeks now.You jump to the window, scaring Neteyam a little, he laughs it off though.Neteyam helps you climb out your window and hold your hand leading you towards a mysterious location." Come on Neteyam, tell me where we are going" you ask him persistently.Instead of answering he just smiles at you " you will see when we get there, patience my love" .

As you both walk towards the destination hand in hand, Bakteyo is secretly watching the whole scene.unbeknownst to you both.

You both finally arrive at the scene, as you look around you notice all the beautiful coloured lights, many of them held a pink/purple hue to them.The was a large mat place onto the floor for you two to sit down.Neteyam sat down with you quietly, he fiddled with your hands, admiring how small your hands are compared to his."I- do you... now?" He stumbled out, a deep red spread across his face.You crawl yourself into his lap and take his cheeks into your hands " Yes" is all you say.

878 words
Okay question time how do you guys feel about smut (definitely a fluff one tho)
I wanted to do a bit of research but my thoughts were correct

This Means that Neteyam is an adult so I don't see any problem but either way I don't want this smut scene to be incredibly graphic (maybe in a future chapter) just because the chapter is more about the bonding and mating not smut:/ but what do yo...

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This Means that Neteyam is an adult so I don't see any problem but either way I don't want this smut scene to be incredibly graphic (maybe in a future chapter) just because the chapter is more about the bonding and mating not smut:/ but what do you guys think?

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