chapter 26-A Mothers Rage

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You wake up first and dreamily look into Neteyam's face, he's sound asleep and as he snores softy you remember the events from last night until you realise, it is not morning and you two haven't returned home yet.Both your parents would be furious.You shake Neteyam awake "Neteyam, my love, wake up" you whisper-shout at him.He slowly rises up and looks at your worried face confused, until he realises the same thing you have- You both supposed to be home by now.He looks up towards the sky and realises it's still early morning and there still might be a chance that they are still asleep.

Neteyam reaches beside himself and grabs both your clothes and helps you put it on quickly before he goes to put on his own clothes.He gives you a quick kiss on the forehead and grabs your hand and rushes back towards your homes.At some point you both reach a cross-section in the road, he tells you "go home quickly, we will see each other soon" as he said this he begins to rush off in the opposite direction towards his home.Once you reach home, you climb through your bedroom window, hoping no one will notice your late return home. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest, uneasiness takes over you as you place your head on the bedroom walls.You try to listen in to see wether anyone is awake yet.Unfortunately you hear soft murmuring coming from the main room in the pod.As you try to listen in more you notice It was a familiar voice-It was Bakteyo.

Suddenly, Ao'nung rushes into your room and tells you everything about what is going on."Y/n!, you're in big trouble" Ao'nung gasped."Our parents know everything about you and Neteyam" His eyebrows are creased as he said this.Both your eyes widen at his statement.Before you can say anything in return, you hear a loud shout from your father.His voice boomed through the whole pod, almost causing it to rattle.Slowly you emerge from your room, eyes trained towards the ground as you walked towards your parents.Your eyes drift towards Bakteyo's cocky one, he held a huge smile on his face.

"Y/n!, please tell me it isn't true!" You mother said sternly, while your father looked at you clearly disappointed."You've been sneaking out with that lowly forest boy, when we specifically said not to! You are the future of this clan" your mother's scream increasingly got louder."And you are so selfish that you only think of yourself " angry flowed out of her in waves of fury.You couldn't bring yourself to look your mother in the eye.Your father cleared his throat before he spoke"You are to be mated to Bakteyo tomorrow night, following our clans rituals", Eyes widening at his statement-It was too late now.

There was no point in hiding it now, "forgive me but it is all too late now" you muttered out; eyes trained towards the floor, afraid of your parents reaction."What do you mean by this daughter?" Your father asked, you looked up at your father"I am already mated".Suddenly a harsh slap is delivered to your face, you take a step back due to the impact.Both your eyes are widened-Your own mother slapped you.

A pain full sting was left behind both on your cheek and your heart."does my happiness not matter?" You asked sorrowfully."We both have the same feelings for each other than why does anything else matter" your voice trembled slightly, you have never stood against your parents before."I may be the future Tsa'hik, but I am also a living person, why should I force myself to mate with someone like him" you pointed at Bakteyo angrily, "At least I care about my clan, I train everyday and I go out everyday and help our clan in any way I can, I would sacrifice my life for our clan! So why is it that I can't at least choose who my mate it?" Tears begin to brim at the corners of your eyes.

Ever since you can remember you have always been your parents obedient daughter, your parents never had to worry about you unlike your twin because you never complained, you always grit down when things get hard and never ask for help because you were afraid of you asked for help your parents would think less of you.As the eldest it is your job to be absolutely perfect; now that your standing here in-front of your parents, standing up for your love, you don't know what to do with yourself.It will all be worth it if you can be with Neteyam right? As long as he is by your side nothing else should matter.

Your mother turns away from you, placing her hand on her forehead as some sort of prayer.Your father is quiet, everything is too silent for your liking.Bakteyo on the other hand is standing back dumbfounded, unsure of what to do.Suddenly your mother turns back around"Go!" She screams at you, clearly there is no room for negotiation.You turn around with tears in your eyes, as you walk out of the hut you hear a small thud as you turn around you see your mother on the floor with your father cradling your mother tightly, both his eyes are shut tight.

Why did this all have to be so difficult? You asked yourself as your walked down the path towards the beach, you walked towards yours and Neteyam's spot.As you wrap your arms around your body, you realise your parents may never look at you the same way ever again.Just the thought caused great pain within you.

You remember all the times when you were younger; when things were easier.

"Mother!, Mother! Look what I found" A smaller version of you ran towards your mother with a huge smile placed upon your featured.You slowly out-Stretched your tiny hands towards your mother"Ta-da!" You shout-It was a small seashell it was your mother's favourite colour.A deep orange colour with hints of blue spouted around the edges"My, My what a beautiful seashell, just as beautiful as the girl who gave it to me!"Your mother has picked you up and gave you light tickles around your stomach, Loud giggles emitted from you.Both you and your mother sat in comfortable silence.

Suddenly you had asked your mother "What will my future mate be like?" You asked her with a hint of curiosity in your eyes.Her eyes drifted towards your bright ones"Who ever you wish my child, who ever makes you happy" she had pointed towards your heart with a small smile on her lips before she placed a kiss to your forehead.

1133 words
Sorry for late chapter, this isn't really a fluff chapter like at all but the next one will be more of a comfort chapter before war is announced.
I'm thinking of only doing 2 chapters for the war or maybe 1 and then there will be 3 different outcomes for the end arc
Either Neteyam dies, you die or you both live happily together, so everyone is happy:)

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