Chapter 25-Goodnights rest[SMUT]

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If you don't want to read any smut then please ignore this chapter, it doesn't change the story whatsoever.


Currently you are on Neteyam's lap, you place both your hand on his shoulders.Causing shivers down Neteyam's back.Each touch you give him leaves an burning after touch.Neteyam's eyes widen momentarily before he places both his hands on your waist gently, afraid you'll change your mind and push him off- he doesn't want to do anything that will scare or harm you.Your hands next go towards his cheeks before you slowly lean into his touch.Your eyes flutter shut while Neteyam finishes the kiss and hold you tightly against himself.Neteyam softly hums when you try to pull away almost whining at the lost of contact, he brings one hand to drag you right back into another kiss.As the kiss deepens you wrap your arms around his neck and pull yourself as close as you possibly can towards him.

The kiss quickly turns heated, sounds of heavy and desperate breathing can be heard from the both of you.Suddenly a rustle can be heard in the bushes, Neteyam pulls away to see where the noice came from, you pay no mind and instead mummer " continue" and pull him right back in.

After a long while Neteyam decides to part and instead attack your neck, you moan at the sudden contact.He starts by placing small butterfly kisses along your neck before he finds out your sensitive spot.He gently sucks at the one spot earning him a few soft moans from you."Neteyam..." you whisper out.Neteyam's grip on you tightens at hearing his name being called our from you so sweetly."Don't worry I'll take care of my sweet girl" he whispers back at you.

Neteyam slowly pushes you both down towards the mat and begins trailing soft kisses down your collar bone before he raises his head once more.He asks once more is this what you really want?", you nod at him " of course" a small smile appears on your face.You go to reach behind your back and pull your queue and gesture it towards him, he does the same.He looks into your eyes once more making sure this is what you truly want, yet he sees no doubt anywhere so he connects his queue to yours.

His pupils dilate and his heart beat increases rapidly, he can feel a tingly sensation all over his body.To make things more strange he can also feel the way your heart beats fast just like his and how you are feeling in this exact moment.You two are connected now.He doesn't mind this feeling anymore, if anything he craves for more.

He immediately goes down to trail kisses down to your stomach while he in unties your loincloth, both your hands travel down to Neteyam's shoulders gripping on gently.Embarrassment takes over you, " don't worry my love, no need to get shy on me now" he gives you a cocky smile.He buries his head in between your legs and gets to work quickly.He takes his time with you, making sure to take the time to notice what things you like and don't like.

He starts off slow, this causes you to shiver slightly as his slow movement.As he increases the speed, your breathing becomes more hectic.Moans begins to spew out of you, Neteyam relishes in the sounds your making.Soon enough you begin to unravel,"Neteyam wait too much, too much" you weren't used to this feeling, not sure what to do.Neteyam's grip on your thighs tighten" you're doing so good for me" he whispers praises to you.That was the final straw, you couldn't hold it in any longer.A load moan erupts from you.Small tears fall down your cheeks, as  Neteyam raises back up to see your face as you unravel, he brings his fingers to wipe your tears away.

Neteyam let's you cool down before he leans down to give another kiss to your neck,"Princess, I need you" he whines out softly into the crook of your neck.You pull Neteyam into a quick kiss before telling him " I'm ready" Your cheeks are tinted a red hue.Neteyam nods and unravels his own loincloth.As your eyes travel down his body you notice how unbearably hard he is right now.He eyebrows scrunch as he unties his loincloth.He makes his way towards you, gently touching the tip of himself to your entrance.Your eyes travel down" there is no way that is going to fit" you whisper shout at him.He smirks at you " don't worry it will, I'll be gentle" You hope so.

Neteyam slips himself in groaning at the feeling of you.He moves his head towards the crook of your neck before breathing harshly.He tries to go slowly but hearing your moans and feeling the vibration of them is sending him into a spiral.He doesn't think he can last much longer.Eventually he bottoms up before pausing to allow you to adjust yourself" you can move" you squeak out.

Neteyam grabs your thigh and pulls it upwards to allow him more space before he begins to move his hips as a slow pace.His heavy breathing and your moans are all that can be heard.Over time he increase his speed causing you to tightly grip at his shoulders, your mind grows numb." Neteyam" you chant like a song, this seems to eager Neteyam more before he increases his speed even more.

It's not long before both of you need to release."I'm so close" you moan out to Neteyam.His thrust become sloppy at both of you release at the same time."I love you , I love you, I love you " he chants back at you while he slowly comes down from his high.Before he goes limb, he turns you over so that you are now resting on his chest.He rests his head on the ground while his eyes travel over your tired out body.

Neteyam reaches over to his side and grabs an extra blanket he brought with him and pulls it over the both of you."Goodnight my love"

1009 words
I'm not sure but I may have been a bit explicit... anyways enjoy.

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